(25 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

I loathe pretty much everything about Wikia and Wikipedia isn't the right place for this sort of information.  I don't believe that where it's hosted has any bearing on how much support we will or will not get from the community; the people that are willing to spend their extra time putting this sort of thing together are more interested in getting the information out there for people to see and use than what's on the back end.

I think having an independent site actually helps our cause in getting Perpetuum listed on Wikipedia, based on the other thread.  The more sites or reviews there are that promote game, the more likely it is that Wikipedia will "take it seriously."


(17 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Niccolas Coen wrote:

maybe an idea to add all the info in this thread to the wiki article? http://foom.electric-mayhem.org/wiki/ev … ranslation

awesome work, made things easier to pick up for sure big_smile

I've been meaning to do just that, I just haven't had the time this week.  If someone else would like to step up and do it, I would love you long time.


(25 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Speaking for myself - maybe; RL > Perp, and RL has been keeping me busy enough recently that I've hardly had any time to actually play, recent server issues aside.  But I would like to see word of Perp get out more, so if I can I will.


(38 replies, posted in General discussion)

There is a map of teleport links on the wiki, but it's not that great.  It's just a grab of the in-game map without labels, since turning them on pretty much obscures everything else.  I'd like to see a nice, clean map with stations/outputs and teleports nicely labeled.  *hint hint*  big_smile


(25 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Since it's come up a few times in other threads: the FOOM wiki is intended to be a community resource to which anyone can contribute.  We host the site and have made a good start at posting useful information, but we only have so much time in the day (we want to play, too!).  Folks are welcome, nay encouraged!, to register and add to the wiki or fix errors.

(alternatively, you may submit changes via the Suggestions link on the wiki, or send me a PM here on the forums)


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

Minimum skills needed can be found for each bot at the FOOM wiki.  Alternatively, check out bigsteve's Perpetuum Fitting Tool - Continued... thread.


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

There is a list of extensions and all of the bots on the FOOM wiki.  I haven't added any module data, and I'm not sure how much will actually end up there; there will be an EWar section, for instance, but I don't plan to list every iteration of every weapon.


I'd love to have more guides and tutorials on the FOOM wiki, but only have so much time in the day.  People are more than welcome to PM me suggestions or content, or drop it in the suggestion box on the wiki.  Or, if you're really crazy and want to put stuff up directly, talk to me!

BeanBagKing wrote:

Someone mind taking a look at it for me?

Fixed!  Thanks for the catch.

I'm also adding the ammo data to the FOOM wiki; still waiting to get into the game to verify for small ammo and then add medium ammo... 

Thanks to those that compiled the existing info and made the pretty pictures, though!


(132 replies, posted in General discussion)

Neoxx wrote:

I put up a short list of eve to perpetuum translations in the eve channel, but another op (of the many) took it down. You all interested in a thread for such a purpose?  It would contain common eve terms and their perpetuum equivalent for easy game transitioning (ex: nano = lightweight frame).  Also, it would have other key differences like not being able to shoot in/of shields.  It would obviously be open to additions as I am not an eve player ( for longer than a few months a long time ago).

We (FOOM) have one on our forums that I've quickly tossed up on the wiki.  I'd love to see what you've put together and merge the two, since it sounds like yours has a bit more info (honestly, I think we put ours together two months ago and never went back to update it). 

If you're cool with that, you can either PM me or drop it in the suggestion box on the wiki.


(25 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Kazimir Casus wrote:

It would be helpful to specify who is editor in chief.

When someone finds a bug, it can send a PM to the editor, because there is no need to write in the forum.

Actually, I was planning on adding a suggestion box or something similar today, but failing that send them to me.