Topic: Perpetuum Fitting Tool - Continued..
I am going to continue this to the best of my ability, my Excel skill are average..
Use this spreadsheet to figure out which extensions to get to fit that gear you just got/want to get, or would like to know what gear you can use based on current extensions.
This works in conjunction with the Perpetuum Tools export function, its also has limited usage with Perpetuum Planner. Simply use the import button to import your planner extension data. Be Aware the Perpetuum planner is out of date and some extensions are obsolete and some are not in the program.
Perpetuum Fit Tool v2.05 - BETA (EXCEL Spreadsheet ONLY)
Perpetuum Fit Tool v2.06 - BETA - unprotected (EXCEL Spreadsheet ONLY)
Its in BETA as module/bot stats still need to be updated.. Please post any discrepancies in regard to this....
If you have any recommendations or requests for future versions, please post them in this thread. (An exe version or google docs post will not be made due to the complexity of this spreadsheet. Please note that this spreadsheet is protected and any modification is only possible with the authorization of myself.)
Excel and Macros
For this fitting tool to work properly, the Macro Security settings need to be changed, so that Macros can be run...
To do this.
For Office 2003
For Office 2007
For Office 2010