(10 replies, posted in Q & A)

And what about adding a skill that would allow to have multiple sparks, and switch at will (or with a timer, or a cost) between them?


(23 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Big +1 on the lack of PvE content and it's priority over player build structures and terraforming.

I really wish the devs try to cater what will become most of the playerbase -the carebears-, before trying to add more PvP options.

Gerrick wrote:

How would you suggest determining the tier of the kernel?

Number of kills made by the victim since its last PvP death?

(this is intended as a joke, due to the obviousness of the exploitability)

But yeah, an average of the equipped modules sounds nice.

Tawn wrote:

Do we really want the 0.01 isk wars of EvE?

I don't really find these really interesting, as most of the time the winner is the one who stay watching the market for the longest time.

I think the one to won these wars should be the one able to reduce the price the most, even if he can't stay connected for all his selling time.

I'd suggest a system of reverse auctions, for the sell orders: when putting a sell order, you put an actual selling price and a minimum price. If someone put a sell order with a minimum price higher than yours but lower than your actual selling price, your selling price is automatically adjusted to 0.01 NIC less than the other minimum price, effectively undercutting him. Think of a reverse ebay. This would automate most of those 0.01 NIC wars.

(and that suggestion would still work with a consequent fee to adjust your prices)


Annihilator wrote:

after then everything / standing bonus and i got it +/- 10 pcs due to rounded standing display. (that for heavy mechs, which need tons of mats)

If Hiro values were taken at constant reputation bonus, even accounting rounding, this doesn't work exactly. There is still something else.

For extension level 15, your formula gives 600/(1+15*2%) = 462, when his values give 458.

The formula Hiro was trying to check against was 600*(1-2%)^15 = 445. Which doesn't work either.

I agree these formula more or less work, but they can't be what's used in-game to compute the actual values. Or they have a lot of rounding during the computations.

This formula works for your values Hiro:
Cost = (Base Cost)*Product[(0.98+c*k), with k=0 to n-1]

With n the extension level and c approximately 0.003.

This can be reduced to c^n*Gamma(n+0.98/c)/Gamma(0.98/c).

But somehow I sooo don't believe this tongue

Nymeriaa wrote:

As a hardcore carebear I find most of the posts in this thread kind of disappointing. sad I just want to make beautiful robots, blowing them up seems a real waste

Do not worry PvP guys. I am an hardcore carebear too, and I absolutely love it when you blow up your precious mech in some futile epeen war. smile

(and by love, I mean my wallet loves it)

Jon Farmer wrote:

It is more like 14% live in the equivalent of Beta.

Thank you for the numbers. Assuming we have around 500 people connected on PO, we can expect 75 players on the beta island. Hence 25 per island.

The emptiness may be understandable.

Alyvian wrote:

if you need to spend 2/3 of your earnings you are doing it wrong.

I think it's safe to assume a new player will do it wrong.

Anyway, if I remember the numbers I've seen, for Eve it was only like 30% of the playerbase playing in what's equivalent to our beta island. And I don't think people will be more hardcore here than they are in Eve.

Annihilator wrote:

i can
and if you check the Q&A section of the forums, and take a close look at the topic titles there, perhaps you can find your simple error.

If you are refering to the factor 1/(1+bonus), it doesn't work here either.

Of course it works for small values of the bonus, but that's only because 1/(1+x) = 1-x + o(x) near 0...

My guess is that the successive ratio between the values is monotonously increasing (and that the local decreases you are observing are caused by the rounding errors).


Graphed, without the .98 constant term, and with a linear regression of the values:
I mean, we can see the rounding at work here tongue

Or you had something else in mind? (and I'm asking that because it's 2 AM here tongue)

Bastian Croft wrote:

PvP is its own reward.

Not rewarding enough to create an economy there, at the very least. I'm sorry but we need something more rewarding than PvP for its own sake.


(19 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

A link somewhere on the forum that would automatically search for all DEV posts.

Hourglass wrote:

I think that the only way to do this would be to allow one total respec up to 30 days after character creation.. and only one respec per account.

Could you explain why you think having a full and total respec before a month is the only solution?

Why would a slow and progressive respec option, as multiple people suggested earlier in this thread, not work?

Remember that what's worked for Eve isn't guaranteed to work here, as there is another player in the market. It's hard enough to convince a player to engage on a game where progression is based on subscription time, so if there are two of them, the new player may rather choose the bigger/older/more populated one.

In my opinion Perpetuum need to be different from Eve, and advertise these differences. And by different, I meant something more than WASD movement. Respec or increased EP for new players may be something really needed.

Also after the slow progression system, another thing that's putting a lot of players off is probably the multi-accounting. When I read that some people here had up to 6 accounts on Eve, I'm wondering if it's still worth playing PO with my single account. Try to imagine what effect it may have one someone checking the forums before subscribing? And unfortunately, I don't have any solution to this.

I've tried to sell ammo on the beta island, this basically doesn't work.

And no being able to buy any resources there doesn't help.

We need some very rewarding PvE there if we want players to come. And the market will follow, don't worry.


(2 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Is the one on Wikia the only one?

Its current state makes me a bit weary about editing it. I guess we need a real index page, pointing to empty categories so that people can more easily jump in to edit. Should I bother making them? Or is it too early yet?

BizzyBeast wrote:

Id agree with you if most of this ammo wasnt unproducable.

... and make all those ammo copiable, of course tongue


As an industrial player I strongly disagree with giving more ammo or items rewards on missions.

Just give them more money. And lot of money for outposts missions, as we need some incentive to sell our junk there, at the moment outposts markets are nearly dead and most combat players are going back to alpha island to do their shopping.


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

In my opinion, the grouping necessity should come with the player progression in the game.

I guess it's already the case for combat missions: the lower level ones can be done in solo, while the later ones require a consequent group.

Transporting is working the other way atm: when you start, you can't specialize in it without farming one or two million, and when you get you sequer you can farm them 10  at once. A light transport bot would be a great addition (something with like 15-20U of space npc-seeded at arround 400k for instance, with only one weapon/indus slot of course), so players finishing the tutorial can sell out their combat bot and buy one to do transport missions, as wannabe mining players are able to do with the light mining bot.


(56 replies, posted in General discussion)

As an industrial player, I demand the right to manufacture EP.

From thin air and titanium.

Give me Doc solution, but without the loss (basically a very slow and progressive respec), and I'm in.

The only thing really needed is to tune the buy-back speed so that no one will use it for FOTM builds, and that's easily done. A rate of 50% the speed of EP gain feels right.

Hiro Protagonist wrote:

obviously if your CT's are different quality you're gonna get different numbers, but that falls under the factory efficiency bit that I'm not quite sure how to approach yet, but chug your worst efficiency in there and you should not be off by tons.

Material efficiency works linearly on cost (which allows to compute easily the resources used by multiple successive production cycles), but that's the easy part.

The real question is how factory parameters (efficiency and relation) work on the cost (assuming extensions only affect the formers parameters).

Also how the producing cost (in NIC) is computed would be a good question. At least it's not directly proportional to the number of material used, maybe there is a weight to apply to each material, or maybe it's hard coded for each item (which I doubt).

I guess we need more data here.


(12 replies, posted in Balancing)

Easy solution: add as a first objective to the assignment something in the lines of 'Put the container in your cargo', with the designed location being the terminal where you got the assignment, and not the first teleporter point.