Wipe ? mmh , no thanks , i already got it once.
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Perpetuum Forums → Posts by Angelwing
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Posts found: 18
1 2013-03-05 17:12:04
Re: Distress beacons. (116 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)
2 2012-04-06 01:26:46
Re: Ninja Formula Changes (4 replies, posted in Q & A)
For MkII: % Dmg = Base Damage * ( 1 + 0.05 * Basic/Advanced Robotics + 0.03 * Basic/Advanced Weapon) *
( 1+ 0.01 * Target Analysis + 0.01 * Pelistal/Nuimqol/Thelodica Robot Controls) * (1+ % Tuning)^q *
( 1+ % Spark)
Remove "0.01 * Pelistal/Nuimqol/Thelodica Robot Controls" for MKI
3 2012-03-19 18:30:43
Re: The Kain needs some love. (63 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)
The rate of fire for mesmer and seth are ingame number you took or calculated? If calculated can you give me the formula?
Base Cycle Time *' ( 1 + 0.01* General Firing + 0.03 * Rapid Firing ) / ( 1+ 0.01 *Nuimqol Robot Control )
* ( 1 - % Tuning)^q = Cycle Time
Mesmer MkII:
For the Medium EM-gun T4 :
10 / (1 + 0.1 + 0.3) / ( 1 + 0.1 ) * (1-0.075)^5 = 4.397 second
4 2012-03-19 17:33:43
Re: The Kain needs some love. (63 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)
Can I ask what formula was used for this dps column?
EDIT: What Hunter used for his table.
I suppose : ammo damage * X% / cycle time = DPS
ex: 120 * 1.98 / 7 = 33.94 DPS
5 2012-03-19 17:32:18
Re: The Kain needs some love. (63 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)
Now with the numbers (all have been rounded like the game client does (i hope):
cycle time = 4,38 sec ; dmg modifier = 343,35% ; ammo 80 pts dmg ; crit 30% (+22,5% dmg)
DPS = 76,82 per moduleMESMER MK2:
cycle time = 4,5 sec ; dmg modifier = 862.38% ; ammo 48 pts dmg ; crit 30% (+22,5% dmg)
DPS = 112,69 per moduleSETH MK2:
cycle time = 2,5 sec ; dmg modifier = 446,36% ; ammo 48 pts dmg ; crit 40% (+30% dmg)
DPS = 111,41 per module
80 * 3.4335 / 4.28 * ( (0.1 + 6*.03 + 0.02) * 1.75 + 0.7 ) = 78.62
48 * 8.6238 / 4.4 * ( (0.1 + 5*.03 + 0.02) * 1.75 + 0.73 ) = 113.13
48 * 4.4636 / 2.44 * ( (0.2 + 6*.03 + 0.02) * 1.75 + 0.6 ) = 114.15
6 2012-03-19 15:55:11
Re: The Kain needs some love. (63 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)
it's =>
% Dmg = Base Damage * ( 1 + 0.03 * Basic/Advanced Robotics + 0.01 * Basic/Advanced Weapon) *
( 1+ 0.01 * Target Analysis + 0.01 * Pelistal/Nuimqol/Thelodica Robot Controls) * (1+ % Tuning)^q *
( 1+ % Spark)
Gropho MKII:
For the medium : 100 * (1+0.5+0.3) * (1+0.08+0.1) * 1,03 =218.772 %
For the light : 100 * (1+0.15) * (1+0.08+0.1) * 1,03 = 139.771%
7 2012-03-19 11:33:30
Re: The Kain needs some love. (63 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)
weapon Race
Nuimqol Pelistal Telodica
type lvl dmg cycle dps AP/s Dmg/AP dmg cycle dps AP/s Dmg/AP dmg cycle dps AP/s Dmg/AP
light 1 267% 3,25 21.19 0.98 21.53 198% 4.87 17,48 0.21 85.14 198% 2,60 21.02 1.92 10.93
2 267% 3,25 21.19 0.92 22.96 198% 4.87 17,48 0.21 85.14 198% 2,60 21.02 1.54 13.66
3 297% 3,25 23.57 0.98 23.95 198% 4.54 18,75 0.22 85.14 178% 1,95 25,19 2.05 12.28
4 396% 3,90 26,19 1.28 20.12 198% 4.22 20.18 0.24 85.14 218% 2,27 26,50 2.64 10.03
Medium 1 396% 6,49 31.48 4.16 7.57 198% 9.09 18,73 0.22 85.14 198% 3,90 28,02 6.41 4.37
long 2 396% 6,49 31.48 3.85 8.17 198% 9.09 18,73 0.22 85.14 198% 3,90 28,02 5.64 4.97
range 3 495% 6,49 39.36 4.93 7.98 198% 7.79 21.85 0.26 85.14 248% 3,90 35.10 6.92 5.07
4 535% 6,49 42.54 5.55 7.67 198% 6.82 24.97 0.29 85.14 257% 3,90 36.37 7.69 4.73
medium 1 337% 3,90 44.59 3.85 11.59 198% 9.09 28,10 0.22 127.71 253% 3,25 42.97 6.46 6.65
short 2 337% 3,90 44.59 3.08 14.49 198% 9.09 28,10 0.22 127.71 253% 3,25 42.97 5.23 8.21
range 3 396% 3,90 52.39 4.36 12.02 198% 7.79 32.79 0.26 127.71 273% 2,92 51.61 7.53 6.85
4 594% 5,19 59.06 3.85 15.32 198% 6.82 37.45 0.29 127.71 317% 3,25 53.84 7.38 7.29
(here are figures on high skills, without weapon tunings and without sparks)
Someone in my corp did calculations and he got that Seth will do sightly better damage
No, Mesmer MKII (full tuning & compositcore) = better damage/gun but Seth MKII(full tuning & thermic) = better DPS/gun
(Hunter: Can I ask how you computed the dps column? for me is not clear and can be confusing)
I suppose : ammo damage * X% / cycle time = DPS
ex: 120 * 1.98 / 7 = 33.94 DPS
For me, i added Critical Hit :
ammo * X% / cycle time * ( % critical hit * 1.75 + % normal hit)
ex: 120 * 1.98 / 6.82 * ( 0.1 * 1.75 + 0.9 ) = 37.45 DPS
8 2012-02-22 14:52:14
Topic: Why am i not accumulator-stable with my Mesmer without Remote Energy ? (21 replies, posted in Balancing)
I must play with a Gropho ?
9 2012-02-05 17:18:01
Re: Allow us to jump between terminals (or not) (7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)
Alpha => Alpha ( No restriction )
Beta => Alpha ( No restriction )
Alpha => Beta ( your own outpost ) ex: Hershfield to Nauwy for me
Cooldown : 1 hour
10 2012-01-20 23:06:19
Re: Seth / Mesmer to Gropho Inbalance ( WARNING, wall of text / math ) (139 replies, posted in Balancing)
Need still some balance
11 2011-10-16 09:14:36
Re: How far away is the Intrusion patch? (4 replies, posted in Q & A)
[14:26:00] <Godzira> DEV, any idea when the new intrusion system will come out?
[14:26:02] <DEV Zoom> very soon
12 2011-10-03 15:06:11
Topic: Small remote armor repairer T4 (1 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)
Small remote armor repairer T4 need balancing :
T3 T4
Repair 70 hp 65 hp
Acc comsumption 72 ap 70 ap
Optimal range 120 m 100 m
13 2011-09-27 14:38:44
Re: New devblog: August status report (54 replies, posted in News and information)
The good news is that you won't have to wait another month for the next patch, as we're wrapping up the new level2 assignment pack and a new NPC AI.
14 2011-09-25 19:33:34
Re: Signal Detector not working if Signal Mask active (4 replies, posted in Q & A)
While you technically can activate a detector and a masker together, only the first module activated has any effect.
15 2011-09-22 11:06:57
Re: Remove the Navigation skill (82 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)
Could the navigation skill affect robot acceleration (if this feature can be added), top speeds remain same for all, stopping then going could get you in trouble, this adds an awesome dynamic specially for PVP gameplay.
16 2011-09-15 22:02:00
Re: Balance Attributes, character creation and progression. (128 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)
My combat character :
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/53 … butes.jpg/
I need ~ 71 000 EP for the same skill
17 2011-06-30 21:02:25
Re: Win a Mk2 heavy mech of your choice (386 replies, posted in News and information)
18 2011-06-03 21:37:20
Re: Serious exploit found, accounts and assets removed (114 replies, posted in News and information)
no problems,DEV will removed my assets as for inusrance fraud in two days
Posts found: 18
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