I like it

DEV Alf wrote:

There will be room for running and ranged fights! Teams wont even see eachother from their start position.



Purgatory wrote:
Scyylla wrote:

WTB fraps of Purgy losing one!

You say that like you expect me to lose it? Do you have any idea how often i've roamed all over all of the beta islands with my pack of gropho mk2s, nova included. I farmed hundreds of observer kernals doing it. Guess how many times I died? Zero.

What times?

*Grabs alarm clock*

Inda wrote:

"If this number is the same, the team with the most points destroyed wins"

I just would like to ask, what about shield robots? You cant destroy any but with shield bots can destroy a little.


0110011100001111001010001 wrote:

I summon Kalsius and Gremrod to the commentary arena!!!!

big_smile yikes wink

Gremrod has already confirmed he can be available and interested in the idea.

Take your fail troll to corp dialogue bro.

1) How Do final rewards apply to players who are swapped in and out of the team composition through out  the tournament?
2) What are your opinions of a player panel for commentary during the live stream?

I figured id create one thread for players to place questions for the dev's to answer about the tournament.

1) Are teams required to submit a Roster? If Yes how many per team?
2) Are teams able to swap active players within the competing team in between match's?
3) Are teams able to swap bots/modules in between match's?
4) How much downtime will teams have between rounds?

If Roster-
Will all players on the roster receive a reward as long as they meet a minimum participation percentage.

What will the area we fight look like?
-Relatively Flat with LoS objects (More information to come Via Forums)

*Requested Blueprint and or fly through of the combat zone.*


(8 replies, posted in Q & A)

DEV Calvin wrote:

We will make an announcement on Friday about all this.

Victory! We have successfully pulled the boogy-man out of hiding.



(22 replies, posted in General discussion)


Look here please:

http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … oar-infoz/


I only do that to pinch people between my different combat accounts tho.

Solo pvp with 1 bot is very viable.

Jack Jombardo wrote:
Lobo wrote:

The best way to get solo pvp is to use a second account ...

Old DAoC buff bot user sad

I ever had the impresion "solo PvP" means to PvP using just one robot driven by one agent using one acc ...

Not: "I am my own gank using alot of real money to pay X PC with X monitors and X payed accounts".

But well, now I know, why I suck at SOLO PvP ... I just missed to buy more hardware and I'm not realy good at multi tasking (2+ keyboards, 2+ mice and so on) *ROFL*.

4 Accounts 1 screen 1 mouse 1 keyboard.

Sup Bro...


(8 replies, posted in Q & A)

"The list contains PvE events and a PvP tournament"

Tell me more about this tournament!

*WTB Small team no holds bar mech tourney!*

Burial wrote:

I am wondering how to solo PVP in this game? Going alone to hostile beta is not really an option. One way would be to flag on alpha and it could work reasonably well in my opinion.

If anyone has done any previous solo PVP then please share, how did it go and worked?

Your options are very limited until the troiar nerf. Find me in-game and i can help with some tips, Yoslin is also another great solo-pvp source for information.


(31 replies, posted in Balancing)

Ok so The ECM efficiency with range is a pretty cool angle... not gunna lie


(67 replies, posted in Balancing)

Lobo wrote:

QQ more I have a fit that counters the Mk2 Troiar effectivly for about 4 mins maybe more (with out neuting). If ou either A. cant run away in that time or B. have more people come to help you,your a fail pilot. Ask Pit we met under Darnachov and had an intersting 4 min back and forth run around some plants before he finally got me neuted. Over powered Tank on a MK2 with high skills errrrr I think not If you dumped all those skills people need to get this god like tank out of a MK2 in to other areas they would be just like all the other pilots in their ictus or vaga or seth instead these few people dedicated vasts ammounts of EP to a single bot. They should reap the rewards of specialization.

I remember someone saying that about the fit i ran. Except it was a hard counter.  There is also a difference between holding off something for a few mins and countering it.

TBH the devs made the choice to move away from heavily tanked bots and to more Buffer tanks/DPS.

I would not be surprised to see Dev action against this fit since it falls out of line with there previous balancing actions of removing active tanks/heavy tanks as for builds despite large amounts of EP investment.


(13 replies, posted in Balancing)

Even with the changes the only bots that will use ECCM's are going to be Tanks and Follow Bots.


Tanks because they run in guns blazing and no one wants there guns blazing freely.

Follow bots because any intelligent person doesn't Jam the bot that has the 3 second lock time they jam the bot giving it a 3 second lock time.

Then again with the Average follow bot set up range for Firing being beyond 700m it would take quite the RE heavy Vaga to get out to that range not to mention i for one know my seth will melt a Vaga before it could reach range to ECM using 3 RE's.

Personally i prefer suppression to ECM anyways. Who cares if he is locking if its 200-400m shorter than i am locking/firing back at.

Arga wrote:

In the last word we heard about the new SAPs, corps have to actively take the SAP back. If they don't undock they'll lose the SAP even if no one is attacking it. But they've probably made a lot of changes to the I 2.0 since that blog, so it may be that adding NPC's to attack the SAPs would actually be needed.... and fun for that matter (if it wasn't every 24 hours).

Holding a Outpost like that would feel like a chore and not a accomplishment. It will also limit smaller corporations from holding a outpost due to the inability to field sufficient players at random times through out a 24 hour period.

Would you enjoy having to wake up, go to work/class and then come home to see that outside your corps prime time you lost 50-80% of your control. To then wait and hope it randomly ticks during your prime time so you can push it back up. This to me leaves me with the thought of needing to recruit more and become larger. This size boost then causes me to be able to field more, much more.

Your best bet is going to be to join a corporation in one of the 3 alliances. There US tz Numbers are relativly similar between Squid and SovNov but Wambulance has the largest US tz group. *All blob blame aside*

Corps to look at:
SovNov: Hydra (Active) Rest are Hibernating
Squid: Nex (Active)
Wambulance: 62nd (Active), M2S (Active)

and WAR which im not sure which alliance they are in atm.

Those are your major US "Corps" to look at, but hey there is also me big_smile. I am pretty good to look at to, but hey not everyone can handle it. Being the soul UNBREAKABLE US CIR represenative is pretty sexy to.

PvP in the US is like being a hyna fighting for scraps. Squad combat from 3-7 with the larger on occasion fielding 10+ but rarly more emphasis on small bot roaming from the majority of US players.

On your recruitment thread anti-blob mentality i feel you, nothing like a good brawl in the wee hours of the morning.  http://s1022.photobucket.com/albums/af3 … on%20Blob/


(118 replies, posted in Balancing)

Arga wrote:

The medium slots on the Baphomet are indy and misc slots too. Maybe fitting a couple med drainers, or med RSA, or some combo would be a nice anti-tank bot in PVP, but I'm just guessing since I have no practical experience.

Chaos Pioneered some very effective Tank-Buster assault builds awhile ago and were the first to take down a ERP Tanked bot. I dont know the exact fits but you can see there use in one of there videos they have, hunter will probably be able to link it.


(118 replies, posted in Balancing)

Whats Wrong with a bot being able to tank 10 bots (EXAMPLE) but 1 ECM Bot can remove its already dminished offence as well 1 Draining bot can neutralize it.

One ECMer can jam 3-4 People Permanitly.. 1 Supressor can make his range almost negligible.

The idea is that as a player moves to one extreme a bot to just a equiv extreme in its counter will easily and swiftly take care of it.

I am generalizing and not going in to specifics but i hope you see my point


(118 replies, posted in Balancing)

Arga, if it only required 10 to take one out wouldn't it only take 11 to beat 5? Assuming the Tanked bot is doing a fraction of the damage/range?


(118 replies, posted in Balancing)

Pit Fiend wrote:

Pot calling kettle...

Lets see I will take your guys ERP argument (which everyone knows was a broken mechanic)....

Pit Fiend's set-up is not broken because:
1. Requires months and months of focused EP skilling (~half million) to be anywhere near as effective as I am
2. The base bot is expensive
3. The fit is expensive (t4, protos, and 10's of thousands of kernels)
4. When my shield is up I cannot shoot (unlike your ERP)
5. Sure I take credit (call it a finders fee) just like you guys took credit for ERP's

There, that should be crystal clear for you guys...  big_smile

Pit dont take what i said the wrong way, for there is a place in the game in my mind for viable tank builds. To run the fit to the extreme you do does take quite a lot of EP (my Green can fit it, no draining skillz xD)

Im sure we both can agree on it is a very viable and strong fit, but if you do have a logical thought process as i am assuming you do. You and i both agree some adjustments could be made on the balancing.

As i will state i only ran a ERP fit tank twice, i agreed with the first nerf and agreed with the need to adjust the ERP  again. I dont agree with how it was handled the second time and will leave it at that.

Question though, How many light bots does it take to break that tank? it would have to be more than 10 with out neuts possibly 5-6 if they each had 1 neut.

PS: wait till your wing-men get PM's to not run the same fit from a Dev.


(118 replies, posted in Balancing)


What do you know about balance then oh great knowing one?

@Pit Fiend

Sure is a lot of credit your taking for a fit that relies mainly on a broken game mechanic to be as effective as it is.

Lets see Shield size being reduced by a module supposedly equipped to reduce bot Armour size. That could be compared to a ERP regaining Accum through shield.

Dont get me wrong its a mean fit but the overwhelming effectiveness of it in the fact it can tank 5 mechs full dpsing on it w/ Stabilizers  is due to a i am assuming broken and not a missed mechanic within the shield size vs bot size coding.


So based on your logic then with the investment being made in to Heavy mechs should they not have a role and niche outside of PvE farming for PvP equivalent to the investment? Who says they have to beat everything but rather at least be able to do something?


Hes not asking to be god mode, he is simply asking to be effective for the effort required to attain such a bot.

TL:DR Risk/Reward=/=Effort/effectiveness

Arga you forget they get you to Chicago once the issue is resolved.

Alexander wrote:

The devs aren't hiding they're intentions as far as I see it but I can see why they might want to when CIR goes on the full attack (See, generalizing hurts. Your opinions are not mine so don't include me when you say 'We').

CIR on the attack, Well lets have some fun with this since apparently we are.

@Snowmans Post: Good analogy but the length turned off most readers and was to complicated for a majority to comprehend the meaning behind it. Not to mention you lost all credibility when insulting the Dev's

@Intentions: Yes the devs could relay there intentions but again, this isnt specifc enough for the players. Now if you want specifics its important to understand how development works and know one key thing. "Software Development IS NOT a exact science"

What can be relayed is the end goal and projected time lines as well as periodic teasers or updates on these timeline.
                Key fact: The most exact a Dev team can get for a projected finish date is generally a quarter, and most of the time those arn't even met.

@Feedback: Yes players will always give good/bad/useless feedback but thats what you get from any feedback everywhere. We have all seen the notes left in comment box's

4cOmmunity: Devs can give the community a understanding in the direction and goals they are trying to work towards, but its the players job to understand that these are not exact or specifics and to hope the dev's keep them updated as best as possible. The end goal if it changes.

@Zoom: We both know communication form the players to the devs could be better but you know as well that the communication from the devs could be much better as well. You can easily ignore players, Players cant ignore whats already just silence and whispers.

TL:DR Lets get professional YEA!