Cobalt wrote:Arga sorry but your argument about being needed to cross train faction extensions dont work in my case.
Btw saying there is no real difference between blue and yellow??? Did you try full T4 fit on HMs with the two kind of weapons to say that? Because there are huge differences imo. Did you try each kind of weapons with full T4 range amplifier or full tuners? I mean saying two weapon types "ressemble" themselves is clearly false.
-50% damage Adv robotics
Not in the situation i was talking about
-10% Critical hit
Sorry i dont get it. 10% critical hit from the extension? from thelodica robot bonus? In that case it applies to any type of weapon, and is obtained by advanced robotic, its not a turret specific extension. Crit is linked to robots not weapons.
-x% Dmg/Crit for each Weapon tuning not installed
Again that has nothing to do in our discussion, tuners of any faction weapon can be fitted on any faction robot gaining the same bonus
The difference between fitting for DPS and putting some weapons on a bot is tremedous.
Again im surprised by your reflexion, i never talked about fitting for dps, any weapon mounted on any bot should be for maxxed dps? In that case lets all reroll for the max dps weapons no?
Are you saying that you have basic/advanced Mag/laser to 10 also, or did you concentrate most of your EP int ewar? I'm not talking about being able to 'fit' turret weapons, I'm talking about being effective with them in actual combat.
So you are saying that any action modified by an extension should have this extension to 10 before its even worthwhile to use it?
If your not in the faction specific bot then your not even close to being effective with that weapon. Ewar are there for Ewar not DPS.
Oh really.... again really straight thinking for a defender of sandbox gaming. So what about the 3 turrets on vagabond? Sure 2 of them can be used for remote amp or drain etc.. but one is ONLY for turrets... is it totally useless by your opinion?
I didn't say that blue and yellow played exactly the same, I said that the tactical difference between them doesn't justify the EP to fully cross train; as a caveat, you can add until you have one faction maxed out.
But what should refrain me from, for example if ive maxxed my ewar skills and want some versatility (seems you dont like that), training lasers for example if im in a vagabond and want to pilot only that bot? No bot bonus, acc base for vaga is strong enough to sustain lasers a bit, its lighter than any other med weapon, better hitdispersion so more viable with less weapons against small targets... longer range, so its more on phase with your EW range etc... I ask anyone to tell why its better to fit EM than lasers on vagabond if you can train accordingly knowing you somehow gimp your ability to use any assault platform from your faction
If you out solo PVP'ing no one is going to care if you do 50% less dps then your max potential. Actually, no one is really going to care how you spend your EP or setup your bots.
So you can tell me the "good" number for roaming? you seems to know it well. Seriously you face so much diverse situations ingame, you cant say this for this or that for that. I dont roam much but ive some experience about pvp in general, and im sure what im talking about could be efficient and even fun in the right hands
If you undock in a blue bot with lasers your going to kicked from any serious pvp corp.
So you know the criterias for kicking of all the serious pvp corps? Man reread what you write. With a vagabond i hunt sup obs with a single corp, i know what "fitting restrictions" are, and how to reach a specific goal using your fit. From what you say the pvp arena is only full dps or full Ewar? Sorry but we dont play the same game, and i prefer mine looks like more fun. Module means modulation, not cookie cutter.
That same corp isn't going to say "we need 4 blue bots and 2 yellows for this roam, Arga switch to Blue and X up". This is what I mean by no strategic advantage, your not really going to know which would have been better until after the encounter. Although blue and yellow play differently, once your deployed, any EP you have in the other faction weapon/bot is wasted EP.
I never said anything about spending points in more than one faction.