Topic: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

Here is a skill balancing idea that would make being a green pilot less lonely.

Problem: all turret skills are lumped in to a few skills making it super easy to cross train from yellow to blue and use auto cannons. This is unbalanced to the green pilots as their DPS tree has no skills that transfer over to anything but missiles, where I could train sharp shooting ,  precision firing,  general firing, rapid firing, and the list goes on to have it apply to 3 different types of weapons.

Training missiles does not have any overwhelming advantage over training turrets (LOS is balanced with higher DPS, Range and cycle time of other weapons) and it was made worst with the height increase to mechs made a while back.
Training turrets allows you to flip flop with three different types of weapons with little commitment to one type over the other. This encourage no commitment or diversity as every yellow and blue pilot can most likely pilot both colors and produce a decent amount of damage while doing so.


Option 1: Refund EP and Nic for current skills trained when the PATCH to remove attributes comes and add in more skills to segment all weapon types ie. General firing for lasers, general firing for Mag weapons, General firing for Autocannons, sharp shooting for lasers, sharp shooting for mag weapons, sharp shooting for Autocannons. This will add more depth to your choice as a pilot on which faction to fly, as it stands now if you choose green you are all alone in your own weapon skill tree. I think this should be the same for all factions.

Option 2: Allow Green bots to share the same base weapon skills as “turrets” and get rid of the launcher classification.

Ide rather see the first option rather then lumping all weapons into one class, but something should be done.

If there is an option for green bots to cross train weapons with new types of launchers of some kind then maybe ill leave this question at rest. But if there is no plan to add to this current skill tree then something should be done as its not balanced from the stand point of there only being one type of weapon that your skill set gives bonuses to if you pilot green and 3 if you pilot blue or yellow.

In this business, by the time you realize you're in trouble, it's too late to save yourself. Unless you're running scared all the time, you're gone.
~Bill Gates~

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

option 3: release the mortars...

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

Annihilator wrote:

option 3: release the mortars...


Looking forward to new players and new conflicts.

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

GM Mancs wrote:

What do I have what do I have? Oh yes, Ta-ta-ta-da! Symbiont, HeavyMech category harvester robot.
Now if you take a closer look, u can have two guess. That thing in his left shoulder is there basicly, or What is that?! Even more: Whats on his right shoulder?!
Well, its looks like we have a medium industrial aoe weapon.(for clearing the plants etc) And... Small Artillery weapon. GM|Mancs uses thermo-optical camouflage, to disappear into the fog, leaving many mysterious questions for another time. Later wink

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

I would be perfectly happy with option 3, but not if it takes another year to implement. it was back in Feb/March when they were teasing us e with artillery I'm not holding my breath any more for that one. I am just requesting that there be a little balance to the green bot class instead of leaving them in a dark corner while the yellow and blue bots have all the shinny toys.

This imbalance goes beyond just skills and EP, it also has to do with what modules the bots can fit but I'm not concerned with that one just yet. Hopefully we can get this balance issue resolved then move on to the next.

In this business, by the time you realize you're in trouble, it's too late to save yourself. Unless you're running scared all the time, you're gone.
~Bill Gates~

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

second option 3

Something like rockets would be cool: shorter range and/or line of sight missle weapons.  They would have no falloff, just blow up/plow into the ground instead big_smile


7 (edited by Celebro 2011-10-11 23:56:04)

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees


A: You can still hide and do dps only faction with no LOS.

B: why should all factions be the same? Green is more specialised less training diversity so?

C: game is not ready wait for option 3

Or do a reset smile


Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

Celebro wrote:

Or do a reset smile

I know quite a few people that have reset from green to blue/yellow.

One Random observation: Green seems to be more popular with Russians, Blue/Yellow seem more popular with everyone else. Don't ask me why.

I love my green bot, diversity would be nice but I would like to wait for option C, hopefully it does not take too much longer smile

Looking forward to new players and new conflicts.

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

When i started playing Eve I picked Amarr, and at that point of time Caldari were owning.
So i tought, this time i start with missiles, and it's just my crappy luck that i always pick the wrong race, which pelistals obviously are.:lol:

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

Celebro wrote:


A: You can still hide and do dps only faction with no LOS.

B: why should all factions be the same? Green is more specialised less training diversity so?

C: game is not ready wait for option 3

Or do a reset smile

A: is balanced as i said before between range/dps/rof
B: not calling for factions to be the same calling for a even playing field for EP
C: waiting . . . . .  .
resetting is not an option i dont want to reset i like green what i am asking the Devs is that there is an imbalance as far as EP training. For example sharp shooting and propellent mixing are both rank 3 skills and cost the same but sharp shooting is "worth" 3x as much because it applies to all three types of turrets and propellent mixing only applies to launchers. thus Green bot players are spendinh just as much EP for weapon skills and getting a LOT less for the EP.

This does not apply to Ewar or support this is only about weapon usage related skills.

In this business, by the time you realize you're in trouble, it's too late to save yourself. Unless you're running scared all the time, you're gone.
~Bill Gates~

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

you can damage turret bots from spots they cannot shoot you at all ...

anyway have a look at the turret bots and you'll a further problem. the turret slots also count as mic/industrial in most cases. missiles slots are .... missile ONLY !!! that means you cannot even swap launchers for drainers/neuts if you wanted. turret bots can. they have much more fitting flexibility (it might be not used much, but it is there).

anyway, I don't see a problem with the skill division ... I saw the same in stEVE and it worked and the complaints were all the same :-)

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

Hugh Ruka wrote:

you can damage turret bots from spots they cannot shoot you at all ...

I always wondered, why pelistian bots are so slow? Rockets are positional weapon, so missile launcher should have high mobility to take desired position. At the moment pelistians are slow, what makes their primary advantage only to be ranged and lucky enough that nuimquols are far away.
This is lyrics...

My IMO that we will have much more cross weapons that we have now.

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

This is a weird issue, one I bounce back and forth on.  You're definitely making a choice to play the oddball out going Pelistal(intentionally or unintentionally).

I've got two main issues with the OP though:
1. You're already preempting a discussion by stating it's about weapon related extensions only, which it can't be--there's a lot more going on with EP "values" and distribution than just weapon enhancing extensions(especially for greens).

2. You're assigning an EP value for extensions that doesn't actually exist--it's your own subjective feeling on it's value vs other colors and using it in a balance type of discussion on turrets and launchers.

Yes, we cannot cross train as easily as blues/yellows can(or at all honestly if we're being effective with EP).  So yes, that gives you less bang for your buck if we're talking about one extension giving you multiple benefits.  But one thing you have to keep in mind is I don't think the Devs want to balance yellow and blue strictly around the idea that all yellows and blues are cross training.

But as a green player I don't think it should be viewed as a given we're supposed to get a certain multiracial benefit out of our EP.  I see where you're going though, launcher skills only apply to launchers, and there's only 1 type of launcher that gets benefit from these EP(sans size differences).

A big benefit of having such a restriction in our non ability to cross train is it indirectly forces your EP elsewhere into things the green master race specialize in: shields and accumulator destroyers.  Sure blues can pick up EWAR skills to supplement their combat robots, but if they're cross training they are doing it to a way less effective level than a green pilot who's supplementing his combat skills with EWAR skills(ENGINEERING warfare big_smile).  Even with a modest amount of that side EP into drainers/neuts you're making a green combat bot already nastier than it is, particularly if you pump serious EP into shields/accu, which we're basically made for(and keeps extra weight from drains/neuts off).  Green speed issues play into fitting additional non shield modules though, so that already kneecaps my idea already.  A Tyrannos w/launchers and 2x medium drainers that's shield fit is a nightmare to kill, but his speed isn't doing him any favors.

I really don't know though, I see your points, and you could be totally right on the issue.  I'm just offering possible alternatives as to why we're sequestered off.  Don't forget also: Devs have more modules/extensions on the horizon, so they might have been or are planning things around that for some sort of balance issue.

This all being said, I'm a green EWAR pilot, so I don't take combat specific bots into battle outside of NPC farming.  But discussion is always good.

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

Despite of difference between turret and rocket skills, all classes have
1. Common energy system extensions (accumulator, energy control)
2. Common reactor and CPU extensions
3. Common radar system extensions
4. Common advanced robotics extension
5. Common "target analysis" and "critical hit" extension

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

option 3 would simply begin with implementing a "firearm" that is using launcher-skills

= grenade launcher... noone says AoE weapon wink

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

i like this: stealth bombers like in eve

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

I went from Green to Blue because of speed.  A slow tyrannos always dies first....

Steam achievement Unlocked:  Being a Badass
Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

Kazzanka wrote:

2. You're assigning an EP value for extensions that doesn't actually exist--it's your own subjective feeling on it's value vs other colors and using it in a balance type of discussion on turrets and launchers.

I'm using the little number in [brackets] next to the star in the extension tree. that is what "rank" the skill is. Also i would be satisfied with the devs saying that yes if / when the artilary / mortars aoe weapons come in to the game they will be based on launcher skills ... or at least there will be weapons in the future that will be based on the launcher skill set. .... something that justifies the system being the way it is.. as for now there is no justification [minus(that is how the Devs want it)]

But as stated (for the purpose of trying to not let this thread go in all kinds of willy nilly directions) my concern is with weapon usage skills only. I do understand that the Ewar skills are multi faction as well as the bonuses i have no problem there.

Alexandar wrote:

Despite of difference between turret and rocket skills, all classes have
1. Common energy system extensions (accumulator, energy control)
2. Common reactor and CPU extensions
3. Common radar system extensions
4. Common advanced robotics extension
5. Common "target analysis" and "critical hit" extension


There is no balance issue with all of the items you have listed.
Do you not have any issue with the weapon usage imbalance related to sharp shooting or general firing?

In this business, by the time you realize you're in trouble, it's too late to save yourself. Unless you're running scared all the time, you're gone.
~Bill Gates~

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

The point was that you can do an effective crosstraining even between greens and yellows, because you will use a lot of same skills.

I have issue with DPS of missiles. I think it should be slightly increased. But IMO extensions are fine big_smile
This game is about specialization: to specialize in lazors or in missiles you should invest *** of EP. Yeah, it is something easier to make yellow\blue DPS cross build, but i think it is matter of time when other crossbuilds will be implemented.

Again: specialization.

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

Last time I checked luanchers also needed next to zero accumulator to fire. This also gives green bots the advantage of not having to dump as many EP into the acc extensions as the other bots. The waspish and tyrannos bith get recharge bonuses for the acc as well.... So not only do you get weapons that use relatively 0 accumulater to fire you also get to more freely fit your bot to tank(not that you need to considering most green bots take advantage of LOS to keep npc from actually hitting them).

One little thought of advantage for the missle bots is that you are also able to last much longer against mobs/overseers that nuet and drain. You still get to fire!

All in all, I believe the balance is good considering the benefits that a green bot has versuses the drawbacks of not being able to quickly swap into a different race bot.

Inappropriate signature.

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

Green and Yellow ewar yes, green and yellow DPS no.

I fully agree with Specialization. Some people specialize I do my self. As it stands the vast majority of yellow or blue DPS pilots don't specialize because of the way the skill trees are set. I don't want to make cross training impossible but cross training should be secondary to specialization.

For example:
Hey guys we spotted a squad of 3 blue mechs heading across beta lets go intercept!
Were blue to so lets bring "***" ammo to kill them.


Hey guys we spotted a squad of 3 blue mechs heading across beta lets go intercept!
Were blue too but just jump in the yellow bots and go waste them because we fight just as well in either faction bot.

Shouldn't every one be encouraged to specialize?
If yes then how does the current weapon usage skill tree help this?

In this business, by the time you realize you're in trouble, it's too late to save yourself. Unless you're running scared all the time, you're gone.
~Bill Gates~

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

Takes 256 days to max out unique magnetostatics/optics skills:
1. advanced magnetostatics
2. advanced optics
3. basic magnetostatics
4. basic optics
5. general firing
6. improved falloff
7. precision firing
8. rapid firing
9. sharpshooting

Takes 217 days to max out unique ballistics skills:
1. advanced ballistics
2. basic ballistics
3. complex missile launch
4. missile guidance
5. missile launch
6. propellant mixing
7. seismics

So you tell me what is better. Wait 256 and kick *** with blue and yellow, or wait 217 days and kick *** with green ONLY.

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

Scyylla wrote:

Last time I checked luanchers also needed next to zero accumulator to fire. This also gives green bots the advantage of not having to dump as many EP into the acc extensions as the other bots. The waspish and tyrannos bith get recharge bonuses for the acc as well.... So not only do you get weapons that use relatively 0 accumulater to fire you also get to more freely fit your bot to tank(not that you need to considering most green bots take advantage of LOS to keep npc from actually hitting them).

One little thought of advantage for the missle bots is that you are also able to last much longer against mobs/overseers that nuet and drain. You still get to fire!

All in all, I believe the balance is good considering the benefits that a green bot has versuses the drawbacks of not being able to quickly swap into a different race bot.

Green bots need just as much or more engineering skills for acc recharge etc.. because of shields and drainers.

Acc usage and LOS are balanced with missile damage, rof and range, which was also helped with the height increase of mechs several months back.

The balance issue present is the amount of EP needed to achieve a high level of proficiency in a specific type of weapon. Where it is imbalanced is when you go the turret path over the missile path you have access to 3x as many weapons for the same base skill sets with the same amount of EP spent for the equivalent missile skills.

In this business, by the time you realize you're in trouble, it's too late to save yourself. Unless you're running scared all the time, you're gone.
~Bill Gates~

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

Iam Abanana wrote:

Takes 256 days to max out unique magnetostatics/optics skills:
1. advanced magnetostatics
2. advanced optics
3. basic magnetostatics
4. basic optics
5. general firing
6. improved falloff
7. precision firing
8. rapid firing
9. sharpshooting

Takes 217 days to max out unique ballistics skills:
1. advanced ballistics
2. basic ballistics
3. complex missile launch
4. missile guidance
5. missile launch
6. propellant mixing
7. seismics

So you tell me what is better. Wait 256 and kick *** with blue and yellow, or wait 217 days and kick *** with green ONLY.

/agreed it should take the same amount of time to specilize in each faction .. by your math 217 days for each.

its kinda silly to only have to spend a little over a month to max out a cross train to a "totally different" faction DPS type

In this business, by the time you realize you're in trouble, it's too late to save yourself. Unless you're running scared all the time, you're gone.
~Bill Gates~

Re: Turret vs Missile Skill Trees

Beasty wrote:

For example:
Hey guys we spotted a squad of 3 blue mechs heading across beta lets go intercept!
Were blue to so lets bring "***" ammo to kill them.


Hey guys we spotted a squad of 3 blue mechs heading across beta lets go intercept!
Were blue too but just jump in the yellow bots and go waste them because we fight just as well in either faction bot.

Seems alot cheaper/easier to change ammo then having squads of bots both pre-fit and ready to go. Not to mention you can change out ammo in the field(can) where everyone otherwise would have to go back to the outpost where thier 'other' bot is stored and then redeploy to the field.

As for the 'concept' of cross training. Yes it there is a lot of overlap for turret weapons making it faster to cross train between blue/yellow, but that cross train is actually the 'least' beneficial.

There is very little functional difference slugs and lasers, both suffer from the same penalties (LOS primarily). So while switching bots provides some small advantages tactically its more critical for pilots to switch between turrets and missles depending on the terrain.

Turret bots also have missle slot(s). So it actually makes more sense for high EP blue/yellow pilots to cross into missle extensions, because it directly increases thier functionality on their primary faction bot.

In other words, there is no strategic value in cross-training blue/yellow and only a small amout of tactical value which is offset by the disadvantage of having non-optimized combat bots on the field, since robot control and cross-weapon EP is wasted while sitting in the wrong bot.