76 (edited by Hunter 2011-02-15 09:31:36)

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

Let's calculate DPS:

dps = damage/cycle time

cycle time:
missiles ~ 5
lasers ~ 2,5
magnet ~ 4,5

Trojar vs Kain = 9 / 5 * 2 weap = 3,6
Intact vs Tyranos = 7,2 / 2,5 * 2 weap = 5,76
Cameleon vs Artemis = 19,2 / 4,5  * 2 weap = 8,5

Trojar vs Mesmer = 3 / 5 * 2 weap = 1,2
Intact vs Gropho = 2,8 / 2,5 * 2 weap = 2,24
Cameleon vs Set = 13,2 / 4,5 * 2weap = 5,86

Let's compare to the previous data:

Hunter wrote:

result damage to anticlass (60% resist):
Trojar vs nuimcol = 4,4*2 weapon = 8,8
Intact vs pelistal = 8,736*2 weapon = 17,4
Chameleon vs thelodica= 7,28*2 weapon = 14,5

Everyone should understand that any balancing generates only new a disbalance.

Сайт корпорации: www.chaos-online.ru
Раздел приема в корпорацию: http://www.chaos-online.ru/foru....-perpetuum/

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

stop looking at gear versus gear.

It is people versus people.

3 person's in wheelchair will be able to beat up your kain. Period.

Because you are fighting 3 people, that can work together against you. Ecm, decoy's, duck in cover while other shoot.

When you go against more numbers, you are always at disadvantage.
And your Russian math is not going to save you.

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

Siddy wrote:

stop looking at gear versus gear.

It is people versus people.

3 person's in wheelchair will be able to beat up your kain. Period.

Because you are fighting 3 people, that can work together against you. Ecm, decoy's, duck in cover while other shoot.

When you go against more numbers, you are always at disadvantage.
And your Russian math is not going to save you.



Have a productive day, Runner

79 (edited by Alexadar 2011-02-15 09:31:37)

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

Line wrote:

Hunter trying to show 1 mech vs 10 ewars, and by his calculations, mech is just staying and regenerating. thats a little...incorrect. just keep in mind that usualy mech is able to kill 1 intakt in about 10-15 seconds - that means it will be 10, then 9, then 8 etc so time will be raised. another thing - Hunter thinks that mech is using 1 middle armor-repair only. thats incorrect too cuz they can be fitted with 2 small or 1 small and 1 medium etc. also nuimquols have a bonus to armor repair that can't be ignored.

oh and in his maths ap doesn't count in any ways. so its very very single situation that can't be used as base to balance.

Лайн, это слова. Опиши математикой где ошибка.

80 (edited by Line 2011-02-15 09:41:27)

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

Извольте. Формула Хантера предполагает, как я уже сказал, что мех зафитен одним средним броневосстановителем (это даже без учета бонуса нуимколов), на него нападают 10 интактов и он тупо стоит и регенится. Это очень абстрактная ситуация, согласись. В реале же, мех и зафитен чаще по другому, и бонусы учтены, и местность и тд, но главное - мех, представляете, СТРЕЛЯЕТ. И таки убивает интактов, 1 за другим, хотите вы этого или нет. Ну а ваша формула весьма статична и оторвана от реальности. Максимум, что она показывает, это то, что ракеты не рулят в дпс. Но это и так всем известно давным давно.

И поймите, нельзя балансировать соотношения 1 к 10, это частный случай и абсолютно неформализуемый к тому же.

И да, приводить формулы я не буду - по вышеуказанным причинам. Слишком много нужно учесть.

Have a productive day, Runner

81 (edited by Hunter 2011-02-15 10:08:38)

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

Now we will estimate a parity a dps/repairing

We take the mech with average regeneration 230 hp/10 sec (280/10sec for nuimcol).
As result:

Trojar vs Kain = 28/3,6 ~ 7
Intact vs Tyranos = 23 / 5,76 ~ 4
Cameleon vs Artemis 23 / 8,5 ~ 3

Trojar vs Mesmer = 28/1,2 ~ 23 (need more balance)
Intact vs Gropho = 23/2,24 ~ 10
Cameleon vs Set = 23/5,86 ~4

Results of calculations show, how many it is necessary ew robots against the medium/heavy robot. The mechanics of fight light vs light remains former.

Pay attention: according to this results, lew wouldn't be able to kill mechs/h-mechs without EW and vamps/neuts.

Everyone should understand that any balancing generates only new a disbalance.

Сайт корпорации: www.chaos-online.ru
Раздел приема в корпорацию: http://www.chaos-online.ru/foru....-perpetuum/

82 (edited by Hunter 2011-02-15 09:46:53)

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

Если ты совсем тупой, я тебе по-русски скажу: Я настаиваю на том, что мех должен быть сильнее легких роботов электронной борьбы. Потому что это не дамагеры. И единственный способ его победить должен быть: Сжигание акумулятора, сбивание/подавление радара и замедление.

Everyone should understand that any balancing generates only new a disbalance.

Сайт корпорации: www.chaos-online.ru
Раздел приема в корпорацию: http://www.chaos-online.ru/foru....-perpetuum/

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

Сильнее скольких, 10? Потому что 1 на 1 он сильнее, 1 на 2 он сильнее, даже 1 на 3 он может победить. Твоя кривая математика вообще не отражает твою мысль.

Вот тебе, коротко и ясно - скопируй и вставь:

I think e-wars shouldn't be able to cause any serious damage and play theyr exact role.

Have a productive day, Runner

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

Line wrote:

Извольте. Формула Хантера предполагает, как я уже сказал, что мех зафитен одним средним броневосстановителем (это даже без учета бонуса нуимколов), на него нападают 10 интактов и он тупо стоит и регенится. Это очень абстрактная ситуация, согласись. В реале же, мех и зафитен чаще по другому, и бонусы учтены, и местность и тд, но главное - мех, представляете, СТРЕЛЯЕТ. И таки убивает интактов, 1 за другим, хотите вы этого или нет. Ну а ваша формула весьма статична и оторвана от реальности. Максимум, что она показывает, это то, что ракеты не рулят в дпс. Но это и так всем известно давным давно.

И поймите, нельзя балансировать соотношения 1 к 10, это частный случай и абсолютно неформализуемый к тому же.

И да, приводить формулы я не буду - по вышеуказанным причинам. Слишком много нужно учесть.

Тебе мама наверное деньги без сдачи дает, когда в магазин отправляет, а то что бы самому посчитать - столько всего учесть надо...

Everyone should understand that any balancing generates only new a disbalance.

Сайт корпорации: www.chaos-online.ru
Раздел приема в корпорацию: http://www.chaos-online.ru/foru....-perpetuum/

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

first of, russian forum --> that way
second: I hate that some people want this game to be a linear progression, you start with light, then assault then mech and finaly heavy mech, there are mmos with this mechanics they are not sandboxes tough.
As others said: 2-3 people when they know what they are doing will always be in advantage against one no matter if that one spent 5 times more on his bot.
also many makes dps comparsion but they forget that mechs have (compared to assault): better range(+they can actually fit range extenders), double hp!, and more slot to customize, either for resist, dps etc.

86 (edited by Dromsex 2011-02-15 11:34:50)

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

Line wrote:

I think e-wars shouldn't be able to cause any serious damage and play theyr exact role.


Range and burst dmg in mechs gives you nothing when an EW can run behind an obstacle, come back and shoot at you - within 2 seconds.

Their speedadvantage adds up exponentialy against alle the mechs advantages.

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

That 10-intakt Joe just trying to say us that e-wars shouldn't be a main forces. and he is right in that, just typed strange wrong maths.

however, there is no point to use intakts for fight only - its in your heads mostly. i mean, when you're bring forces with great number advantage, its always win, no matter what robot type do u use.

Have a productive day, Runner

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

I agree partly - but its the speed again that lets EW groups dictate the fight in most occasions.

You run and wait for a mistake of the following opponent. And its easy for attackers with an agreed setup to kite the PUG and pick FF targets.

Thats the only reason why these roamings work. And its a cheap way. Again - im only talking about roaming/open pvp.

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)


if its going to kill 1 mech i better bring 10 assaults than 10 intakts at least. why should i dance around if i have number advantage? intakts can support me, thats much better that use them as main force

Have a productive day, Runner

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

Sure - this depends on the situation - roam - being attacker or defender. But when the attacker comes with an EW kite group - how are you supposed to engage them with slower bots?

Terrain use of EWs is much better then anything else due to speed an paths.

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

compareable assaults are 20-40kph slower then the intakt/camelions

while having more firepower and hitpoints, they have to get MUCH closer to the mechs to start locking them. Ewar has speed to close in, locking range to start locking before weapon range. with sensor amps same or more range then the mechs actually.

they can fully concentrate on using cover, demob and their weapons.

i have already stated in other topics about the same: small EWARS got more pro's then cons.

BUT: with all those DPS calculations there - do they include the mechs MISSILE launchers? Kain has two of them, Artemis one. They CAN deal almost granted DPS to those small ewars, but noone fits them as they need other extensions or the speed loss.

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

In theory Anni - its very easy to dodge missiles behind trees and bushes. It works oerfectly for agressors waiting for a defence force and then keep running from that point - needlepinning the followers one by one.

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

again - if you're alone vs 10 enemies - mo matter how fast you will die.

Have a productive day, Runner

94 (edited by Hunter 2011-02-15 13:47:11)

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

The heavy robot shouldn't be at war with ew robots. ew robots shouldn't be at war with heavy robots. The barrier in between is necessary: At ew robots it is already implemented - speed. At heavy robots - the armor+firepower.

Everyone should understand that any balancing generates only new a disbalance.

Сайт корпорации: www.chaos-online.ru
Раздел приема в корпорацию: http://www.chaos-online.ru/foru....-perpetuum/

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

im not talking about being alone^^ - if the attacker EW group kites the defending non EW group - there will always be a single FF target for the attackers due to the speed advantage and the speed gap of the PUG - allthough they're within a group.  attacker can pick 1 target at a time without any chance of being attacked either.

As a defender you have the possibility to:

-let the intruders run away and come back at you
-let yourself be kited and die 1 by 1
-have a mixed setup with several tackler becasue once tackling done=dead
-choose EW yourself
-split groups and cut of the kite ways - requires double numbers

If EWs were either dpser with slower speed or EWers without dps but speed - this cheap way wouldnt work.

96 (edited by Line 2011-02-15 13:51:50)

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

don't forget, mechs have enough lock and shoot range to keep intakts away from them. if you're allow them to kite you 1 by 1 - its l2p issue

and ew mechs, yes - 3 ictuses can stay alive and even kill 10 intakts.

Have a productive day, Runner

97 (edited by Dromsex 2011-02-15 14:00:05)

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

Sure, im not specifically talking mechs now - but range is null against EW being able to hide anywhere.

And btw - there is no way you get to a group of invading EWs in mechs without being kited, if they want to. You can let them stay out of reach - but theyre still there then ;>

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

oh lol oh well its INTAKTS came to gank, not a mechs ^^ so for group of mechs it will be enough good if they will just stay alive.

this game is not about same robot zergs. if your mech group can't deal with intakt group, try it another way. if you don't see another way...well...im sorry, but looks like pvp is not for you.

Have a productive day, Runner

Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

You see? Your forced into EW. Thats a design flaw.


Re: PvP balance. (again and again)

mixed group with proper usage and good command can defeat any group. well, with adequate numbers ofc

Have a productive day, Runner