DEV Calvin wrote:

If we did this, you 1337 pvpers would *** and pillage through the fledgeling corps chasing absolutely everyone out of the game.

Instead, we will give you more islands (3 alpha, 3 beta is the plan at the moment), more NPCs, discovery - along with new, unique equipment -, and to expand the end game a bit, we might let you manage the docking rights of some of the outposts you conquer.

I can't give you exact deadlines on this, but we are going to release every bit as soon as it is out of the oven. You should see these features trickle through in about two weeks.

This is all subject to change at the moment and we wouldn't talk about it if we did not understand your concerns.

thumbs up - must be the right direction if griefers start complaining wink

Heckle wrote:

Having no laser tunings I find is a disadvantage. Oh, having no lasers too.

Not as much as having your detection range cut.
And btw im talking about radar and a radarslot. That would actually free a headslot. wink

Exactly what im talking about. You need either masking or detection mod.
Having neither of them is a disadvantage.

Alexander wrote:

I am sorry you don't like the mechanic but it's working out very well. Detector modules and stealth modules can't be fit on to every robot in an attacking force without causing fitting issues and DPS issues (and speed issues too!)

Yes its working great and thats what i dislike. Youre actually forced to use em and waste at last one slot on every bot.

Alexander wrote:

.. there should not be a way to tell if someone else has seen you. If they start running away they've seen you. Simple as. If they lock you.. They've seen you.


Alexander wrote:

Keep SOME skill in the system please. I too thought it would be nice but now having used the modules a lot I can see where skill comes into it. Judging terrain, speeds and player actions. I love it.


Alexander wrote:

Masking units need more of a bonus. 1 person can see everything with 1 module but the entire force has to git maskers to sneak. Doesn't seem fair. sad

Its also unfair that you just need one masking module to dodge every person without a detector. Thats why i suggest the (btw multiplayer proven) radar thing.
What kind of radar a player uses is up to him. But having one slot less on every bot just because you MUST use a detection/masking mods is just ... blergh

And i think active and passive modes would actually add a lot of tactic to the game.

Yea go ahead and overcomplicate things...

In the old mech-games there was a concept of active and passive radar.

Active radar = more range and able to detect passive radars
Passive radar = less range, less visible but harder to detect anything

Being on a hill increases your range even further.
A marker on your map indicates how far your active/passive radar currently goes.
Weapon system cant acquire a lock if your radar is in passive mode.


Active mode radar with 1500m range:
detects active radars at 1500m
detects passives at 750m

Green marker (100% detection) 750m
Second marker (white circles like we have right now): 1500m

Passive mode radar with 300m range:
detects actives at 300m
unable to detects passives

No green marker!
white marker: 300m

Right now you have everything precalculated and in your head or on a sheet...

Howto implement:
- dedicated radar slot(S/M) on a mech/bot so you can only have ONE radar module at a time..
- different active/passive radar modules which have different capabilities. Every module can be switched between active and passive...

Right now we have this signal maskers/detectors thing which is basically the same thing - except:

Lots of different masker/detector modules
There are no markers (you have to calculate and set them yourself everytime you change your bot)
Even a light bot can fit the most advanced stuff.
Hills and valleys dont make a difference.
Youre not forced to switch between passive(defensive) and active(offensive) in order to attack wrote:

One of the most fixed things in Perpetuum up to now was the constant, fixed distance of 1000 meters players could see each other. The upcoming update changes this. First of all: how far you can see and how far you can be seen from will both vary based on the robot you use, and the two will not necessarily be the same anymore. This alone would be an interesting change, but we're also adding modules to help modify these values during gameplay: The detection type module will allow you to see farther away. The flare type module will make the target show up for people farther away. And of course, the stealth type module will allow you to be seen from a shorter distance. These changes will bring the PvP on the beta islands to a whole new level, and we're excited to see how players will be using the new features to give them a tactical edge over their enemy.

Well, we put that modules on light bots which makes them harder to detect except if you have a detector. Means everyone intrested in PvP is forced to get some of these modules.
Also: you can target someone that cant see you until you lock him and if you remove the lock he cant even see you anymore wink

In other words: Not funny! Just more cat and mouse gameplay. Only question is whos the cat and whos the mouse..


(189 replies, posted in Balancing)

Dromsex wrote:

Whats this, spiderling online?

Farmville online with lasers...

But seriously: these cat and mouse games everyone is doing just got boring.
Asymmetric warfare, terror and harassment but no good/clean PvP.

And one thing is certain: Most changes that support that kind of gameplay have been done intentionally.
So either they want it to be like that or they just made a mistake and havnt realized yet.

I hope for the latter and that they balance it within the next few weeks.


(268 replies, posted in General discussion)

Lupus Aurelius wrote:

Mishap!?!?!?!  Total B***S***.

.. blah ...
... just because I ... shot 30 bots ...
..blah blah..

Be happy that they didnt ban/reset your account and get over it.
Take it like a man! Its just a Game....


(268 replies, posted in General discussion)

You cheated and got caught.
/end of story


(268 replies, posted in General discussion)

I just bought a 90-day sub to support that change.

Good job devs!

Ben Musso wrote:

It is my opinion however that you just crippled the newbies that come to the game, they get less for their kernels and need to spend more for their ammo. That has nothing to do with balancing, that is only a very bad move.

Basically what im experiencing right now. I dont get enough money from kernels and stuff to pay my ammo, so i decided to produce the ammo myself. That didnt work either.

Not producing/selling/doing anything useful right now.
ATM this game feels like a second job that i have to pay for. But maybe thats just me.