Looking for high speed, high DPS?

Kain (Numiquol Mech) is probably the most popular choice.

With Nav 9-10 and a t-4 light weight frame, its easy to get over 74 kph, Add a T-4 speed nexus, its possible to get over 80.

With good turret skills it hits like a truck.

The downside: A speed fit Kain can be vulnerable to concentrated enemy fire.


(41 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.
George S. Patton


(2 replies, posted in Agents seeking corporations)

Cyberdine Inc. would be interested in talking to you mate.

If I could direct you to our website and "in-game" forums advertisement. Have a look. We focus on maturity and have an age policy of 25. We also are looking for members who are willing to communicate via Teamspeak 3 and corporation forums.

Cyberdine has a very 'family' type atmosphere. Each of us has been interviewed and handpicked for their maturity and teamwork attitude. We maintain a new-player friendly mindset and are more than willing to help beginners in Perpetuum with advice and equipment so long as you meet our requirements.

Either way you go mate, you sound like a decent fellow and hope to meet you in game for some good competition and possibly some business dealings. smile

In-game public chat channel: Cyberd

I'd like to get some feedback on the effects of masking and detection since its introduction Feb 4th.

I have heard there has been more diversity in the make-up of high-speed raider gangs since the patch of Feb 4th. What changes in the nature of battle have you seen as far as the introduction of masking and detection.

I am interested in how fighters foresee changes in the nature of small gang warfare with this new dynamic.

How has the fighting changed since the anti-blob mechanics increase in the Feb. 4th patch.

The Koykili fight Feb 5th had some large numbers involved. I'd like to hear some views of the participants of that fight regarding the effects of the increased interference.

-Would appreciate if posters would state whether they have been involved in a large scale fight since the patch or are theorizing- Ekim is excused, edited after his post

I hear a lot of anger about this change, and to be honest I am unhappy with it as well. I am willing to see how it pans however, and adapt to changes. Obviously the Devs felt this needed a change.

My only question is why?

As it stood before this, it seemed most miners at about my skill level made slightly less per hour if you counted my PVE loot as : fragments, reprocess, decoders, rare item drops and of course kernels. I always felt this was a fair balance as miners arent required to maintain 'twitch' style activity for the full duration of their gathering process. Basically they are required to check on their doings every minute or few minutes even.

Now it seems I will be on an almost even nik/hour playing field as the miners with a lot more focused attention required on my end. Maybe I'm seeing only a small piece of the picture. Maybe this change is an unintended consequence to an imbalance somewhere else that had to do with kernels.

I'll suck it up and continue. I love the game. Just curious.

If kernels arent supposed to be a stable form of income for PVE'ers, maybe bounties could be introduced?

I would like to think that this new dynamic was meant to be small objectives to be fought over in Beta to give more reason to PvP besides high speed roaming/raiding. If i remember correctly from earlier talks they were supposed to be destructible?

Quote from developer blog:
"This plant will contain a new harvestable material for use in the manufacturing of high end items. Beware of people trying to harvest or even destroy your crops!"

'''Change:''' Kernel NPC buy order prices have been reduced. (by 1/2)

Curious why?