… gid=202342

Glory of Rome.

Romans take care of their own.

Keep up the good work [MORTE] !

It has always vexed me that fully fitted lights and assaults are not 'hands down' faster than mechs.  I had always envisioned assaults to be high speed attack. As it stands now, assaults are a poor man's speed mech. In some cases, a fully fitted assault is slower than a mech.

Just as lights became viable with the introduction of mask/detect, so I would like to see Assaults have a 'needed role' besides what I see as Second String.

Anti-Ewar in pitched battle would make sense. They only need more speed to be efficient.

<salute> 62nd

No one doubts your bravery.

"Be part of something bigger than yourself. Find a clan on track with your values and goals. Get involved with their growth."

-Rome's old recruitment thread-

I have started my own corporation.
Good Luck Rome.


(41 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Hail to thee our Infantry,
Still brave beyond the grave,
All sworn the eternal vow.


(41 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Industry churning.
Warriors on the ready.


(9 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Looks good. I was thinking linking some of Balfizar's videos would be a nice intro for the guide. He really motivated some of my corp mates who thought only pros and blobs can PvP.

Im trying to imagine what would be written on these billboards by some of the members of this game. I'm not suprised that hasnt been introduced.


DEV Zoom wrote:

The "report this post" links are there for a reason. Use them please.

Zoom, I realize that you would wish your forums to be something that the general public of Perpetuum would want to read to enhance their game play in PO, but I think what the general discussions about this game need is an "E-bouncer" without having to be as politically correct as a business trying to please their subscribers.

Your team probably has way too much to work on and think about without having to deal with moderating the jack-asses of these forums. I'm willing to give the PI forums a shot. If the PI forums really do trim the garbage, Ill be there.

I registered and began posting a couple things on this new forum. Looks real good. If there is even a chance that this new forum could be a communication device for serious PO players moderated so that the useless crap is minimized, and intelligent dialogues arent drowned, I'm all for it.

I know most of the trolls in this forum are actually intelligent adults, and maybe this official perpetuum forum I'm typing in now could be their avenue for the crap so they can get it out of their system and get their little jollies, and the PI forums could possibly be for the times when they wish a mature conversation, decide to be a little civil and actually promote a dialogue with some tact.

There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone. Disagreement and strife are what make the game interesting to me. I would just like to see debates and rhetoric that wasnt in such bad taste.

TBH if the PI forums took off and became strong, I would probably never read these forums again. The only reason I come here at all is to learn political information. It's like a chore similar to scrubbing a toilet. I know there is a large segment of the readers of THIS forum that feel the same way.

The whole point of the thread is that the OP wants to see more diversity in the fighting going on. The problem is not with the speed of the bots (although I would like to see Light Combat Bots get a speed boost), the problem is there is no reason either side feels the need to engage the enemy when there is not a clear advantage tactically. EWAR usage gives attackers the option to refuse battle at will and lower risk.

Right now the only PvP besides intrusions are high speed roaming raids; get in, get a kill, get out, unharmed. This can be done with EWARS. Bringing anything else gives the enemy the ability to actually catch you and force you to fight where losses might be taken. The willingness to take losses on a roaming raid where there is little or no physical reward is counter to human nature. Heavier armored bots with competent pilots and equal enough numbers force the EWAR gangs to withdraw for fear there will be heavy losses. Stalemate. No real PvP.

I would like to see there be a reason, multiple times DAILY, that corporations or alliances would be willing to risk bots and equipment for some sort of physical gain. Some reward worth trading equipment for. The heavier bots would have the advantage and be able to hold terrain giving them the reward all to themselves unless. . . . attacking forces brought more armor and firepower and had the will to risk equipment loss for some sort of substantial gain.

If the reward were something available ONLY during these "minor challenges", corps would risk bots, attackers would be forced to expect armored resistance and have to deal with it, or go without the reward. These challenge nodes would somehow require bots other than EWARS to be completed (at a minimum requiring assaults to complete).

If these "minor challenges" happened multiple times per day in dispersed locations away from outposts, no alliance could "call to arms" their whole available forces that many times per day to form blobs (as what happens now in intrusions). What you would most likely see is adhoc small gangs getting formed up at regular intervals with a minimum number of assaults included, throughout the day to take a shot at winning these rewards.

Consistent small gangs engaging checkpoints around the islands willing to take equipment losses in an attempt to gain a physical/substantial reward unavailable anywhere else in the game.

TL/DR: EWAR speed isnt the problem necessarily in the lack of diversity of combat bots on the battlefield. A shortage of content removes fighters' desire to control portions of territory where heavier/slower bots have an advantage and can only be beaten by heavier/slower bots. There is no material incentive to risk equipment. EWARS risk less in their ability to avoid danger. Why take a chance of being forced into a confrontation where you may take losses due to larger bots slowing the battlegroup. Multiple "minor challenge" nodes scattered across the Betas with substantial unique rewards, beatable only by assault class bots or better would foster regular small gang fighting with a more diverse bot composition.


(41 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience."
Julius Caesar

In my opinion, EWAR is not the problem. (Although i would like to see Light Combat Bots increase in base speed.)
The problem is the scenario.
Raiders come to an island. The residents of the island gather intel and determine if it is a winnable fight with minimal losses. The raiders do the same. There is no tangible reason for either side to be willing to risk serious losses.

Raiders come? Residents can dock up, chill out for a bit. They will leave. Losses? Some lost mining time for the residents.

On the raiders side, if the residents gather a force of assaults with EWAR support the raiders won't engage. But there is no loss from not engaging. The bad side is small waste of time.

Here we have a stalemate. And this is why EWARS are used so much. Its one of the only viable options for the "Roaming gang" Scenario.

If there were say, other scenarios, objectives on the island that gave tangible substantial rewards for defense, or good rewards for taking objectives over, I think you would see more determined efforts to control a portion of terrain meaning more use of heavier armor. More gangs willing to push the envelope and take more risks. More reasons for raiders to bring some heavier gear to deal with residents defenses. More clans raiding.

If there were many of these objectives spread around the Island, you would most likely see smaller fights more often. A few buddies get together to take over a point for some extra cash or maybe a shot at rare items. Possible items only obtainable from these points? Possible objectives that require a decent amount of DPS to take down, and requiring Lights/assaults or mechs.

Every good PvP'er wants a fight. Thats why we play. But as it stands there is nothing to really fight over. As it stands there is only the "Roaming gang" scenario, or a weekly large scale battle intrusion.


(41 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Cyberdine Inc.

Good bunch of chaps.
'Bout 8 - 12 actives now.
Industry churning.