(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

As a miner, I like the changes.

bump smile

Reefpirate wrote:

Melia, if you're just camping at a mob spawn and farming loot and kernels, I would recommend bringing along a field container. You can just toss all your loot in there because that's not affected by the combat flag. Besides, you can stockpile a much more massive pile of loot than just filling up your own cargo.

This.  Only problem is you need someone to pick it up for you and you need to make sure you open it at least every 10 minutes or so.  Or you could use it as a bin.

Otherwise I agree that it should be only a PvP thing.

You_See_Me_Rollin wrote:
Laserkraft wrote:

Arrogant americans! roll

That's # what of the US bashing posts?

Although I do agree the servers need moved, I am in the US, I don't believe to the biggest portion of the playerbase is US based. A Good part of it perhaps, but not the majority.

I honestly don't care where the servers end up, as long as it's on a stable connection.

As was said previously, several stops are dropping packets left and right, the 250ish ms I get is acceptable to me BEFORE you calculate in the packet loss, and us rubber banding around and getting disconnected repeatedly for it.

And before anything is said in response to my post about get better internet, computer, nuclear reactor, lucky rabbits foot. Don't need it.

I played on the over the pond servers in Ultima Online for quite a while so I'm used to the slightly higher latency that is involved in getting to play with your crowd. And no that was not a *** remark, I like playing with your crowd, for the most part. Except for the OMGZ TEH STUPDS AMARIKANS R HARR..

I can answer that, this is a common one, the OP was completely ignorant and kinda arrogant... all because of a view some americans have that america is the centre of the universe and people who don't live in USA don't really exist or aren't worth bothering about.  Obviously this ignorance pisses people off and they react badly and say something that sounds like they're bashing all americans, when in fact it's just the 1 or few.  This is where you come in and take it personally, when you're not the person they're talking about.  People moaning about america is a common thing only because ignorant/arrogant americans is a common thing, although to be fair it's probably not even their fault that they think like they do and it's only a few.   People not thinking enough either side. 

Just don't take it personally or get annoyed and remember they only say it because your neighbour gave them a reason to get mad.