I would like to suggest adding a feature allowing corporations to "claim" bots as corporation property, such as through insurance or just a right-click option while in corp storage, and allow the CEO and HR personnel to reclaim these bots while the current owner is offline. This would allow for better and more efficient use of corporate bots when people "accidentally" log off without placing them back into the storage. Also, it could come with a list of what bots the corp owns, where they are located and who is operating them.

If this expanded to allow the corp to retrieve the bots from non corp members, we could even see a bot rental service open up, allowing, for instance, a miner to rent a heavy mech until he can afford to buy one or even have it financed because if he defaulted on his payments, the owning corp could simply repossess it. What this could do is essentially swap the responsibility of trust. As of now, in order to do something like this would require one corporation to trust many individuals, but with this system, it could be reversed to place the trust in the one corporation. Is there a chance for easy scams? Ya, there is, but in a game like this all you can do is try and reduce that chance.

Anywho, that was just a quick idea i had just now. Any thoughts?

The whole idea is to promote teamplay, not require it. If you want to solo mine or rat, you either do so within 10min round trip of a terminal, or you fill your bot's cargohold and return. Teamplay = more efficiency, but that doesnt mean you have to do it.Take a look at RL, where do you think companies first came from? Two guys got together and figured out that by working together, they can earn x% more then working separate. In the same way, by having a team to work with in perpetuum, you are able to extend the range of your operations beyond the overcrowded spots near terminals.

The current timer on cans isn't anti-solo, its pro teamwork. Solo mining is completely viable without cans at 7.5/15/21U per trip, its just not as efficient as having a hauler.


(6 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

IMO the recent addition of explosion damage is all the anti swarm we need. Its a viable tactic. Realistically, tanks do not get sent into battle without infantry backup, and in the same way you should take heavy mechs into battle without light and assault mechs to back them up. Light mechs are the infantry, heavy mechs are the battletanks. Its all about balancing your numbers.

I would definitely be interested in giving PIE a try, hehe, I rhymed... Anywho, I'd love to join up with you guys. Im a miner/merchant myself, currently driving a Termis but I'm ready to bump up as soon as I can afford it.

Im at -19k also.  May be related to me applying a 90 sub to my EA account a few days ago.

I say bring back the folders and just increase the storage costs. Pay more for added security, ie you need to rent 4 storage compartments for an access lvl 1, 2, 3, and 4, but each of these can be organized within without costing a fortune.



(37 replies, posted in Q & A)

that sure is straight outta left field... what sub based game has an item shop?

just run geo missions out of truhold... almost 40k every 5 minutes not including the 14k in missles as a reward, you'll have an argano in no time.