MadGelo wrote:
Capleton wrote:
Jelan wrote:

lol, really just lol, you call epeen issues with a corp tag xXx, is it really you Vin?

I dont care about Vin, you bunch of attention whores. Most of M2S posting is e-peen related, thats just a fact. This post is the pinacle of attention whoring 101.

Have a nice day tweaking Display options.

if you werent so freaking *******, you would look at similar post neox made about how to get on top of that list and this

and you would realise that he is trying to force DEVs to change it already ( theyv ignored this minor issue in beta)

The mighty Neox want to "force" Dev on something, ok then...

Jelan wrote:
Capleton wrote:

I suspect e-peen issues here

lol, really just lol, you call epeen issues with a corp tag xXx, is it really you Vin?

I dont care about Vin, you bunch of attention whores. Most of M2S posting is e-peen related, thats just a fact. This post is the pinacle of attention whoring 101.

Have a nice day tweaking Display options.

I suspect e-peen issues here

Dev BoyC wrote:

However we do have some ideas in mind to discourage blob warfare, and make it a lot more tactical.

I cant wait to see what are your plans in that matter, as the only 2 paths so far in the industry were :

instances, instances, instances....
Lagfest, lagfest, lagfest....

Just No. Pay attention, scam, get scammed, thats life.