(6 replies, posted in Q & A)

While I usually don't do missions (I am a miner) I don't know how long or what it would take to get a 6.0 rep I do not think that is a good point to place a structure.

I feel that having your own structure keeps you more anchored to the game, giving you a feeling of having a part of it and wanting to come back and do more things. Staying in a terminal does not make me feel like returning often.
A nice place in the hills overlooking the water in one of my favorite mining areas would make it more fun to log in.
Then, happily I would make trips to the terminal to sell, refine or get provisions.


(6 replies, posted in Q & A)

As I roam the islands (alpha) I see all kinds of abandoned structures.  Why can't we have the ability to place a small structure of our own?  Pay a land use fee and upgrade fee for storage per month.  Im not too fond of the station terminals.   SOME of us just want to roam about and mine. not everyone is a PVP'er.



(7 replies, posted in Bugs)

I put in file X86 like all my other games and it is downloading now.


(7 replies, posted in Bugs)

I get error opening file for writing.

I have remove the old client and cannot get the new one to work.


(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'm no longer a "trial" player, I just subbed so im in for a month.
I dearly would love to have my own place in a non pvp zone. MY game time is limited, I am prolly only one in a handfull of players that only do mining and manufacture.  I dont really care to do PVP in EVERY game I play.
IF I want to PVP Ill log into Eve and join my friend in Goonsquad......


(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

I have read all the blogs so excuse me if I didnt catch this.

Will these islands be PVP only?
Can a non huge guild build structures?

I usually play solo and on a limited amount of time can I build structures?



(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

I made the trip to the island (didnt have the yellow lines in the name) got what I needed and was off.
Thanks again.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks for the info everyone.
My main reason for going to a pvp island was to purchase an item.  Ill have to look and see if it is possible to purchase from the market (some sort of remote extension maybe) and if this is not possible then there should be some way to do so.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Really ?  A noob cannot go to the PVP islands?  I didn't know that.
When CAN I go there then?

Bloodskull wrote:


I am  8 days into my trial and am having fun....for now.
Just got my Termis and am going thru the voodoo to keep the accumulator full changing things and adding the proper extensions.

My only fear is traveling to the non "carebear" islands (im a mining build char) I have insured my "starter" ship and plan to look around the PVP islands. 
Some of the good items for sale are in the PVP islands so I guess I have to go tere to get them.

My question is...... will I make it out with my items alive?


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)


I am  8 days into my trial and am having fun....for now.
Just got my Termis and am going thru the voodoo to keep the accumulator full changing things and adding the proper extensions.

My only fear is traveling to the non "carebear" islands (im a mining build char) I have insured my "starter" ship and plan to look around the PVP islands. 
Some of the good items for sale are in the PVP islands so I guess I have to go tere to get them.

My question is...... will I make it out with my items alive?