old - 145ms
new - 120ms

except when on Attalica - 500+
strangely doesn't seem to effect anything otherwise would be unplayable

wonder if this would be good news for miners and harvesters
lots of need for base materials to create items to sell on steam
and steam would certainly be the preferred market over the ingame AH - although some NIC would have to be generated too
doom and gloom for the games economy or...........


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

Log in and the moment i move my bot it jumps to 0,0 on the map - which is the uppermost left corner of the map - basically 20,000+ kilometers out in the ocean

other account getting super lag

my game night isn't exactly panning out


(79 replies, posted in General discussion)

well, nice to read that it isn't just me


(107 replies, posted in General discussion)

downloading client now - but after reading most of the 60 posts above i have to think that this is a mistake

it seems nothing has changed for the PVE player since i left about 6 months after launch (later than most "care-bears" did after it was obvious the devs were only interested in PVP)

so, nothing was learned from the PVE/soloer exodus so long ago?


(30 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:

The self suffcient beta alliances don't need the market. They also don't have any incentive to over produce and sell to alpha, because they also don't need the NIC.

The alpha bases producers don't have the ct's to create the items in demand, because they don't have access to the kernels tomake prototypes.

The market is dead because the game focused changes have accomplished what they intended, to drive everyonr to beta; and to those that didn't want beta game, they drove away.

summed up very nicely indeed

Asimov wrote:

Isn't it more fun to have your own turf on a beta island and be ready to defend it from attackers, it is a PvP game after all ? The reason many corps are on Alpha or join a blob alliance in the first place is because the lack of more beta islands ? If indeed there wil be 3 more beta island added to the game, why add more Alpha islands, see my point ? Better add 6 new beta island and there will be NIC and resources for everyone. And there will be more blood yarr

it was initially my impression that this game was a sandbox - but you're right - it is a PVP game - at least from what i've seen of the developer focus and the constant nerfing of alpha

and i'm one carebear that didn't mind so much the "dangerous" roamers even when they really interfered with my plans for the evening - but, when they happen to show up near where i can switch characters and destroy them there is nothing worth while to be had from the loot - turns out they are both annoying and pointless

2 accounts are going silent at the end of the month - the third will stay subbed to keep EP gain in the hope of a better tomorrow


(88 replies, posted in General discussion)

L1fe3looD wrote:

the question here is:

" If you wanted to play WoW, why the F**K are you here? "

let's see - in the vernacular
learn to read noob

there doesn't seem to be an issue with the silver platter business but either make it impossible to delete from cargo where ever you are so that "special" rules don't have to be made for the PVP babies

or at least have a piece of equipment that creates the condition of not being able to delete your cargo - instead of the "magical" condition created by the crying of the aforementioned "babies"

Devs took the easy way out i'd say


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

Alexander wrote:

Complain? It's a small back-fire that effected everyone. Losses are logged and it's easy enough to work out what happened. It's highly likely any robots lost from the moment the lag happened (Which should be ZERO as NPC's stopped working and you could still move) should get reimbursed. So zero to reimburse. Good job we hauled all our cans.

Anyone lose any more than 80U in a field container? Sucks to be you.

you are one serious ***

and yes, it does suck right now
and i do expect to be compensated


(7 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Quip wrote:

This happened to me twice now. All NPC's and players are suddenly still, targets cannot be locked or unlocked, modules cycle forever but don't fire. I can move around and chatting works fine.

It feels like lag but I don't think it is, as then the chat should also lag. And once you get into the above state, it doesn't go back to normal.

It seems to strike rarely and at random moments, I can't really reproduce this. The workaround is to log out to the character selection menu, and logging in the character again.

this exactly - started after patch
3 times so far

mobs and players stop moving completely - chat still works (this is a good or a bad thing)
fortunately your own avatar doesn't seem to exist on the same astral plane even though you are in-game - not been killed by this problem since i'm not really there (wonder if this could be used for spying?)
just have to log/relog


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

Jasdemi wrote:

QQ moar, OP.

can't spell even after editing huh

not having a fit or a tantrum - so the attacks by the Perpetuum Protectorate aren't needed

would just like to know why this hardly necessary nerf became a priority considering everything else that could and should be dealt with (and now with desync - whoohoo)

and yes i play with friends - real life friends - fortunately friends that don't come with a group-mind mindset (heil!)

certainly future recommendations for Perpetuum will include a warning about the community


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

no official response

would just like the thought process involved

so now i'm cheating like the big corps did/do and farm the no risk tutorial - effective nerf huh?


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

the question is
who decided (and possibly how) these assignments were OP?

missed that part or did you just decide you needed to make a random post?

and yes i know how to play (after playing a short time in OB i had 5mil and all the bots i needed)

this is just another peg to force grouping as far as i can see
i'm sure there will be others - from personal experience the developers of sandbox style games tend to only listen to their buddies in big corps/guilds


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

so, who decided that these assignments were OP?

like it wasn't enough of a time sink for aquiring ready cash now it takes even longer
nice for solo players that needed a boost in the ol' NIC since they didn't have big daddy to go to

message to soloers - not welcomed here?

guess i'll cheat and redo the tutorial

Ysaac Yelb wrote:

Quite smooth here. I've got two crashes when Deploying from Attalica.

while running 2 accounts?


During OB i ran 2 accounts with little to no crashing when compared to running just one account at a time - then i would get map crash, transporter crash and terminal crash - not a lot but enough to be slightly annoying

now while running 2 accounts whichever account is AFK but busy - like being in terminal or mining it crashes, guaranteed

is this a change?
seems unlikely that you would like fewer accounts tongue
would hate to cancel one account but it is unplayable like this