(22 replies, posted in Q & A)

Well, I created a monster. Thanks for the help guys.

Good to hear your listening to the people who pay your bills.  Small changes are the way to go in a sand box. Thanks Zolm


(14 replies, posted in Q & A)

On my Indy guy it's 100%. I do a 4 tile pattern around the bot with a double lazer on one.  In a square persay. Seems to last quite a long time on a good field.

PS:Sometimes what the majority of players want is more important, not what the DEVs think its best, after all we need numbers and this is also a business.

Quoted for truth.

Atticus wrote:

According to the Corp population graph in the December newsletter, Nex, M2S, TOG, F-Navy are some of the biggest corps in the game and outnumber Nova by far. So shouldn't any of these corps easily hold one or 2 stations? Its not the I2.0 mechanics that is preventing this.

Very heavy euro presence. Very many have left since the i2.0 patch announcement. IMO.

Mara, not everyone is trying to hold 8 stations, some just 2. Some just 1.

Trap Card wrote:
Shijima wrote:

Agra, where are the new players coming from? They don't advertise, word of mouth at this point could be bad depending on how many now bitter players there are.

I prettymuch see new players every time I log in.

And the peak server load is like 200 per day.

Agra, where are the new players coming from? They don't advertise, word of mouth at this point could be bad depending on how many now bitter players there are.

Well said Triglav.  In order for AC to save their game, they need to take steps to right a wrong.

Ok, if your corp does not have 24 seven coverage, this patch is working as intended to remove you from beta?  Good to know.  If you or your attacker doesn't feel like defending a sap, working as intended. No one is ment to have 100% which would allow for nice upgraded OP rather than just using Alpha 2s, working as intended.   Good to hear, all i needed to hear to make my decision on if I should check out star wars new mmo.

Would like to hear a DEV response to this feedback, if the intention of I2.0 was to burn out the player base and have them head for greener pastures, it appears mission accomplished.   Having 2 or 3 alarm clock ops a day per OP is not something do-able with out hundreds of active players. As was said in a previous post, a gang of ewar bots can snipe out an outpost from a defender in 2 minutes. This doesn't seem like a way to encourage pvp.


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

Mauro Rha wrote:
Jelan wrote:

So Novablob have successfully completed their statement of intent to turn the game into a PVE one? GJ lol

No, devs did ... roll

Well it's clear devs are in the back pocket of one cir player with 47,000 accounts funding their whole operation.


(102 replies, posted in General discussion)

See ya PoKK

DEV Zoom wrote:

Anni is right.

And the decision for 5% was made to give enough time to react for those who have assets at any outpost, since with 50% you can already close them.

I agree, there will have been a good 2 weeks before the patch goes live and people will have items trapped. 25% would be a fair start for all the outposts. 5% is quite low.


(24 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

+1 we love you devs make it happen smile


(84 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'm sure it's not going to happen tomorrow.


(24 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Bump please. This needs to be addressed for it is a tactic to blow up other bots with yours. GGg