(162 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Syndic wrote:

Because macroing spawns on Alpha is morally superior to blowing up beacons with plasma bombs. roll



(162 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

derives pleasure

poke me in the poke room if you need help with pve

Dev team clearly said they would go back to the red/orange npc thing at a later date


(162 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

The only person that messed with Plasma bombs subject was Jita.



(8 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Badass is bully

also bot/macro npcs in alpha

Kim Cho wrote:

Hey, you were that guy who stole my grindspot the other day.

How're you doing?

The mechanics limits need to be pushed so they are addressed before we have 5000 people in general chat, not after.

stop being so selfish

Tamas Vitez wrote:
DEV Zoom wrote:

The Devs are just trying to keep focus to be honest, otherwise we'll never get back gammas.

I understand your point of view, you want to keep the freedom to do what ever players want, where and how they want it.

Your inexperience to recognize harassment will cost you a few accounts, but hey, if that will keep the CIR and 77 veterans happy, its all good, right ?


(32 replies, posted in Bugs)

ok, in retrospect, island to island sparking has long delay but going from station to station in same island is fine.

dock then undock delayed

Gunner wrote:

its fixed, no delays that I can se


(162 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

We do it to show the Devs its broken because when we tell them they act stupid and say its not.







other stuff

We yell it at the top of our lungs but nobody gives a *** until a group of nobodies cries about it on Alpha then something is done about it.

mofos need to start listening and show some respect

You are welcome.

Annihilator wrote:

because i don't exploit game mechancis that it 100% risk free to mine there?

beeing able to monitor all those teleports 24/7 with audiovisual warning, placing login-trap alt agents in strategic good positions is in your eyes less game breaking then using isboxer seth to farm beacons on alpha?


(162 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Would you rather have the game go live Steam with high abuse mechanics or have it dealt with now.

Stop being selfish there are more people than just you

Tamas Vitez wrote:

so because you think the game mechanics are broken, you feel you have the right to grief and harass other players ? In the hope the DEVs will make changes to the game that will better suit your play style ? Is that it ?

ill trade you 10x gropho for space engineers


Would have been sweet to pickup a game or two with steamshop proceeds.

screw the RMT alert naysayers and lets get it on!


(162 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

im abusing my alpha distress beacon right now


(57 replies, posted in Balancing)

been saying that for a year

but ------ zoom insists it does more good than harm


welcome to another low pop server


Gwyndor wrote:

I just realized my last few posts have been on my alt. I am the OP, lab geek.  Just to make sure people don't think I'm trying to add argument to any side.

I really appreciate the leve of coordination and preparation the current powers have, I just want there to be a drawback to instant projection. Teleportation and iz are not instant but are effective and some argue OP (i think they are fine). If someone wishes tospark into a fight it shouldn't be able to work any faster than a teleport spool up time. Just a 3 minute delay on undocking would be the only solution I would seek to balance spark teleport.

As an additional disclaimer and side note, I do not think 77 or CIR's success is because of a slightly broken mechanic. Their success is built on preparation and communication for fast response. Having eyes on targets/danger and then dropping teleported to prepare for defense and attacking is perfectly fine and it takes a lot communication to do that. What I don't think is ok is being able to go from dom to hook instantly and undocking right away to gank someone who decided to engage.

Can I get a comment from 77 and/or CIR on these ideas?


(51 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Let me correct you:

"created by the developers game mechanics"

When there are 10,000 people playing at Steam release, everyone and their mom is going to try to find some loophole to kill people on Alpha

You are welcome.

Jita wrote:
Annihilator wrote:

the only serious issue i see is the lack of red alpha roams... alpha observers RIP

Another game breaking problem created by 77 and CIR abuse of existing mechanics


(51 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

its not our fault we dont die

its jitas fault

Skydell wrote:

There is no economy. When was the last time CIR or PHM bought a Robot?

It's all done in corp and it isn't even a bad thing. It's just a different way of doing things.

Very few players can AFK field 8 Scarab and if that only got you 30 mill? It isn't a problem.


(48 replies, posted in General discussion)


Stranger Danger wrote:

Ignoring whatever jobberish hunter attempted to google translate into English...I think the general jist of this frame of mind is one that infests most player.

I think everyone assumed that the game would be super fair.  That both sides would know for a fact the exact numbers and fleet composition of enemies and come with exact equals...that some corporations and alliances would kick friends to the curb to lower numbers and strength to create a partnership of equals among all players. 

It will never work this way.  Its a sandbox.  I know many people have had hurt feelings over the fact that some refuse to throw fights, let others win not based on tactics/intel/skill but on keeping everyone happy.

We have seen time and time again, people who don't dominate in pvp leave the game or go into the shadows posting and chatting only, usually to berate those who are doing well, and to lay blame for whatever issue is at hand.

A game like this needs winners and losers in fights to keep the economy going.  Ore is infinite, most of which can be acquired with ZERO risk.  Losing bots shouldn't be an issue.  Replenishing lost bots keeps the wheels of the game moving...and when people decide to not risk loss...be it to prevent others from getting pvp, or winning, or to prevent asset loss...the rest of the game suffers.  It hurts alpha pve players most.

Anyway.  Im sorry the game didn't turn out into a soccer style tournament tie where everyone wins and all is happy.

We did try to do what was best for the game, without completely faking it by letting people who failed to use all the game has to offer, and to use coordination and tactics, win consistently.

Mutual interests is that the game succeeds.  However, no one is going to play bad on purpose indefinitely so that others who will quit the second they stop winning can stay.

Nothing can be done to resolve this.  Resetting all accounts will leave those with superior coordination and tactics just as strong.  Causing the current batch of strong player to leave will just allow others to rise up in their spot and dominate. 

I know ive well surpassed the attention span of most people here, and most wont even bother to read this. 

There is nothing you can do in a game like this to keep players in game who will quit the second the game doesn't go their way.  All you can do is just play the game as it was meant to be played and enjoy it.  Even if that means you don't win all the time.

People give up way too fast.  People barely try and when it doesn't work out blame others and quit.  Problem is in the players, not the winners who everyone cast blame upon but the losers who seek to find fault in everything but their own attitudes.  Sad thing is most of these people are long time EVE players...so the concept of not being #1 all the time should be baked in and not an issue.  Why is this an issue in perpetuum then?


(320 replies, posted in Testing server)

being in an ewar is not being good at ewar

Shadowmine wrote:

Actually he usually pilots Ewar bots.


(641 replies, posted in Testing server)

Like +1

DEV Zoom wrote:

Promoted more features into the first post:

  • Because of the terraform limitations we need to modify mineral spawning, since there will be locations that you won't be able to reach in any way. Currently the idea is to make minerals despawn after a set time and let them respawn according to the current rules.

  • Turret balance / damage reduction.

  • Deployable walls could be destroyed by normal weapons, but the damage would be propagated along the wall to multiple neighboring wall tiles. This would make it harder to just simply cut a hole into a wall. Of course this would affect beta islands too.

  • Gates on the wall. The current idea is to have a 3x3 tile deployable object that has a simple open/close switch. The gate object would need to be harder to destroy than a wall tile. Access control would be relation-based.

  • If a friendly attacks a building, all the turrets in the same network need to turn on him.

  • No degradation of concrete and wall tiles within areas claimed by buildings. They still take damage as normally.

  • More variation in the topology of gamma islands: archipelago type zones, less symmetrical layout, etc.

  • Make single-tile terraforming more user-friendly. Height display for tiles for comparison purposes to allow for precise structures.

I think this is now pretty close to what we'd like to achieve for now, regarding basic mechanics.

Also, removed highway nodes as it has now its own topic, and it's not a must for the reopening of gammas.

The Passive sap for Initia was lost that day.  Effective diversion tactics were used. 

People can judge for themselves the value of the SAP vs. the bots lost.  Its all in the KB link there.

Annihilator wrote:

i wonder when he comes to this battle:
30 bots about
1/3 mk2 heavy mechs
1/3 mk2 EWAR
1/3 mk2 EnWar


19 robots, mostly assaults, still succeding in taking the SAPs, and PvP suddenly stagnating afterwards.

I dont know anyone who isnt playing this -


If you ever played Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Keeper or Terraria, take look at this one.

http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/1424455 … -6-17-2014

Can you say ladders?     yeeeeeeeesssssssssss

few weeks away but looking forward to


(113 replies, posted in Testing server)

yeah i forgot about pay to *** your character after patches

Ville wrote:

Well AC has to make money some how.  Quick Dev Alf go Nerf something else so the entire playerbase buys credits to respec into something else!

So your reducing detectors range, are you intandeum reducing masking?


(113 replies, posted in Testing server)

Dev Alf,

You are off your rocker, I think.

...but keep making decisions that piss off the community, why should that change now

referring to the EP not the module change, i like the change

DEV Alf wrote:

There will be no EP reimbursement for Signal Detection. In fact the extension is even more important because it helps you remain undetected.