(19 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Arga wrote:

The only thing I don't see mentioned here is the mining/harvesting charges.

Anyone in game verify the base %'s for these please?


They are considered ammo it seems.


(49 replies, posted in Balancing)

New Indy character sells cheap t1s for a small profit to an older indy character. Older indy character gets the t1s dirt cheap, turns them into higher tier items and sells them for big profit. I fail to see how they are competing with each other. One less thing an older indy has to worry about making, sounds good to me.


(12 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Arga wrote:

If that max CT you could combine was 25% that would be ok. Otherwise you can combine a semi-expenisve 75% with a less expensive 64% to get a very valuable 88% CT, or (2) 75%'s for  90% which is very desirable for hmechs (because of the large material requirements).

I am new, so you definitely know a lot more about this game and industry than I do. What your saying makes sense if you used the current value of cts. But wouldn't the values of the cts change if they added this. This would definitely change prices around but would it throw things out of balance? And when I say balanced I mean would it fit into the game without ruining everything that will still exist after this system is in place. Not will prices stay the same as the old ct system. From what I can tell they are changing things all the time that are effecting the worth of things in the game. So Arga I have a question I can't really answer myself because I don't know every detail of the game yet. Would this mess up things outside of the ct system?


(12 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I suggest using this formula in the combination of 2 cts.

hct=ct with the highest %
lct=ct with the lowest %
nct=new ct %
bp=base percentage, im thinking maybe 10%
eb=the bonus from a new extension for this process
ext=lvl of said extension



With lvl 10 extension you would have to add 15 25% cts to another 25% ct to get a 100% ct.That's the extreme, adding 5 25% to a 75% is not so bad. Sure that is a lot of cts for just one 100% but its better than just throwing them away.

I don't think a mature person would have ever posted or even thought about listing those 3 things. I call bullshit.

Wait a minute your name is foofer. Is this a troll? Ah he got me. sad


(89 replies, posted in General discussion)

Siddy wrote:

i pressed random generation


-10 for lying
+15 for the nose

Where is my boy slugys? He will win the thread.


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

Johnny EvilGuy wrote:

Maybe there's someone out there that can suggest a more survivable fit for Alpha 2, but unless your corp is insisting you go there (blow them off, seriously)

You can blow us off slugys.

And get out of that silly mech, its to big for you. These pie guys know whats up.