(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

It works for me but then again I have over 10% in relation


(85 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Jasdemi wrote:

First of all. PO is really good. Sure it lacks content, but it'll come with time.

Still the almighty Jasdemi can't keep subbing for one simple reason:

You practically copied pretty much EVERYTHING from my favourite MMORPG, EVE Online. I simply can't support you in this matter. This hurts my conscience.

It's like betraying a hot blonde with some hot black chick. (You know what I mean) xD

Nonetheless I wish you, Avatar Creations, good luck and success with PO.


I'm a little surprised at this post and here's why...

Isn't almost every fantasy-mmo really just a copy of everquest 1 anyway?  I mean the similar aspects of all fantasy-mmos is really huge.

While I will admit that PO is SIMILAR to Eve I can't honestly say it's a copy because there are just too many differences.  Very obviously is the difference of ground combat instead of space.  Robots instead of ships.  You can't get out of your robot (capsule) to go to another base.  The crafting system works slightly different.  There's no such thing as Blue Prints or a Blue Print Original equivalent.

Anyway, point is play a game if you like it.  Don't play if you don't like it. If PO really WAS a copy of Eve, I'm sure CCP would've slapped them with a lawsuit before launch since everyone and their mother mentioned it on Eve forums and CCP doesn't seem to care.


(42 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

We currently have a pretty strong industrial backbone that is very generous with their time and effort they put into corp goals. 

We could use more combat agents but as always we're open to anyone with the right attitude.  smile


(42 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Update for The Enclave.

We're sitting at about 35 members, about 75% NA and 25% EU.  Out website/forums is under construction by the PR Manager.

Feel free to contact any Delegates online or hang out in the Enclave Recruitment channel until a PR Manager can get to you.

I would really like to see an in game corp calendar to post/plan events, maybe even a role in corp that gives a player access to post events on it or allow all current roles to add events.

This would be a great feature and definatly needed.


(42 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Gemini X wrote:

You re not the Enclave from WoW  - Bleeding Hollow , are you ?



(42 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

We're still taking anyone but we're really looking to fill out our industrial wing.  wink


(42 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Hey Tom, there should be myself or others online pretty much all day.  Jump in channel and yell til you get someone's attention.  tongue


(42 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

The Enclave will be doing open recruitment for our Perpetuum branch.  We're looking for mature gamers that want a drama free corperation experience.  We have our own private ventrilo server. 

If you have questions feel free to post them here or mail me in game.

Visit us online at www.enclavecorp.net