I am also a one account player. I've been pushing the market in Attalica since I feel that catering to the new players is extremely important to player retention. I sell very low and also work at filling reasonable buy orders.
I couldn't believe the prices when I resubbed. That is, if you could find anything. Basic items have to be affordable and available for many reasons. If you can't improve the bot yo have or upgrade, people lose interest quickly. High prices are a road block since that's just as disappointing as not being available at all.
Lack of availablility and high pricing have a huge negative impact on the game. If it costs too much or is too hard to get, nobody blows it up since they can't replace it readily. If bots don't go boom then nobody shops in the market. If nobody shops then industry dries up since there isn't anyone buying the items made. Mining becomes subsistance gathering since there is no industry.
Prices need to come down on every aspect of the market. The starter bot should be slightly better, You should get a new one when you die. Those are "must" items in any pvp game. In this game, yo need to be able to at least field something cheap and fun. At least it will help the market sell modules. The rest follows.
Cost and difficulty of research and prototypes needs to be better balanced. Teh cost of doing anything in this game is so high that it virtually kills it's own population. I understand NIC sinks. they are needed. However, they shouldn't kill off new subscriptions either. They also shouldn't stiffle in-game developement.