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DEV Zoom wrote:Ioci wrote:My complaint was in the Alpha1 and Alpha2 tactics to disrupt mining.
You can't do this on Alpha1 and it will be harder to do on Alpha2 after the next patch, as I explained before.
Thank you.
When I log in to the forum and skim, see the generic attack trash I go in to auto ignore and go on the offensive so I missed the patch reply.
DEV Zoom wrote:In all seriousness though, I bet it must be really fun gameplay to get hammered by NPCs next to a teleport for hours while you wait for someone to finally come through so you can get... what exactly? There are a hundred other ways to grief people and you still get along, now you realized there is plus one.
I've never had NPC's come up on a teleport gate. I've deployed a few times to mobs but just went back in.
My complaint was in the Alpha1 and Alpha2 tactics to disrupt mining. I saw the research inteface, I used up some of the points, I can make a variety of items up to T3 and can make a modest amount of Bots. I just can't get enoughmaterials to actually do it because half an hour in to a mining op, someone rolls by with a train of reds behind them.
It seems its all in my head though and it isn't really happening so I will be quiet about it from now on.
Tund Bungler wrote:Ioci wrote:Rage Rex wrote:Yes, trapped now on the other side, away from your destination. Grief successful.
This. If you have made a game where the objecive is to 'don't do stuff' because players can *** block 80% of the content, don't be surprised that nobody is playing.
And the other 20% go to the forums and make up lies to prove their point.
My apologies. Didn't mean to create drama. Working as intended.
Just my opinion, nothing more. This game will be shut down in a year.
Rage Rex wrote:DEV Zoom wrote:Kaldenines wrote:I can already see the NPC gate-camp tactic working.
Step 1: Get a tanky bot such as a Tyranos Mk2.
Step 2: Drag red NPCs under a static teleport.
Step 3: When someone jumps in, wait for them to start moving off the teleport and then jump out.
Step 4: Harvest tears.
NPCs don't attack you until you have molecular instability (this is somewhere in the patch notes I just can't be bothered to find it), so plenty of time to escape to the other side if you find yourself trapped.
Yes, trapped now on the other side, away from your destination. Grief successful.
This. If you have made a game where the objecive is to 'don't do stuff' because players can *** block 80% of the content, don't be surprised that nobody is playing.
Sundial wrote:Celebro wrote:DEV Zoom wrote:If you want my personal and honest opinion, it saddens me a bit that the community is still not at that point where they would just start organizing guardian squads to protect the miners or the busy transport routes. That would be a true sandbox trait, but maybe I'm just a dreamer.
Never happened on Eve no one wants to defend miners from NPCs , if there is an option to do it solo.
In EVE you have other options to defend yourself as a miner, including using a barge with a battleship sized tank (Procurer/Skiff) in trade for a little bit less yield. Its simply not feasible to suicide gank these barges.
This particular issues is different though because some of the mobs likely will have ewar and can't be permatanked because of the way shield mechanics are linked to your accumator as well as other factors such as neuting, lack of shield bonus on the Rivaler and how terrible active armor tanking is. So you can't escape and you can't permanently tank them.
As for having solo players on alpha defend themselves with combat accounts, good luck on that Zoom. You see this kind of stuff already happening by some of the larger more organized alpha groups, but that's not who this type of training is killing. Its killing the smaller group and solo alpha dwellers (the only hope of your entire game after steam). So yeah, I wouldn't dream for everyone behaving the same Zoom. You have different groups of players that all act differently, you need to consider that in balancing the game.
Feel free to ignore this guy as well.
Elitist/ hive mind, Perpetuum is working out so well up to this point.
DEV Zoom wrote:Ioci: NPCs from distress beacons really should not attack you, they are orange (passive), so they only attack the one who activated the beacon. As far as I know there are no beacons with red NPCs, but please correct me if I'm wrong.
These were red NPC's and I 'assumed' this was a beacon spawn based on the number of NPC's that were there. I've spent most of my game on Alpha 2. The largest spawn I have seen was 5 NPCs. There were more NPC's and they were pulled to me 8-10 of them. For all I know the guy who pulled them was hauling a train from all over the map for who knows how long.
The point to all this, people are pulling spawns to miners to scuttle solo mining/ Harvesting attempts. Everything else is forum war tactics. I adjusted in a follow up post that I was unclear to the origin of the Spawns, only knowing that the direction was from the Mag strip, cutting off escape.
If you people in development feel the game is strong enough to absorb that level of selective playerbase that is being policed in to the game by other players, I have no desire or duty to dictate otherwise.
I won't water down the learning curve. It's the sandbox aspect that makes a sandbox attractive.
Also if you see me griping about Alpha 2 people griefing me while I mine, just set it in the back of your mind and continue your journey for now.
If you have industrial goals at launch, be sure to put some artifact probes in to the scanner and give that a try. Science/ Salvage 1 & 2 are usually safe and will yield a lot of industrial stuff.
If you just want to make some NIC I would encourage you to drop the whole mining side and kill rookie spawns. They drop an essence or something that sells for 250-275 through infinite orders and it's the true NIC faucet for this game.
DEV Zoom wrote:That's because people lure away those NPCs from there. We're thinking about a solution.
Now that we know it can be done.
While people will continue to try and discredit me in the 'State of the Game' thread, I fully expect it, I tried mining solo and people were pulling mobs to me.
It draws to question the very old issue with AI never breaking aggro in this game. Couple that with When you couple all these aspecs of Perpetuum together, throw in some elitist mindset about what people should and shouldn't be doing in game, the final conclusion is, this game is not ready for prime time. Steam is just going to serve to alienate even more people from Perpetuum.
Rage Rex wrote:Ioci wrote:Update,
10 seconds from a Shinjalar Mag strip, gathering Prismocitae in a Sequer. Someone launches a Distress beacon on the mag strip, a dozen bots instalock me and melt the Sequer.
It will be passed off as griefer lulz. Me, I think it's a deliberate attempt by shills to sabotage a game on its last legs. I really don't know if the game has a chance. I can shrug the "loss". It was under a Mill. I can even shrug the waste of time but it does concern me when low impact players get bullied like that. I won't take it personal but that in itself is what concerns me. Anyone coming here from Steam will need to be willing to join the Gamma Zergs out of the gate or will be thugged out of the game.
GL Devs. You have a fight to survive and I don't envy your situation.
yeah, that sounds like a roaming spawn. Besides, even if someone did light off a beacon they would not agress unless you lock or agress them first (unless the damn mechanic changed on that too).
But still cool story in thread that was originally about ...wait, I lost track.
There was a player bot there who came right to me, followed me.
There seems to be a concerted effort to discredit this claim I have made and there seems to be a lot of effort being put forth to malign me. I know what happened. It happened twice yesterday. Once on Hersh and this time on Shijalar. The attempt on Hersh failed because I was in a T3 shielded Termis and the mobs never had a chance to take me down.
I'm used to this forum behaviour. I played EVE for 8 years but I really don't see what is being done on the forum here as working. There just isn't enough traffic to bury it in forum war. It won't come as a surprise when the steam people start dropping off because there is active player intervention to push them out.
I might not be here to say I told you so, so I told you so.
Also, title of the thread. "State of the game".
This is the state of the game.
Gunner wrote:"Someone launches a Distress beacon on the mag strip"
All I know is I had a dozen red dots show up on top of me, out of nowhere.
Point still remains the same.
10 seconds from a Shinjalar Mag strip, gathering Prismocitae in a Sequer. Someone launches a Distress beacon on the mag strip, a dozen bots instalock me and melt the Sequer.
It will be passed off as griefer lulz. Me, I think it's a deliberate attempt by shills to sabotage a game on its last legs. I really don't know if the game has a chance. I can shrug the "loss". It was under a Mill. I can even shrug the waste of time but it does concern me when low impact players get bullied like that. I won't take it personal but that in itself is what concerns me. Anyone coming here from Steam will need to be willing to join the Gamma Zergs out of the gate or will be thugged out of the game.
GL Devs. You have a fight to survive and I don't envy your situation.
DEV Gargaj wrote:This bug annoys me as well particularly because it doesn't happen anywhere I tried before.
Unfortunately I'll be needing some hands-on testing so if you have this problem and can try to catch me on IRC and we can have a nice long steamy sensual debug session.
When the client does a patch, it always closes the client and relaunches the client. This time around, you don't get the second launch and each time you open the client, it says, patch complete, closes to relaunch but never relaunches.
Admin launch works and you only need to right click the exe as admin once so there might be a permissions issue with appying the patch.
I got this as well. Only on one client though so I was able to paste out and replace with the healthy client.
Jita wrote:Ioci wrote:I used directional to get Titan Ore spots on Hershfield and they were all spawn camped. Bring a group.
I'm fine with group content but that's like asking me to bring in 5 buddies to mow the lawn with one push mower. It might sound novel but in the end it's something you need to do on a regular basis and just dumb. I'll keep checking back but right now the game is still a bit too idealistic for its own health.
I can never understand mining on alpha 2 - go to alpha 1 for the same ore and no problems
Alpha 2 is Alpha level production. Back to the OP's 2.) question. When you need to import everything, that starts to impact more. Sequer trains on top of mining times, after you actually find the Ore spawns on Alpha 1, assuming someone else hasn't already cleared them.
See where this is going?
I used directional to get Titan Ore spots on Hershfield and they were all spawn camped. Bring a group.
I'm fine with group content but that's like asking me to bring in 5 buddies to mow the lawn with one push mower. It might sound novel but in the end it's something you need to do on a regular basis and just dumb. I'll keep checking back but right now the game is still a bit too idealistic for its own health.
Annihilator wrote:Ioci wrote:As a start they could amp up mag strip bonus. 135% to 150%. A few minutes here and there adds up.
proof me wrong, but the highway boost is a straight 36 km/h bonus, no %
It could have been a bad assumption on my part. I have a Scanner Yagel what has base 100 and when I hit the Mag strip it got bumped to 135. Because everything else in the game is a percentage I assumed that was too.
Flat buff is even better. It means it isn't tied to our bot speed and can be adjusted to whatever they want to adjust it to.
Jita wrote:Speed is a problem because they removed the extension for it.
In the first months of the game, it became standard practice and advice to put Nav to 10 from the account launch 40K EP. Nav was removed as a variable right out of the gate. Everyone had it to 10.
As a start they could amp up mag strip bonus. 135% to 150%. A few minutes here and there adds up.
It's a PITA for Industrial as well with Ore Spawning seeming to go out of its way to avoid Mag lines and outposts. Add in some invisible walls, the slow nature of Bots like the Termis, you often need two hours just to get logistics set up to mine even basics like Titan.
I don't usually log out in the field but it's looking mandatory here for the harvesting Sparks.
I don't know if trial accounts would vary from puurchased now outside the trial period but my accounts had various amounts of EP even though they were all 4 months subscription accounts. My guess is that some of them I logged in during 2 week return specials and others I didn't. The ones I logged in got 2 weeks EP here and there as a result.
Sundial wrote:Ioci wrote:You kind of tipped your hand there guys.
If you can redeem EP there is no reason you can't allow global resets without deleting Avatars. At some point you might want to allow for a one time global reset on all accounts. Enough changes have been made that a spark with an intended career is no longer viable due to content changes.
I would also like to say, I'm glad I came back and revisited Perp. It is a nice little game and it's slowly shaping in to something of its own. If your position allows it to hang on I think it will one day be a true MMO.
Any particular reason besides "I think"?
What career that was previously viable is not now? Artifact scanning? I imagine the devs are not simply going to ignore it.
You can already down train extensions in your first month of playing. TBH I think this should be extended if anything to allow players to tweak there choices. A full EP reset though at any point in a chars life however I think is out of the question because it will result in people constantly training over to whatever is FOTM which results in boring gameplay where you don't have to live with your choices.
No troll here but you made your choices, live with them.
That's where you are wrong. I haven't reset EP on any of my accounts and having been gone 8 months I can see the real impact of giving up the 2.00 standings I got from triangle missions. It will amount to 10p reduction from refinery. (wahoo?)
Nobody has given me rational reasons for resisting this but if it is mutual to the community at large, I don't much care one way or another. We the few won't make or break Perpetuum and neither will an EP reset.
Ludlow Bursar wrote:Ioci wrote:Don't read them?
Rule 3. Do not create duplicate topics. Always use forum search before you create a new topic.
There have been many threads on this topic very recently. I'm not saying don't discuss it, just don't duplicate.
I don't play EVE.
I can see the issue. This forum is slammed with new threads in the 4's and 5's weekly. These topics that get derailed to mean something they never started out to be can be taxing.
This thread is now a thread about Beta.
Drama Queens.
I believe the doubling was MK2 CT's only. All of MK1 CT's T1 to T4 are unchanged. Around 70% of my MK2's are doubled. The rest are still 50's. Symbiont, Laird, Argano and Gargoyle all stayed 50.
Ludlow Bursar wrote:STOP STOP STOP!!! I can't take it anymore.
No more threads about EP resets ... and while I think of it no more about PLEX type systems either.
If you want to talk about these things find an existing thread and post in there.
Don't read them?
I've never reset. Was there a reset that didn't involve the wipe of sparks? Because I didn't get it.
It really strikes me odd that a community would be so against something so passive that would have zero impact on you and your game. Contrary for the sake of contrary. It's easy to spot the EVE alts in this game.
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