(28 replies, posted in Balancing)

Snowman wrote:

Its more a case of Eve has had 8 something years of constant balancing and changes to get to the stage were its fitting system is logical and makes sense. 

They are right though.. somethings are not logical and just dont make sense even withing the games own system.   Its almost as if the devs are purposfully trying to be different from Eve, which is breaking the system. Its like they are trying to re-invent the wheel.

Its not so much that anything is in-balanced, its more that there isnt any room for clever thinking and exotic fits... pretty much every bot only has 1 or 2 ways to fit.  Ships in Eve can be fitted in so many different ways that when they come to PO, they are a bit sad to find that basically 't4 everything or gtfo'

Pretty much. I'd like more variety in fitting.

Granted because we don't have a lot of chassis variety I'm able to do some really funky things to our assaults, but that's a different issue.

Current dev setup as described in blog is way better than resets.

Paid stuff I'm not a big fan of. But once a year resets for free seems fine.

Winter Solstice wrote:

But it's free now.  I'd rather do it for free. O.o

Free one time. After that you lose EP I think.


(50 replies, posted in General discussion)

Syndic wrote:

So yes, Alpha-pirate corps will be screwed over. Corps like NeX, FOOM and others will move out to Beta, grow up past the T1-lightbot-lulz-lolpirate stage. Its the natural course of things as the game matures, either there is a point in owning an outpost or there isn't. Either there is a reason to be friendly to other corporations and establish political and diplomatic networks, or there isn't.

We are the lulzpirates. We pirate your lulz, burn them onto CDs and then sell them for profit. Fear our anarchic ways.

Owning a Beta outpost isn't something that should be done for the lulz.

Yes it should. Isn't that why you guys do it? Or is it all SRS INTERNET ROBOTS over there?


(50 replies, posted in General discussion)

Neoxx wrote:

I see it in a similar way to war decs in eve.  The longer you want to dec the more expensive it costs.  Why didnt people in eve just jump corps to circumvent either the cost or the consequence of being dec'd and force their enemy to make more of them?  Maybe they did?  What was the consequence?

CCP would ban you if you all left, so people left a holder alt in the corp while the rest dived back into a newbie corp that couldn't dec.

If they were ***.

Real men formed their carebears into rifters and brought flaming death!

Also you could make wardecs mutual which meant they were free.

0.0 Alliances used standings and ignored the wardec feature because it was a pita and required votes and ***.


(30 replies, posted in General discussion)

NEX is noob central. I'm one of the older accounts and I'm from the last week of June. We take out two kinds of roams: the mighty swarm, and the small reavers. Gang ops get the occasional kill, reavers get lots. All of them are light or assault.

The devs are fixing my biggest irritation with the game in the way I've consistently asked for; they're nerfing lwf, and buffing base run speed. That makes me happy, as it lowers the pvp returns superior wallet can get you. Yay!

Now, what niche would you fill by having a light only island. Would you help newbies? No. They can catch most mech fits, and they can't catch most older player light fits. So they're at aworse disadvantage. Would you make pvp cheaper? No. Newbs are gonna be taking out lights anyway, and they're more likely to survive a fight with a mech that can't hit them near so often (and, post nerf, can't control engagement through superior speed). If anything you'd be raising the cost of pvp by making them more likely to die. Would they learn how to use cover and avoid bigger stuff with terrain? No. Nothing bigger to engage, and enemy lights can climb rough stuff just as well.

Rather than creating an RvB style newbie paradise (which RvB wasn't, even if it was pvp heaven) you'd be creating a shooting gallery. So I'm against it. If vets want to roam in light class bots I welcome it. But I'm more than content to keep things the way they are now, where most of my foes are fitting what they feel comfy in and I'm able to engage or retreat at will.

If Foom wants some help setting up cheapfleet reavers and finding pvp, I'm willing to set up a shared chan or talk in our open ts. We've got a good chunk of experience handling this whole underdog thing and we don't mind sharing. But this ain't something I care to support.

I like the idea of using mass as another fitting limitation; makes sense. Would prefer that lwf be reduced to a fitting mod in that case, with base bot speeds buffed to compensate. Speed needs to be less ultimate.

Also really need an active propulsion mod that hoovers cap. Would do more than anything else to improve pvp; managing cap, applying burst of speed at appropriate times, giving slow bots a recourse to get a foe in range, etc. Activating it would bump your size mod a couple points, making you easier to hit.

Good thing to have.

Acceleration would also be nifty, but if it's a no go it's a no go. Would greatly prefer having it tho.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

Based on our regular wulfpax kills, including a recent takedown of a mech by a couple lights and assaults, I don't think we need advice on that front. We can and do hunt down isolated peeps.

But gang on gang, benefits of gear and better range, speed and dps makes it nigh on impossible to stand and fight. Game has extremely effective anti blob mechanisms, which I support and enjoy, but lacks an appropriate gear/ep delta necessary for new players to engage with hope of victory. If prices come down on high tier gear it'll reduce the effectiveness of roboknighting, so that's one of our big goals atm.

That said, the next big saturday roam we do will have some entertaining surprises prepared for the folks that engage us.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

If you bribed me to leave you alone I'd pocket the cash and hunt you down. Sure I'm a trustworthy sort, but when you throw a number like 20mil at me I'd have to read that as "I expect to make enough money to cover the risk of death, the cost of mining and a huge bribe while still making a mouth watering profit".

Show me the player who wouldn't go for that, and I'll show you a saint or a coward.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

I view the gear/ep delta currently in place as inimical to good pvp. Advantages are biased in favor of older players to an excessive degree.

I will not always be a newb. Eventually I will have all those advantages and more; such are the advantages of being leadership in a large corp. I will not stop complaining about these issues.

Giving older players more tactical options in the form of more bots and more gear that they can fit? Great. Giving them significant straight up power advantages over new players? Bad bad bad. Even worse that wallet size (or commie corp equivalent) is a better determinant of pvp outcomes than player ability.

If you want new players to join the game and compete, they need to be reasonably pvp competitive from early in their career. That means higher base stats on bots and lower returns for ep investment rather than player ability to move about. That means low quality gear should be competitive with high quality gear. And it means that active tanks need to be crappier; a single player being able to tank newbies effortlessly is bad bad bad.

Guild Wars was and is a great pvp game because gear and runes were trivial to acquire for pvp. A player can be on mostly equal footing with a vet gear wise within a couple weeks of starting the game. And yet they'll be utterly destroyed by a veteran team, because ability to gear up is irrelevant by comparison with vet ability to assess situations and react appropriately on instinct alone. The very best pvpers in GW don't even really need comms. They have so much experience working together and dealing with situations that a monk pinging low energy is all the information they need to pull off an orderly withdraw.

Sure, there should be a capability delta between vets and newbs. But it should be small. Vets should win through superior knowledge of game mechanics, and the ability to put that knowledge into play with finesse and speed, not by having enormously superior stats and gear just because they logged in longer.

That's what makes for a good pvp game that thrives. I hope the vets of this game will join me in rejecting time subbed as the best determinant of ability to win.

Tracking is a big fat yuss, also collisions. Make it a non issue by having no gunfire on the highway.

Would also like a travel mode that disabled your guns and doubled your speed or sommat. Deactivated by demobs of course. Would give people a way to disengage.


(75 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'm not talking about renters, I'm talking about a game supported version of what CVA wanted to do.

Price is less of a concern to me than capability. I eve, a t2 dcu gobbled more fitting, cost way more and wasn't really all that much better than the t1 variant (60% v 50%). If this game was tightened the performance gap I'd be pretty well content.


(126 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'm only complaining about mechs being faster than light bots. I have no problem with higher skilled and better geared light bots being faster than my and my team mates in our poorly skilled and cheaply fit light bots.

Other mechs already can't outrun lights. They deal with it by using all the numerous advantages a mech has in head to head combat over a light bot. Range, tank, dps and the space (fitting atts and slots) to fit weapon stabs.

Telling a new player to fit a t3/t4 frame is ludicrous. If we had access to those items, or the money necessary to buy them, we wouldn't be newbies. That lack shouldn't mean we can be kited by mechs. Other lights? Sure. Assaults? Dandy. Mechs? Not kosher.

In case I haven't said it everywhere, this is AeonThePiglet. For whatever reason my phone is logged into JV and I feel no urge to change it.


(126 replies, posted in General discussion)

There just isn't even a slim chance a bit of speed would give you anything.

So then you don't mind us being a bit faster, is that what you're saying?

I don't disagree the odds are against us. So what. I've fought worse odds than that in EVE, and come out on top in situations that'd blow the mind of anyone just tabulating it. C-Beams off the shoulder of Orion etc etc.

Death don't worry me. Long odds don't worry me. Not being able to catch my bigger, stronger, more experienced, richer and generally better connected enemy in my light bot with cheapo gear? That does.


(126 replies, posted in General discussion)

Syndic, I'm not saying a t1 light bot should be able to solo a Kain or any other mech. Or that even a group of them should be able to kill one without taking heavy losses. I'm saying they should be able to catch it and fight it.

Mechs, especially when flown by richer and better skilled pilots, have huge advantages over light bots. They hit way harder, they have a vastly superior tank, and they have way more fitting capacity and accum. That's all fair. But they shouldn't be able to entirely avoid even taking damage from us noobs in our light bots even when we fit for speed. Thy shouldn't be able to effortlessly control range when our guns can't hit nearly so far.

No combat mech fit should be faster than a combat fit light bot, even our ghetto fits. Just like no light bot fit should be able to tank better or hit harder than a mech.

I don't mind dying. In fact, I embrace it! Death is glorious!

But at least let me have a chance, however slim, of killing him by letting me catch up to the bastard. Fair is fair!


(50 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Arga wrote:

How can I change my words around to say that miners don't mind watching red lasers. You don't hate miners you just hate mining, but mining is what miners do.

I find PVP so frustrating that I don't do it, the problem is that I lose. I'm not being facitious, I'm a terrible loser and I tend to break keyboards when I die. This is my problem, I don't need the game to give me an "auto-player-killer" button so that I can enjoy PVP, I'll just avoid it. I don't mind watching red lasers, and my keyboard feels safer.

I think we can agree that we would both rather be doing what we enjoy, I can get behind making Mining more enjoyable (how about green lasers), just not something that replaces mining - even as a poor substitute.

Edit: Posted the same time as Rodger, sorry some of the points got repeated.

Well, first off like everyone else you're invited on the nex pvp roam this Saturday. They're fun, social and while we lose we don't lose much. I'm of the DF view that says losing is fun and how you learn, and I enjoy the teamwork involved. Also I have a strict no screaming if someone *** up policy so you won't get yelled at if you ask questions or make mistakes; safe zone matters to me!

What do you like about the current mining system. And how would you say it is fundamentally different from production? In my view, they're both a single button press followed by a time period followed by output of some kind.

The only thing I like about the current system is the way it forces teamwork. A hauler and several miners can have a decent time coordinating things; not pvp levels of coord, but still. Adding to that enjoyment by having to manage laser heat and subtargeting to improve yield. I want to base it more around player skill than just passive watching. Then I'd be involved rather than playing DoW2 and occasionally offloading to can.

Basically, I want to play the game I have in front of me, not another one because the activity I am doing does not require my attention and involvement.


(50 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Mining in eve is so dull and easy a macro can do it. Most people who mine in eve do something else while it is on the screen. You live in a fantasy world where this grindy and dull task is somehow anything other than grindy and dull, despite your opinion being decidedly in the minority. A common request of miners in eve is that mining be made as interesting as combat is by adding active mods or the potential to burn out your lasers through overdrive or countless other suggestions that boil down to anything but the current eve mining system because it is a miserable afk-able waste of time.

It boggles my mind that you are against turning the current system into something that requires more player involvement than push butan receive bacon, but there it is.

I really hope you are trolling me. It would make me very happy to find that out.


(50 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Arga wrote:

In order to control the output frequency of items, the time frames of production had to be increased to the point where it no longer makes sense to be a real-time activity.

The agent has to be continually involved, the player does not. Thanks for catching that.

And, just disagree, don't Herp/derp or 'really, really bliz'. It just detracts from your rebuttal.

Your distinction is absurd. The agent has to be continually involved? Farcical. My Indy alt can mine and build simultaneously. By your standards this should be game breaking, yet you've rationalized it away with yet another contradictory and illogical argument. Want me to take you seriously? Start making serious arguments.

Activites that mostly do not require the active involvement or attention of the player, like mining and indy in their current forms, should have a slower and more expensive version that, like the current fire and forget indy prodcton lines, is utterly devoid of player involvement. They should also have faster and cheaper mini game style active versions that require significant player involvement.

In essence, provide indy players with a choice between active or passive engagement and stop accepting dull and grindy activities as gameplay out of some sort of ridiculous reactionary zeal.

Edit: I've never concealed that this is my Indy alt, so yes this is my Indy alt in case you were wondering. Dunno why I'm logged in as him, but this srs poastin is killing his rp personality!!!!


(126 replies, posted in General discussion)

Corporate development of alpha2 territory is a neat idea. Would give carebears 4 lyfe a way to change the map. Toll roads and outposts that can change hands only after a bidding war would add a sense of vibrant life to otherwise static territory, and would also serve as a handy player scaled sink for nic if it gave preferential access to better factories. Even better if they generated half the income from taxes that would otherwise go to npcs from markets and service usage. Would give alpha2 outpost owning players an incentive to encourage others to migrate out to their territory.

AeonThePiglet wrote:

*edit: I trust you can make your point without being offensive too. - DEV Zoom

Zoom, why you gotta be hatin'?

Much love, brosef!


(51 replies, posted in General discussion)

Blackomen wrote:

I'd vote Gremrod as well. I'd also vote myself, but seeing as I was co-CEO of M2S. I don't think anyone would believe me. tongue

I believe you're too rich to rob us after that load of hdt I hauled for you!


(44 replies, posted in General discussion)

Zedrik Cayne wrote:

Wait...duct tape? Server is Minmatar?

EDIT: Favorite quote from work: 'Put enough band-aids on a cube, and it will roll.'

After enough pumping anything will start looking minmatar..