(135 replies, posted in General discussion)

Annihilator wrote:
Siddy wrote:

Young male, maybe Mancs, he is youngest of them all. Dunno for sure.

cant be Mancs - last time i have seen him, he was to young to have a mustache... and that was AFTER release roll

Hehehehe, nice one, Anni. Now run before mancs finds you big_smile

PS: did you check if he has any hair in the... special place as well?

PPS: Who do have mustache at this day and age? looks totally like 80's Queen fan...


(135 replies, posted in General discussion)

Young male, maybe Mancs, he is youngest of them all. Dunno for sure.

Obi Wan Kenobi wrote:

man i must be the only person in game who wants to use TF to make an awesome looking island sad

We all know what you like you dirty sheep lover...


(135 replies, posted in General discussion)

Oh jolly, finally i can also create arena! (beta footage)

Lemon wrote:

Just finished my first draft of my Concept Island.

Will begin professional detailing a draft later tonight ;D

Something like this?

With the advent of PBS's, i am sure that there is room to moan and whine a crafting system from the devs.

Would give yet another reason to build them.

I call first dibs on 1%+ to speed strings panties to my robot.

I remember the old days, how i trolled the first forums.
Got Zoom to remove the images all together fuuu...

Also, anyone remember the 1 km hard limit in view range? 

People are building walls...

...hence we need indirect fire weapons.

Call in artillery.
What do you say?


I see no way this plan of yours could fail...

Hunter wrote:

Black mesmers/seths/grophos only for champions.

Who needs black, make them pink!

Gallente navy gropho?

Yes, the path finding got upgrade the same way that AI path find did.

Because ecorp hovered about 50% of all server population.


You know the rules, dig these forums and find lulz worthy material. fuuu

Ill beging - http://forumsbetaarchive.perpetuum-onli … 486/ecorp/

Alexandra wrote:
Siddy wrote:
Alexander wrote:

Back when I was in M2S this was a daily occurrence. Siddy would, while roaming, regale us stories of battles. Usually with much voice acting and swear words.

Those were the days...

Too bad m2s is no more. Perhaps the terraforming will get people out of woodworks, and i can start to make new legends.

If PBS and Terraforming does anything but create whine, discord and strife I shall be amazed. BUT if that day comes and the player base plays the game as it's meant to be played (At each others throats, much higher than where they're aiming now) then I look forward to much "Siddy did.." This and "Oh god, Siddy was.."

Remember minecraft drama?

Alexander wrote:

Back when I was in M2S this was a daily occurrence. Siddy would, while roaming, regale us stories of battles. Usually with much voice acting and swear words.

Those were the days...

Too bad m2s is no more. Perhaps the terraforming will get people out of woodworks, and i can start to make new legends.


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

Alf, the 24-7 WHINE hotline.


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

You do realize that only 1 probe can be within 1k meters, so you can try to deploy your own to check if there is any in range.... just sayin...


(22 replies, posted in General discussion)

[ ] Solo

[ ] PVP

[ ] Success

Pick 2.

If you can catch someone 1 on 1, then good for you.
You are probably fitted to fight 1v1 fights and he is not.

Usually, though, human hunt in packs.


(37 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thought expreiment

[X] - Represents a wall


May i interest you in our 3m/1trit special offer, kind sir?

Alexander wrote:
bigsteve wrote:

Seems to be a bug with 2 of my fittings. a Riveler & Symbioint
The fittings are not loading

Some seem to have gone missing. A few of my castel fittings went missing. Database wipe?

It was so bad that it crawled under a rock and killed itself.

4 drainers, shield tank and trololo song playing on background while you got in middle of enemy fleet.

You are walking battery. You can take fleet worth damage and few neuts and ask fore more.


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

Predator Nova wrote:

I bet there should be some braincells in anyone's brain that can actually subscribe to this game that PERHAPS a non-stop high value NPC, that can yield you untold riches, might not be intended?

You mean like making many off of blowing up bots? And it's really stretching to compare a known duper who did nothing to report any kind of bug to this situation. And if you look at the corp tag of the people making the accusation...really? But yeah of course, NONE of you had ANY idea what Styx was doing. lol.

"Zoh Noes CIR got 30 Blue Observer mech kernels, then reported it on forums that there was a problem!!!"

We need all need to be banned obviously.

First of all, how does this refute my argument about the EULA?

Second, why are you implying? The insurance thing was done by the book, don't make me open old wounds, you will lose that argument.

Are all my arguments regarding this topic invalid just because my M2S tag?

Brilliant rhetoric, sir.

If you have some evidence to add that devs missed, you know how to contact devs. I, however, did not criticize or acuse CIR for exploiting. I merely stated criticism about the way syndic decided to word his post, and about the "customer blame" poo-post snowman vomited.  I dear you to even begin argue your point about the validity fore mentioned two.


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

Snowman wrote:
Siddy wrote:

You do realize that this will just take up DEV time.

  How can that be anyone elses fault but the devs?

They've created the problem, un-intentionally of course, it's just the nature of development, but any extra time they must spend to clean up their house and correct bugs which have got in is in no way the customers fault.

Not only that, the instant they were discovered they could have spend 60 seconds making a sticky to declare it an exploit.... they did not..   so any extra crap they have to clean up is purly their own responsibility.

Unless of course they have already given up on the idea of making any effort what so ever.

Well, remember that time when insurance worked as 'intended'?

I bet there should be some braincells in anyone's brain that can actually subscribe to this game that PERHAPS a non-stop high value NPC, that can yield you untold riches, might not be intended?

Yes, the bug is not customers fault, but i think there is article somewhere that prohibits of exploiting such phenomena. Ignoring that article and going on regardless, however, is fully on the customers shoulders.

There is way and place to report bugs, and the way syndic did it, in general forums after subtle implications of tech tree completions, is not the way.
It will create jealousy and drama for people who did not manage to profit from this.
Leading to witch hunt.

I think the forum troll of syndics caliber would not make this mistake by accident. He wanted to create drama and maybe got more than he bargained for.

Now, all we can do is speculate of who did what and how much.


(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

Insurance, dupe bug, and now this.

You do realize that this will just take up DEV time.

They will clean this mess, like they always do, with sledge hammer.

But that time will be time away from actually developing the game.



(86 replies, posted in General discussion)

Puffalmp wrote:

I am Syndic... (bad taste in my mouth after saying that but its only for a moment... However he admits to maxing his corporations tech trees so hes my guinea pig.)

I have a not so complete tech tree on all my builders. I can build some T4 and some not.  I am competeing with the rest of Nia for kernels to further advance my tree.(NOTE: I said some not all. Don't argue well I already had them maxed. If you do kudos.)

Trolling along one day with my giant blob we find that observers instantly re-spawn and start farming it for kernels.

Several hundred later, I have used them to max my tree or sold them for several million nic a piece and bought the ones I needed. I am now at a significant advantage as now several accounts can build shiny T4 stuff by prototyping them.

I now report it on the forums as a bug(in the wrong section...) hoping it will get noticed and fixed before the rest of Nia can max their tech trees.

End being syndic...

He was just testing the bug, that it works as intended, before reporting it.