How long does it take to show up?
It shows it in steam... but nothing in the game itself.
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Perpetuum Forums → Posts by Loyal Servant
Pages 1
Posts found: 7
1 2015-12-19 01:27:30
Re: New devblog: New premium packages available (73 replies, posted in News and information)
2 2011-07-10 23:02:46
Re: The amounts of crashes are getting silly now :( (96 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)
Should I keep uploading these reports?
I seem to crash 5-10 times a day teleporting or deploying
3 2011-07-04 16:56:44
Topic: My list of UI improvments (4 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)
Some of this may have been suggested in the past, went looking in the last 3-4 pages but did not see it so sorry if it's already been suggested.
1. 'Equip' view - It would be nice to see how the module your mousing over in your storage affects your active robots' stats.
2. Chat windows: different context menu when right-clicking a player name, such as private conversation, send mail, info, etc etc.
3. Make your first target your primary target?
4. Show how much EP you need to the next level of a skill without being in a terminal.
(just disable the upgrade button outside the terminal)
5. Accumulator amount, discharge rate and time to depletion on the 'equip' view?
6. Chat windows - 'blink off' setting per channel.
4 2011-06-30 17:15:37
Re: Win a Mk2 heavy mech of your choice (386 replies, posted in News and information)
5 2011-06-30 04:48:53
Re: Server load issues in the last 48 hours (377 replies, posted in News and information)
The issue seems to be resolved, the relay server went from 100% load to around 5%.
We are administering 4 days of free game time to all subscribed and trial accounts.
Thank you all for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience!
I can't speak for anyone but the way I see it the way you guys handled this problem, if you did not offer us time I would not have kicked up a fuss or anything.
You guys have already exceeded my expectations by being honest and quick to acknowledge the problem, work on it and get it solved properly.
Grats on your fix, I know that's got to feel good.
Have some beers, take some time off
6 2011-06-29 23:51:15
Re: Server load issues in the last 48 hours (377 replies, posted in News and information)
Devs: do what you have to do.
Coming from Eve, the land of dishonesty and being up front about it is very refreshing.
I wonder if all of the 'I paid for it I want a refund!!!' people came from eve as well?
Let them fix the game people..... in the meantime work on your honedoo list or mow the lawn.
7 2011-06-28 09:55:42
Re: ex eve players (132 replies, posted in General discussion)
Game is interesting.... another eve player here that has been... forced out by golden ammo.
GMs and other players in this game are very helpful.
Looks like it's off to a good start.
Posts found: 7
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Perpetuum Forums → Posts by Loyal Servant
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