(17 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Ah that's a really good point I hadn't considered Arga. Something to think about.


(17 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I appreciate that it was my error, and I am happy to deal with that if no change to the reset system is likely to be forthcoming. I did mention both those things in the original post, which it's probably best to read before you hit reply guys wink

I am simply suggesting that it would be possible to make things more enjoyable for those who have made a mistake without ruining the playing field. E.G Lemon could get 30k misspent EP back.... eventually. I could get rid of the irritating extra point I have in an extension that I neither want nor need.... eventually.

Troiar/Intakt/Cameleon analysis? Ictus/Zenith/Vagabond? Tyrannos/Artemis/Kain?


(17 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

It would be nice if you lost 100% of your EP for second and subsequent resets, -1% per day or three.

Being able to reset once every few months to a year wouldn't exactly break the game, but it would be great for those like me (the only description I can think of for myself right now contains a lot of expletives sorry), who have used their reset and then made a mistake when respending the EP. It's only about 2000 EP misspent, so it's not worth me taking the 20% hit to fix it, but now it's going to nag at me for the rest of my time in game, with no opportunity to correct it. I realise it's my own fault and all that stuff, plus it's not exactly an 'omg so quitting now' kind of problem, it just seems like it would be possible to add some convenience without damaging the playing field.

Perhaps even simply an opportunity once every month or so to reduce an extension by a single point and gain the EP back, like a 'slow reset'. That method worked very well in another game I once played.

Right now, with resets being effectively a one time only thing unless you desperately want a complete career change, one error, one time, over the course of your time in the game will have a permanent impact. Even if it's negligible, it will definitely bother a certain type of personality.

P.S I also realise how it sounds for me to be making a suggestion that would directly benefit me tongue


(106 replies, posted in Balancing)

New players driving in circles actually doesn't have much impact on their real wealth. They're still consumers, producers are still producers. If consumers have more money, prices simply inflate. To any corp that can produce all its own stuff, the amount of credit in circulation won't have any impact at all, except they can sell off fewer things to fund basic corp stuff, since people will be willing to pay more. The more people earn, the less it's worth. 2 million an hour might seem like a lot to you, but it's not exactly devastating the economy. Just means miners etc will have to increase their prices due to the high opportunity cost of not doing transports.

To put it another way, no matter how much you get paid, you're never going to have as much money as the guy with a controlling stake in the factory you work in.


(0 replies, posted in Buying Items)

PM with price if anyone has.

Yay a prove the negative discussion. Lock? What is the rationale behind letting accounts created purely to troll continue posting anyway?

I guess it's pretty hard to get banned here. Nothing but troll posts and still going strong.