1 (edited by Elirian 2011-07-07 08:00:51)

Topic: Account reset

It would be nice if you lost 100% of your EP for second and subsequent resets, -1% per day or three.

Being able to reset once every few months to a year wouldn't exactly break the game, but it would be great for those like me (the only description I can think of for myself right now contains a lot of expletives sorry), who have used their reset and then made a mistake when respending the EP. It's only about 2000 EP misspent, so it's not worth me taking the 20% hit to fix it, but now it's going to nag at me for the rest of my time in game, with no opportunity to correct it. I realise it's my own fault and all that stuff, plus it's not exactly an 'omg so quitting now' kind of problem, it just seems like it would be possible to add some convenience without damaging the playing field.

Perhaps even simply an opportunity once every month or so to reduce an extension by a single point and gain the EP back, like a 'slow reset'. That method worked very well in another game I once played.

Right now, with resets being effectively a one time only thing unless you desperately want a complete career change, one error, one time, over the course of your time in the game will have a permanent impact. Even if it's negligible, it will definitely bother a certain type of personality.

P.S I also realise how it sounds for me to be making a suggestion that would directly benefit me tongue

Re: Account reset

Slow reset sounds interesting. This is how i see it:

You have Navigation at lvl 10 and want to reduce it to 0 (hehe why not big_smile). Last level costed you 6700 ep and you've raised it just right now. To reduce it to 9, you should wait 6700 minutes first. After reducing it to 9, you should wait 3015 minutes, etc.

So the whole idea - each level af any extension should be not "younger" that it's cost, and time should start from last change.

Have a productive day, runner!
R.I.P. Chenoa, you'll never be forgotten.
DEV Zoom: Line, sorry, I was away for christmas.

Re: Account reset

Line, that same system has already been suggested a few time, and I do believe this is the way to go.

My blog about MMO design:

Re: Account reset

Awaiting this new reset system patiently, but if it doesn't come in the next week, I am probably unsubscribing. Not to be dramatic and all but It's really but a damper on my desire to play.

Re: Account reset

Good luck in your future games. Hope they will do at least half of what AC people do.

<GargajCNS> we maim to please

Re: Account reset

Lime wrote:

Awaiting this new reset system patiently, but if it doesn't come in the next week, I am probably unsubscribing. Not to be dramatic and all but It's really but a damper on my desire to play.

Thats the way, rush it so that people can complain again if something is a bit off due to rushing.

Why doesn't everyone Plan out there EP planner either manually or by using the Perpetuum Planner (outdated) but still effective.

Undefeated 2013
"Even alone you probably are one of the best" - Khader Khan
"Lemon the 1 man army .... also know as: THE TERMINATOR!" - Obi Wan
"There are people who are just better then you at doing many things at one time, some are far better then myself, far better." -Merkle

Re: Account reset

Because reading and thinking is hurd.

<GargajCNS> we maim to please

Re: Account reset

Lime wrote:

Awaiting this new reset system patiently, but if it doesn't come in the next week, I am probably unsubscribing. Not to be dramatic and all but It's really but a damper on my desire to play.

Maybe take your time and choose your skills wisely? Do people like you deliberately go out to give NeX a bad name or what?

9 (edited by Norrdec 2011-07-07 13:54:03)

Re: Account reset

NeX is in this bad spot that it has everyone who was in eve-no check on invite- so it's only natural that there are some people who like to blame someone else for their mistakes.

Personally I don't look at the corp of the poster unless it's corporate dialogues, that's a different thing big_smile

<GargajCNS> we maim to please

Re: Account reset

I reset and focused assault and now they are reverting the masking changes. None of my doing, mind you.

Not even sure if that is the route I wanted to go in the first place, but having no experience and not wanting to just stare at my *** EP storing up, I made some hasty decisions.

I am glad to see the devs addressing it

Re: Account reset

Monster wrote:

I reset and focused assault and now they are reverting the masking changes. None of my doing, mind you.

Not even sure if that is the route I wanted to go in the first place, but having no experience and not wanting to just stare at my *** EP storing up, I made some hasty decisions.

I am glad to see the devs addressing it

I reset a 260k EP toon and specced all of it in to one thing, It was then changed within 4 days of my reset and took me another 30k EP to correct and salvage the toon.

If you need assault builds i can help, but simply because of the masking being adjusted does not make them useless

Undefeated 2013
"Even alone you probably are one of the best" - Khader Khan
"Lemon the 1 man army .... also know as: THE TERMINATOR!" - Obi Wan
"There are people who are just better then you at doing many things at one time, some are far better then myself, far better." -Merkle

12 (edited by Sundial 2011-07-07 16:38:36)

Re: Account reset

I think this (slow reset) is a great idea.... +1

Re: Account reset

It's not like there's a cap on EP. It'll all come in time. The only reason anyone absolutely have to reset is if they mess up attributes. I don't get how all the eve vets are so sore over this. Eve doesn't even have skill points reset, just attribute reset.

14 (edited by Elirian 2011-07-07 21:45:58)

Re: Account reset

I appreciate that it was my error, and I am happy to deal with that if no change to the reset system is likely to be forthcoming. I did mention both those things in the original post, which it's probably best to read before you hit reply guys wink

I am simply suggesting that it would be possible to make things more enjoyable for those who have made a mistake without ruining the playing field. E.G Lemon could get 30k misspent EP back.... eventually. I could get rid of the irritating extra point I have in an extension that I neither want nor need.... eventually.

Re: Account reset

Elirian wrote:

I appreciate that it was my error, and I am happy to deal with that if no change to the reset system is likely to be forthcoming. I did mention both those things in the original post, which it's probably best to read before you hit reply guys wink

I am simply suggesting that it would be possible to make things more enjoyable for those who have made a mistake without ruining the playing field. E.G Lemon could get 30k misspent EP back.... eventually. I could get rid of the irritating extra point I have in an extension that I neither want nor need.... eventually.

Me miss spend EP NEVA!

Undefeated 2013
"Even alone you probably are one of the best" - Khader Khan
"Lemon the 1 man army .... also know as: THE TERMINATOR!" - Obi Wan
"There are people who are just better then you at doing many things at one time, some are far better then myself, far better." -Merkle

Re: Account reset

One issue I have with EP resets are when we can reset EP for things that aren't mistakes, that were used, but now are not.

For example, I put a fair amount of EP into mission running. Lets say I don't run missions any more, but I got a lot of use out of those EP while I did. Being able to slowly recover them just seems like double dipping, but I would certainly do it if that mechanic was available.

It's impossible to differentiate mis-spent EP and EP that are no longer FOTM.

Resets, OK I suppose if you must (EP not account) but keep EP gain at 1/min, not 1/min + 1/X time in recovery.

Re: Account reset

Ah that's a really good point I hadn't considered Arga. Something to think about.

18 (edited by ShadowTransportation 2011-07-10 11:01:42)

Re: Account reset

Lime wrote:

Awaiting this new reset system patiently, but if it doesn't come in the next week, I am probably unsubscribing. Not to be dramatic and all but It's really but a damper on my desire to play.

You are, sir, too rushing for that... LIAME. -1 for your comment.