CrepitusGoldenGoose wrote:

I'd also like to point out that the training missions don't give you anything, just small amounts of NIC.  So the high fluctuations in market prices *REALLY* hurt the newbies the most here since it's the only way they can get ammo to do the combat ones, which as I stated previously, even in an outfitted Yagel the training missions for combat are still difficult (for a non-combat character admittedly; but what newb is going to immediately open their agent profile and spend all their EP on the right skills?).

Took away 2§ to say +1

DEV Calvin wrote:

We are getting ready to introduce a 15 day free trial. We can not hand out 5-600k NIC in the tutorial mission because everyone would be farming them. There was also a huge gap in progression if you lost your light bot you received when completing the tutorial mission.

The start was however not easy, as if lost your light bot, you were left with a very hard task to complete with an Arkhe. The new missions we have introduced are designed to get from an Arkhe into a light bot.

No one would be farming them.

Since its "Truck simulator online" right now.

T1 transport still gives way more than tut. So you can. Screw that!

Or you will finally try to balance.

edit: oh, and you could nerf t1 transport. and kill the game. perhaps you should look at the things in the game that are imbalance in sense of "not worth doing a *** *** that mission"

Raise your hands, raise .. errmm .. no

back to topic

While GLIMPSE is normally my troll #1, i habe to agree in most parts big_smile


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

Kristan Delorian wrote:

For help for newcomers there is Help chat channel. Ask and you will be heard.

What corporation gives to you? Equipment? Most of newcomers in corps dont have access to corp hangar anyway for a week or two. Help and conversation? There is chat channels for it. Team? Use chat again. Beta access? What could a new player do on the beta islands? If players want some PvP they could form a squad with each other or pirate corps as cannon fodder.

There is no need in corp to be socialized in PO. Even trial players can do so.

Goals, Achievments, Equipment, Help, Conversation, Integration into the corp because they can fit a role, Beta Access, a glimpse on the "cool endgame".... and more ..

Yeah, trial players can do so, buts its harder.


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ral wrote:

Oh ok if you're talking about two accounts then that's almost exactly the same per account as USD.

Right .. and that why we Q.Q :

1 US-Dollar = 0,703630735 Euro


Looking at the big thing : maybe.

But i currently dont play, but care about the game beside a DVD wink

A RL friend today took the time to write a real WALL OF TEXT to the devs via email because he cant post on these forums as a trial.

Overall, i would say most people here are caring, even that trial that allready seems lost for po, cared. Theres a few trolls on here, of course. But overall i think its a constructive community we have.


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ral wrote:

Are you guys really paying 15 Euros a month?  Considering I'm paying 10 dollars (or less with multi-month deals), and 15 Euros is ~21 dollars, that seems...expensive.

We're used to be ripped of that $=€ sad

But for 2 accounts its around 15 .. was it 16 ? €

I dont care if the game rocks smile

Ral wrote:

I found it interesting, if maybe a little exaggerated.  But that makes it all the more interesting.  Perpetuum forums are 85% for entertainment when at work and unable to log in, and 15% meaningful communication about game issues.

PS Perpetuum is not for everyone.  It's not for most people.  But you likely won't find many kids playing on their parents' dime, or players who want things handed to them.  To me, this distills the player base down to people who know what they're doing and know how to work for something.  That is its biggest strength.  IMO of course.

Cant agree. Communication on these forums is nice and most criticism is constructive from players caring about the game. (Let out that item-shop smacktalk that rose up now for 2-3 days).

DEVs are somewhat caring.

Theres even some members of the press here and real mmog vets and even developers of other MMOG games that show interest and try to hint a tip or two.

You're right that sandboxxy isnt for everyone, eve showed that, too.


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

DEV Calvin wrote:

If we allow trial accounts to join corps, they have hangar access and the whole item trading and NIC transfer limitation become useless.

And a direct-quote feedback :

At the moment €>NIC. Ive not seen one gold seller yet and i dont think theyll bother with a game with 200 players online.

As access to corp hangar and the like :

It took me to get hangar access (low lvl) even with RL buddies around. I dont have access to the wallet.

If you tag trials, corps will be more carefull than they even should be with every subscriber.

And closing note :

Subscribing is the latest thing that goldsellers fear. Those 15€/month .. theyll laugh in your face, that account will be making hundreds.

You need other anti-goldseller mechanics.

Only thing thats really annoying about trials are "haters", "spammers", "kiddies".

You have GMs to take care about that and they should be able with the current online players count.


(54 replies, posted in Balancing)

To those crying DEMAND / SUPPLY.

Did it every worked on engine fuel ?

In general its cool, but as long as the market is so recessive its better to run T1 transport and BUY the ore, im not feeling like a miner ...

Solo things should be catered in every game.

But the focus should lie on group and corp stuff. Worked well in most games till now wink

Backdraw with sandboxxy where crafting has a sense is that you cant go fishing and crafting with your main in the offtimes, you need a 2nd account in this case. But as long as price is "normal aaa rate" for 2 accounts, i dont care smile


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

@Arga ..i wholeheartly agree that the game has bigger problems at the moment.

Thats why im even more suprised they took the time to fix "goldfarming accounts" rather then fix the real problems.

You're also right, that new players shouldn't be "nannied" too much.

But often its about a first experience. In fact im talking about a RL dude i know who i told "stories, how much fun the beta pvp can be" and so on. Thats the pictures he has in mind and says "hey, lets try that cool stuff out!".

But wonder ? Hes not getting to see the beta pvp stuff without a corp (with rl mates).

Nope, newbie experience starts with "Go to those 4 far away points for a boring mission".

Give them two days of that boring stuff without showing them the cool stuff and tada ... you just lost another customer.

Its hard to show on the one hand the endgame prophecies, how cool it all will be, and then on the other, you log into the trial and ... boooring transport missions, boooring scout missions and so on.

I must admit that stEVE has the same problem. I must admit that its also typical for sandboxxy things. But stEVE has the "power" (in terms of playercounts and reports, press coverage and so on, beside a much more better new player introduction), to just ignore those problems.

Players will stay, they have to, they see all the cool stuff on websites, reports, reviews, youtube. They also have faith that it will be cool since 100-thousands are playing it.

PO is new, its fresh, its cool (!). But it needs players.

Players that take a look likely will fall into these categories :

1. The stEVE vet -> Everythings fine, he knows he can/must wait. Hes familiar with the stuff, has not that high learning curve. But perhaps hell just head back to stEVE.

2. The passing by -> Will take a look at the tutorial, will leave. Why ? Its okay its sandbox, but hes not told. Perhaps he ran around looking for an ? above a mech to give him a quest.

3. The guy who knows someone who likes PO, but walks alone -> Will take a look, will think "Wheres that cool stuff he mentioned". Will tell him next day "LOL, you still play that go to 4 points thing ?"

4. The guy from 3. but with a corp and some newbie help -> Will probably have a higher chance to stay...

In eve i was leading a corp section that did nothing else then introduce new players to the game.

I agree its not only the trial restrictions, there much more thats a problem currently, since guy nr 3 should find the way into the game on its own. But since we are currently facing problems on that part, why do we take away solution nr. 4 ?

I also agree, that a game, that has settled a bit, has to counter chinagold, metagaming spies and so on. But why, at this time, we restrict trials even more. The time should have been used to improve the new player experience.

I have corp buddies that work their *** off to get new players into the game. Posting on forums, mouth-to-mouth (how i came here), talking to stEVE buddies. And they allready had to overcome the poor new player introduction, now they cant even trade their light mech after the tutorial for the right one the player needs...

Instead of supporting such people to get players in the game, they made it harder for them.

Its like opening a new shop in the cities. No one comes shopping since of a poor windows dressing. Instead of improving that, you nail some planks on the windows...

edit: 50% of spellings removed, rest still there for you to enjoy smile


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

Nope, im caring about the game and see (its obvious) that we need new players.

Allready we seem to have lost another fellow due to the trial restrictions (he wanted to give feedback, but he even cant post on the forums/theres no trial forum).

And thats about a player that stays and pays ... want to talk about the silent quitters ?

Anyways, the devs will see the problem in their conversion rate. After waking up, here are the reason to be read.


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

Depends. Without my corp, they now would have 18€ less.


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

Then they need to disallow squads and squads missions for them as well.

Well, at the moment, po is doing a great way to turn the trial players off.

As if we had money farmers as the most important problem atm.


(27 replies, posted in General discussion)

Kristan Delorian wrote:

Trial accounts are easy made spyes for enemy corps. So that's the right decision. Wanna play at full? Pay.

Put a [TRIAL] tag and let the corps decide...


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

I want XZIBIT to pimp my termis!


(5 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

This is not WoW and not about epixx.

Its a player driven economy which caters to players that like to do the industry. You would completly destroy the game for them.

And its not a "crafting" you do besides you rush to lvl 85. Its their MAIN incentive and job.

... come on, SOE learned it after 3 years ... and thats 8 years ago.

Why would anyone interrupt his service in times where the most customers have time to play ?



... and it should be high priority. The patch today does nothing for it. ... Well a patch on saturday.

SOE did make patches on Saturdays, Sundays, too. But they learned about that 8 years ago ...

Arga wrote:

The core player base is really loyal, but really vocal smile

and good for the game ....


(54 replies, posted in Balancing)

Arga wrote:
Gremrod wrote:

One of the biggest problems right now... Boils down to many players being self efficient or corps being self efficient and don't care about selling t2 to t4 items on the market.

Throw the solo combat player in the middle of this and it is a problem for the single player or the smaller corps that live on alpha.

The market chain of supply is broken, simple as that.... The demand is there but from the sounds of it if the item was on the market it would be out of their NIC range.

For me, this is the truth.

I could just join another corp, but it should be possible with hard work to at least live on the fringe... Well, maybe I could, than again CS put a forum gag-order on, and I went through withdrawls smile



(54 replies, posted in Balancing)

ORe is the base.

If they mine a surplus and dont give it to the market = okay.

Problem is, since mining is not lucrative, the open market (alpha miners, privateers and the like) dont cater the market.

So minerals are corp internal and not the most traded thing (what it should be, there should be even enough ore that lvl 10 refiners buy it, reff it, sell it and make a profit)...


(54 replies, posted in Balancing)

Problem with the insurance thing : It works in stEVE. Why ? Because the market is so large it cant be modified by some single persons.

We dont have that atm. So some persons can modify the market and abuse the insurance.

Another thing that will figure out if the game got enough players.

The nerf done ? Only possibility to get it under control until then ...