Re: EW needs nerf

pfft 1 page...

This is going to take a lot of effort.

27 (edited by Burial 2013-08-29 21:22:50)

Re: EW needs nerf

Wait.. what do you mean? My Vagabond sees unmasked heavy at over 1.2km. If the heavy is masked I still spot him at 700-800m.

Anyway, you are completely missing the point here, Arga. This thread is not about vets going head to head. Vets will adapt to changes without problems.

This issue was raised in a thread that handled new and old player gaps. I started this whole ewar ordeal to let devs know that if they want new players to have even a fighting chance against us vets, they need to put power back to the bots newbies are usually fielding: mechs and heavies.

Either nerf EW or give better tools to counter it. Ewar right now is too passive and too powerful.

28 (edited by Martha Stuart 2013-08-29 21:51:28)

Re: EW needs nerf

Arga wrote:

Not to mention, neuting with a sheilded green bot feels a lot different than standing in the open in a glass ew bot.

lol, standing in the open with an EWAR bot (the only exception to this is the long range demob build).  If that's how you are flying your EWAR bot you are a terrible EWAR pilot.  The first thing you learn as a Vaga or Zenith pilot is to find the closest cover you can and sit there for the duration of the fight.  You are still 100% effective.  An ictus has to run around up close and personal to actually be any use, you also have to manage your accum incredibly well or you go down in 1-2 volleys.  Ictus is an incredibly difficult bot to fly well, a zenith or vaga is cake.  You pick 2 targets, turn on your injector, and lock them out for the entire fight while hiding behind a mountain.

Ever notice how people who dual box are running a combat and a vaga/zentih.  You never see anyone running a combat plus an ictus.  There is a reason for that.  Not mention that with a 700m ECM range (With only 1 extender) you will outrage most combats on the field except for a few rare occasion.  Throw in a tuning, and unless your targets are stacked with ECCMs, they are screwed.  I know this because I have a zenith pilot for this very reason.

Lemon wrote:

You need to look at the whole picture, you assume a skilled vaga pilot. However if the mesmer for example is equally skilled it would take 4+ ecms to even slow me down. 10 second ecm with a 40 to 60 % to jam a target that relocks in under 3 seconds nd fires every 5.

LOL, give me my Zenith with 2 ECMS, an ECM tuning, and a suppressor and I will lock you out of the entire fight.  And thats only using 4 of my 6 head slots.  Barring you putting 4 ECCMS in your head slots, which would completely destroy your Mesmer build, you are down and out no questions asked.  To point out another gaping hole in your argument, can your Mesmer fire through a mountain, plants, small hills, or buildings?  didn't think so.

I have no problem with EW at its current level, the problem is that Zeniths/Vagas, don't need LOS.  They can do there thing from any place that is in range.  No other type of offense can make such a claim, and it shouldn't be this way.  All Jams/Supp/Neuts/drainers/demobs should be LOS, or they should all not be LOS.

Re: EW needs nerf

This topic has touched a nerve...

Those of you lucky enough to have your lives, take them with you. However, leave the mods you've lost. They belong to me now.

Scarab Kill Count:2

Re: EW needs nerf

Burial wrote:

Anyway, you are completely missing the point here, Arga. This thread is not about vets going head to head. Vets will adapt to changes without problems.

So how is forcing the players who choose to attempt to e-war to their demise is good. They pilot maybe a camillion or even equip e-war to their arbalist or Kain to then have to walk in to LoS of a  HM to jam it? A bot that will lock them back after that jam in under 3 seconds and if for some terrible reason they are lacking in EP or Gear are now dead. You would need to completely redesign how the bots and modules as well as shields work to balance this.


Arga was saying how silly that WOULD feel if they were FORCED to stand in LoS as ictus do now.


Speed and mobility is what wins here and a EW Mech is always faster than a HM and will always just outrun them assuming equal skill.

Undefeated 2013
"Even alone you probably are one of the best" - Khader Khan
"Lemon the 1 man army .... also know as: THE TERMINATOR!" - Obi Wan
"There are people who are just better then you at doing many things at one time, some are far better then myself, far better." -Merkle

31 (edited by Arga 2013-08-29 22:00:52)

Re: EW needs nerf

Martha Stuart wrote:

lol, standing in the open with an EWAR bot.

I'm glad you agree, because if EW was LOS, that's exactly what you would have to be doing.

Edit: Oh, lemon got it.

Re: EW needs nerf

Martha Stuart wrote:

LOL, give me my Zenith with 2 ECMS, an ECM tuning, and a suppressor and I will lock you out of the entire fight.  And thats only using 4 of my 6 head slots.  Barring you putting 4 ECCMS in your head slots, which would completely destroy your Mesmer build, you are down and out no questions asked.  To point out another gaping hole in your argument, can your Mesmer fire through a mountain, plants, small hills, or buildings?  didn't think so.

I have no problem with EW at its current level, the problem is that Zeniths/Vagas, don't need LOS.  They can do there thing from any place that is in range.  No other type of offense can make such a claim, and it shouldn't be this way.  All Jams/Supp/Neuts/drainers/demobs should be LOS, or they should all not be LOS.

Hopefully this means if I ever play again I will see more of you now that you have a fit your so confident in. I by no means am saying that EW is balanced however we have a lot of radical ideas being shot out. I would be glad to theory craft out some fits or openly discuss how it may play out or even go as far as to play it out.

You are running 1 account for this bot or what because any response by me will be 2+ of my own accounts. Given this is not balanced but when you speak to me then that is how it goes. In general I will agree a Zenith can shutdown a Mesmer 1v1 and deny his death. However He would have to maintain his flag and himself never kill the mesmer thus creating a stalemate of each player working their strength to their best.

Undefeated 2013
"Even alone you probably are one of the best" - Khader Khan
"Lemon the 1 man army .... also know as: THE TERMINATOR!" - Obi Wan
"There are people who are just better then you at doing many things at one time, some are far better then myself, far better." -Merkle

Re: EW needs nerf

Burial wrote:

Anyway, you are completely missing the point here, Arga. This thread is not about vets going head to head. Vets will adapt to changes without problems.

90 days of specialization is about where a new player can be relatively competitive in group settings against 180+ day specialized players.

EW will never balance out, because it is a 'support' skill. A single demobbing cam II is very scary, unless it's alone. Then it's just irritating.

An ewar and a dps together is awesome, but now it's about balancing how bots work together, not about EP levels.

34 (edited by Burial 2013-08-29 22:39:28)

Re: EW needs nerf

Right now it's far from balance. Despite all the EP and knowledge advantages vets have, they also have the advantage to use overpowered bots(Zenith, Vagabond) that have bonuses against two very imbalanced mechanics in the game: ECM and suppressors.

Lemon: Newbie should have the chance to atleast get a shot or two against vets currently perma jamming most of them out while sitting comfortably behind cover. Same problem could apply to vets too but they tend to have the EP nessecary to balance this side out. Anyway, Lemon, this is nothing new that you don't like changes that make newbies any harder to kill than they currently are..

Make fights more dynamic. Make EW require line of sight and long range demobs could once again be of any use. Add active ECCM modules that temporarily increase resistances to ECM and Suppressor and you give newbies the chance to actually get kills.

In the end it all comes down to whether devs want to make stepping up into PVP easier for newbies or not and it's clear that the more conflict and fighting this game has the better.

Re: EW needs nerf

Maybe just lowering ECM strength? Makes ECM slightly less effective, and makes ECCM more effective at the same time. While still allowing ECM tunings to be used to give the higher change of Jamming. But at the cost of the number of modules you can run.

Those of you lucky enough to have your lives, take them with you. However, leave the mods you've lost. They belong to me now.

Scarab Kill Count:2

36 (edited by Burial 2013-08-29 22:45:11)

Re: EW needs nerf

Shadowmine wrote:

Maybe just lowering ECM strength? Makes ECM slightly less effective, and makes ECCM more effective at the same time. While still allowing ECM tunings to be used to give the higher change of Jamming. But at the cost of the number of modules you can run.

Added few lines to my previous post about it.

I think an active module that boosts sensor strength would be a good option. It could work similarly to a masker that drains continuously your accumulator based on surfacer size or it could work like detector, working 30 seconds and having a 30s cooldown. Perhaps even both for variety. Mechanics are already in place.

37 (edited by Shadowmine 2013-08-29 22:36:42)

Re: EW needs nerf

The balancing for active eccm would have to be spot on I think. To avoid it being a mandatory thing.

But I do like the idea I think...

Those of you lucky enough to have your lives, take them with you. However, leave the mods you've lost. They belong to me now.

Scarab Kill Count:2

Re: EW needs nerf

A few words.


The Gifter
Top  Killer 2013  - 01: 334 -- 17 -- 317  : Merkle
Top  Killer 2012  - 01: 027 -- 472 -- 445 : Merkle

Scarab Kill Count - 13

Re: EW needs nerf

And ECCM Nexus.

Those of you lucky enough to have your lives, take them with you. However, leave the mods you've lost. They belong to me now.

Scarab Kill Count:2

Re: EW needs nerf

Burial wrote:

Right now it's far from balance.

Lemon: Newbie should have the chance to atleast get a shot or two against vets currently perma jamming most of them

It may be out of balance, but it really can't be called out of balance because of an EP gap.

EP gap causes the EP gap, not the ewar mechanics; the other imbalances with ewar need to stand alone in the discussion.

41 (edited by Burial 2013-08-29 23:38:10)

Re: EW needs nerf

I'm not calling it out of balance because of the EP gap only. The EP gap is there and there's no way around it.

What I'm trying to show you is that the ewar mechs are simply too powerful. They are too powerful because their jam chance is too high, sensor strength bonus provided by ECCM is too weak and you don't need any line of sight at all, often making it close to unkillable.

Passive gameplay that gives advantage to anyone fielding it in large numbers, 1 of these bots can shut down 2 enemies. Because of not needing much focus, strongly advocates multiboxing(again field where vets shine) and forces newbies to split their already low EP pool between combat and EW mech skills just to have even smallest chance to compete, effectively making the period until they reach effectiveness in PVP even longer.

I'm repeating myself here..

Re: EW needs nerf

Arga wrote:
Martha Stuart wrote:

lol, standing in the open with an EWAR bot.

I'm glad you agree, because if EW was LOS, that's exactly what you would have to be doing.

Edit: Oh, lemon got it.

This is my point exactly, why does the ictus and tackle have to stand out in the open, when vagas and Zeniths do not?  make it equal across the board,  LOS for all, or no LOS for all.  Make it fair.  Or you could balance the current system to bring vagas and zeniths more inline and balanced against the other bots on the field.  Either way I don't care, just something needs to give.

I really like Homers (I think it was his idea)  of long and short range EWAR.  make short range EWAR as effective as the ECM's currently are, but they only have a short range, make the long range version much less effective but allow it ti hit out to 700+.  Same for suppressors, even do it to Neuts/Drainers to bring everything inline.

Re: EW needs nerf

Arga wrote:
Martha Stuart wrote:

lol, standing in the open with an EWAR bot.

I'm glad you agree, because if EW was LOS, that's exactly what you would have to be doing.

Edit: Oh, lemon got it.

This is my point exactly, why does the ictus and tackle have to stand out in the open, when vagas and Zeniths do not?  make it equal across the board,  LOS for all, or no LOS for all.  Make it fair.  Or you could balance the current system to bring vagas and zeniths more inline and balanced against the other bots on the field.  Either way I don't care, just something needs to give.

I really like Homers (I think it was his idea)  of long and short range EWAR.  make short range EWAR as effective as the ECM's currently are, but they only have a short range, make the long range version much less effective but allow it ti hit out to 700+.  Same for suppressors, even do it to Neuts/Drainers to bring everything inline.

Re: EW needs nerf

Martha Stuart wrote:
Arga wrote:
Martha Stuart wrote:

lol, standing in the open with an EWAR bot.

I'm glad you agree, because if EW was LOS, that's exactly what you would have to be doing.

Edit: Oh, lemon got it.

This is my point exactly, why does the ictus and tackle have to stand out in the open, when vagas and Zeniths do not?  make it equal across the board,  LOS for all, or no LOS for all.  Make it fair.  Or you could balance the current system to bring vagas and zeniths more inline and balanced against the other bots on the field.  Either way I don't care, just something needs to give.

I really like Homers (I think it was his idea)  of long and short range EWAR.  make short range EWAR as effective as the ECM's currently are, but they only have a short range, make the long range version much less effective but allow it ti hit out to 700+.  Same for suppressors, even do it to Neuts/Drainers to bring everything inline.

to be fair the ictus has a hard tank and the vaga and zenith dont.

Proverbs 23:20-21 warns us, “Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags."

Re: EW needs nerf

Then make LOS a requirement for missles, if all ewar should be the same then all DPS should be the same too.

This isn't my arguement, simply extending yours.

I will however concede that ewar probably needs to be balanced, its not an issue right now because of the low popluation, so just wait until it is an issue then address it.*

*STC Trademark reply used without the owner's permission.

Re: EW needs nerf

Jita wrote:
Martha Stuart wrote:
Arga wrote:

I'm glad you agree, because if EW was LOS, that's exactly what you would have to be doing.

Edit: Oh, lemon got it.

This is my point exactly, why does the ictus and tackle have to stand out in the open, when vagas and Zeniths do not?  make it equal across the board,  LOS for all, or no LOS for all.  Make it fair.  Or you could balance the current system to bring vagas and zeniths more inline and balanced against the other bots on the field.  Either way I don't care, just something needs to give.

I really like Homers (I think it was his idea)  of long and short range EWAR.  make short range EWAR as effective as the ECM's currently are, but they only have a short range, make the long range version much less effective but allow it ti hit out to 700+.  Same for suppressors, even do it to Neuts/Drainers to bring everything inline.

to be fair the ictus has a hard tank and the vaga and zenith dont.

making sup/ecm LOS would just destroy those mechanics in actual combat situations, but Range, duration, and %'s can be tweaked to reduce it's effectiveness

Re: EW needs nerf

Whoa slow down here.  Were all getting our britches in a wad here.

Me personally I think that the problem lays in the Sup/ECM tuners.  Adding them in give good bonus, but very little draw back.  I would suggest looking at those first, and increasing the drawbacks to them.  Bringing them inline, as with one tuner you get the chance, (100% Percent chance) to jam a heavy, and nearly 100% chance to jam a Ewar.

I personally DO NOT think you should ever, EVER have a 100% chance to jam anything.  (Suppressors should I agree there).  Now I think you should be able to get close, but that should in tale excellent skills, and multiple Tuners.

As it stands now, 1 tuner is all you need.

As far as Obi's Idea I think it might have merit, it would make fleets more specialized.  All of which I like.  (Short and long Ewar Stuff)

I dont think anyone is asking for a nerf it to hell and back.  Just to take a look at the numbers, take a look at the jam chances with and without tuners.  Then go from there.

The Gifter
Top  Killer 2013  - 01: 334 -- 17 -- 317  : Merkle
Top  Killer 2012  - 01: 027 -- 472 -- 445 : Merkle

Scarab Kill Count - 13

48 (edited by Burial 2013-08-30 09:26:22)

Re: EW needs nerf

Arga wrote:
Jita wrote:
Martha Stuart wrote:

This is my point exactly, why does the ictus and tackle have to stand out in the open, when vagas and Zeniths do not?  make it equal across the board,  LOS for all, or no LOS for all.  Make it fair.  Or you could balance the current system to bring vagas and zeniths more inline and balanced against the other bots on the field.  Either way I don't care, just something needs to give.

I really like Homers (I think it was his idea)  of long and short range EWAR.  make short range EWAR as effective as the ECM's currently are, but they only have a short range, make the long range version much less effective but allow it ti hit out to 700+.  Same for suppressors, even do it to Neuts/Drainers to bring everything inline.

to be fair the ictus has a hard tank and the vaga and zenith dont.

making sup/ecm LOS would just destroy those mechanics in actual combat situations, but Range, duration, and %'s can be tweaked to reduce it's effectiveness

Could work out like that. But I really think a more effective active mod that has drawbacks would be good addition too.

Option A
- Module that works like a detector. 30s duration, 30s cooldown. When active, boosts robot's sensor strength by 300. Only 1 allowed on a bot.

Option B
- Module that works like a masker. Drains 2-3 times more accumulator when active, similarly based on surface size.

49 (edited by Martha Stuart 2013-08-30 15:02:02)

Re: EW needs nerf

Arga wrote:

Then make LOS a requirement for missles, if all ewar should be the same then all DPS should be the same too.

I would be fine with this so long as a Dmg was increased on missiles to counter the loss of the LOS bonus of being able to shoot over some cover.  The reason that missiles get the semi no LOS bonus is because they are the single worst DPS weapon on the field, they also have the slowest firing speed.  Also, I wouldn't go so far as to say missiles are not LOS.  If missiles were truly no LOS you could shoot them from anywhere (Like you can with ECM's and Supp), but you can't.  I doubt anyone would argue that missiles are overpowered either.  EW on the other hand is extremely overpowered.

And on merkles point, why are the ECM and Supp tunnings badass and have almost no drawbacks, but the Enwar tunning for the ictus increases the amount of accum used by a significant amount.  That seems incredibly unbalanced.  Either make all the tunnings increase accum usage by the same amount, or make the Enwar tunning not use accum like the ECM and supp tunnings.  Plus the Enwar tunning is a leg slot which for a accum heavy bot like the ictus is a HUGE drawback when coupled with the major increase in accum usage.  I never use them for this very reason,  I would rather have a re-charger.  Not to mention the fact that the reactor needed to actually use one is rather substantial, especially considering the fact that every (non logi supported) ictus MUST have an injector on it.

Jita wrote:

to be fair the ictus has a hard tank and the vaga and zenith dont.

This is true, except for the fact that your Offensive capability is inversely proportional to your defense.  The more neuts you use, the less defense you have, and if done incorrectly you can basically kill yourself in an ictus. Or you can not use your neuts and have a great shield tank, but what good is that?  This is not the case with Zenith/Vaga.  If you have an injector, you will never cap yourself out in a Vaga/Zenith.  This is does not apply to the ictus, even with an injector and re-chargers you can cap yourself out extremely fast.

Re: EW needs nerf

The Ictus is meant to be a pusher class Ewar.  Vagas and send are not.  PS 1 hour global CD on spark teleports.

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