Re: Spark Teleports

Whoa whoa whoa.  A cooldown is all that's needed.  It's a good system it's just 10 sparks with this few island is a bit much.

Steam achievement Unlocked:  Being a Badass
Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.

502 (edited by Burial 2013-08-18 01:22:47)

Re: Spark Teleports

I can see a good and neutral way: Add more islands.

Preferably beta islands that are not connected with an island that has Beta terminal (as you guys seem to think that every island that is connected with an island that has a beta terminal means instant travel anywhere on said islands).

Something between Novastrov and Greensward, Alsbale and Yuraion Ro and Kentagura and Chalydor.

Perhaps even beta islands with just 1 outpost so Lemon can assault those freely without worrying too much about defenders sparking in front of him. tongue

Re: Spark Teleports

I just want to say, I was the first to ask for More Islands. 

That is all. smile

And all Ewar should have LOS.

The Gifter
Top  Killer 2013  - 01: 334 -- 17 -- 317  : Merkle
Top  Killer 2012  - 01: 027 -- 472 -- 445 : Merkle

Scarab Kill Count - 13

Re: Spark Teleports

Arga wrote:

@merkle, I see what you did there

@Cassius - Well, Population and the spark is allowing you to control the world. Which is where the real problem comes in. Any corp that has the greatest firepower (People and EP) will be the ones that control the world. That's what is broken.

I've bolded and underlined the important part here. Perp is a game of conflict. Of course the largest and strongest corp is king of the hill. It's not broken, It's exactly the way it's meant to be.

Arga wrote:

Even if the tables turn, it won't even be 'fun' pvp to try and fight, because you'll always be faced with a huge number of opponents.

The M2S alliance was able to take over all the outposts because they had unlimited resources.

STC is holding all the outposts because you have unlimited mobility and the largest force.

The 'largest force' is only important because of the unlimited mobility. STC can apply everyone anywhere, that's what is broken.

I understand you don't want to give up your advantage. All 1000 of my posts aren't going to get STC to agree with me, contray to Merkle's post, I'm not done playing-dumb yet.

The only thing that really matters, is that the devs do see the problem, what they didn't see was a solution.

If they want to make it a 15 min PVP timer, that's fine by me. But it won't solve the problem, and time will prove that out.

I can't speak for Ville, but I would hazard that he doesn't care about holding a station, he just wants good PVP. Having 4 or 5 times your number defend every SAP on is not fun PVP, for either side.

When there was a force to oppose us of equal or greater numbers there was balance in the game, and PvP. The less overall population, the less PvP.

A change in SpT will not change the current political control landscape, Our simple 10 man corp controls everything simply because there isn't a equal 10 man corp to oppose us. That is what will change the landscape of the game.
The majority of you posting in this thread about changing SpT voluntarily stopped playing the game, continually preached how Beta's were dead and worthless. So you stopped actively playing the game, Beta's are worthless ... but the most important thing now is to change SpT because we are the dominant power in the game and control .. wait for it, .. all the Betas?

Seriously, you can do better than this.  This is exactly why this is a troll Ville. You never said a peep when you had a gamma or when you were running missions.

The funny thing is I think Khader said it best what I thought ... that when SpT was first introduced the fact that it had no cooldown seemed crazy, and even I thought, at that time, that it would be changed quickly. But it didn't. And now after playing I no longer see a reason why it should ... It promoted quick movement to gammas, and caused many players to increase the number of bots they needed to have on hand, a boon for the economy and the game.  I have stated several times in this thread if a cooldown was implemented, a simple 5 minute cooldown would suffice to kill the mission imbalance, and even the dreaded "power projection" I don't think a cooldown is needed but could live with a 5 minute one.

Ville before you troll another "I'd like to point out a 1 hour cooldown is fair" perhaps explain WHY 1 hour is fair?

I'd like to point out that forum posting should be limited to outpost owners and that the number of outposts = the number of daily allowable posts. Ville I will go a step further and state this is fair because outpost ownership shows a commited effort in playing the game, therefore players committed to the game should be heard.  Clearly as you have stated "The monthly fee of $10 I spend to troll the forums is the best investment ever" type of player is not good for the game.  And not to punish new players all NPC corp players should also be allowed to post on the forums. I type this with the straightest possible face and with absolutely no political motivation whatsoever. And I'm not trolling.

Arga, for the record, SpT and my opinion has absolutely nothing to do with me not wanting to give up an "advantage".
I could care less if we lose our Beta's ... I clearly remember the drag that travel was before SpT and the difference it has made. I think it's good for the game ... the number of SpT should never be increased beyond 10 ...

Re: Spark Teleports

I paid for the game, I will post whenever I feel like fuuu


506 (edited by Burial 2013-08-18 13:33:45)

Re: Spark Teleports

Merkle wrote:

I just want to say, I was the first to ask for More Islands. 

That is all. smile

And all Ewar should have LOS.

Yes, 3 extra beta islands that are not connected to Beta1 and Alpha and the landscape would turn a lot more interesting.

Amount of beta and gamma islands right now is way unbalanced: 2 Alphas, 2 Betas and 8 Gammas per faction. I think it's time to add few beta islands.


Re: Spark Teleports

Cassius wrote:

The majority of you posting in this thread about changing SpT voluntarily stopped playing the game, continually preached how Beta's were dead and worthless. So you stopped actively playing the game, Beta's are worthless ... but the most important thing now is to change SpT because we are the dominant power in the game and control .. wait for it, .. all the Betas?

I've bolded and underlined the important part here. Perp is a game of conflict. Of course the largest and strongest corp is king of the hill. It's not broken, It's exactly the way it's meant to be

Most just post to be constructive and attempt to detract from some of the more extreme views that have been portrayed. This is also the only hot topic on the forums ATM that is current and not absurd.

Yes MOAR land so I can hunt even farther for the elusive Perpetuum player across all the islands.

Undefeated 2013
"Even alone you probably are one of the best" - Khader Khan
"Lemon the 1 man army .... also know as: THE TERMINATOR!" - Obi Wan
"There are people who are just better then you at doing many things at one time, some are far better then myself, far better." -Merkle

Re: Spark Teleports

Burial wrote:
Merkle wrote:

I just want to say, I was the first to ask for More Islands. 

That is all. smile

And all Ewar should have LOS.

Yes, 3 extra beta islands that are not connected to Beta1 and Alpha and the landscape would turn a lot more interesting.

Amount of beta and gamma islands right now is way unbalanced: 2 Alphas, 2 Betas and 8 Gammas per faction. I think it's time to add few beta islands.

Not a bad idea at all, but this takes development time they don't have right now, yet it does not fix the sparking problems.



Re: Spark Teleports

1 hr cooldown \o/

Steam achievement Unlocked:  Being a Badass
Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.


Re: Spark Teleports

I don't buy this.. more islands, cool downs.. it all comes down to a fairly simple conclusion:

Reimburse + downgrade to terra incognita as far as square footage (and spark teleport, obviously). Gamma does not work as far as balance (population...), and the resources to provide counters aren't there, so maybe it's time to at least reconsider some of these changes.

Progressive insights?

Re: Spark Teleports

Doek wrote:

I don't buy this.. more islands, cool downs.. it all comes down to a fairly simple conclusion:

Reimburse + downgrade to terra incognita as far as square footage (and spark teleport, obviously). Gamma does not work as far as balance (population...), and the resources to provide counters aren't there, so maybe it's time to at least reconsider some of these changes.

Progressive insights?

I have had something similar in my mind for some time now. Not sure how the reimbusement would work out though.

Re: Spark Teleports

Kinda offtopic now, but it has been brought up in this topic, so just a quick note here:
http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … -pvp-flag/

Re: Spark Teleports



Re: Spark Teleports

lol well thank you Zoom .. that put to rest all of the he said / dev said ...

Going to be testing out the changes tonight ... so far they look good big_smile

Tux ~ Kill the messenger, he was part of it all along.
Euripides ~ Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head.
Bertrand Russell ~ War does not determine who is right - only who is left.

Re: Spark Teleports

Unlimited mobility doesnt belong in a post Steam Perp.

It doesnt belong in any game.

The unlimited mobility here is meta, there is not in game pieces or bots or anything.

Just a click.

Dont need it, people.

Re: Spark Teleports

If it were realistic, id love 1000 islands.

517 (edited by Gunner 2013-08-19 08:11:46)

Re: Spark Teleports

Spark Beacon -     (Spark teleporter beacon) deployable same as teleport beacon, can be killed also, deploy 500m from station leaving from.

1 Mil each

5 or 10 minute charge time, lasts 5 10 minutes, something (someone mentioned infusing for less charge time)

Characters need relations to destination to 5 or more, gamma base no relation just free

Spark beacon is deployed outside.  People can spark from inside the station unless there are hostile outside blowing it up.   (gets blown up)   has 1/2 armored HP


Increase PvP timer x 2 or so.

PvP timer doesnt tick down if you are within 500m of station

Dev Zoom:   I know this is big recode, but on the right track maybe for in game items related to the spark?

The idea here is:  You must control the station area in order to spark away from it. (The field)

So, sparking in to hot area is risky as you may get stuck there.

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee       yikes  wink  hmm  tongue  lol

Re: Spark Teleports


I'll trade you ewar LOS for Spark Teleport Beacon outlined above.



Re: Spark Teleports


I've chosen the raspberry response. I'm reserving the 'nah nah boo boo' response incase this discussion lifts itself back to that intellectual level.


Re: Spark Teleports

I'd like to say a 1 hour global cooldown is fair.

Steam achievement Unlocked:  Being a Badass
Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.

Re: Spark Teleports

I'd like to say no cooldown is more fair.


Re: Spark Teleports

No cooldown is more fair then 1 hour?

Re: Spark Teleports

I have an idea :

3 Primary spark : one for each type of islands (1 for alpha, 1 for beta , 1 for gamma )
No cooldown

X Secondary spark (Skill Spark teleportation) : no limitation for type of islands
Y minutes of cooldown

Re: Spark Teleports

Ok this might have been already suggested and if so I'm sorry, but how about individual cooldowns PER spark teleport target? Jump to a target, cooldown starts for that one only.

This would make it possible to use the system to jump around all your targets exactly once within a given time, which is still ok for marketeers to modify/add their orders, but rules out jumping back and forth quickly between two targets.

This could even have a substantially longer cooldown too, like 12 or 24 hours.

Re: Spark Teleports

Dev Zoom: That will improve the current issue, but not solve it entirely.