Re: New devblog: Intrusion 2.0
Also the new change is to prevent megablobbing the SAP points, not for creating megacorps or alliances.
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Also the new change is to prevent megablobbing the SAP points, not for creating megacorps or alliances.
These new changes sound hopeful but I am sure there will be a way to exploit this mechanic.
That said I'd rather see this change implemented and bug fixed then balanced than talked about for 6 weeks.
As long as the system works as outlined I'd like to see it. As long as bugs don't go unfixed for 4 weeks I'll be happy to get involved with this mechanic. I'd really like this this system could be rested somehow on a test server (Which I heard was being worked on and should probably be ready by now).
Can't wait to hear more. The numbers seem a little off but at low population numbers it's impossible to say how features will evolve over time. This sounds like a great way to start though.
Taking SovNov as an example, we are composed of ADLN, THS, CIR, RG, HYDRA, ROME, DEAPR, and our new trial corporation B-W.
That is 8 corporations, with 2 (CIR & RG) owning the outposts on Novastrov. Why should the other 6 corporations, which contribute to the defense of the island like the other 2, be straddled with having to "stay away" from the SAP's because if they touch them they're doing harm to themselves?
Naturally you could say the Devs don't want "oversized entities", but again that makes no sense. Either there are alliances, or you have corporations merging into one monster-corporation - either way the outcome is not changed. The only thing being done by pretending a lack of a functioning alliance-system is in the game's interests, is inconveniencing a big part of the playerbase.
Its really a simple mechanic. Allow allied corps to capture SAP's of outposts owned by alliance-corporations. Pretending alliances don't exist in PO is pointless.
The point I think you're missing here Syndic is that there's not so much need to have all those entities in your alliance anymore. The point of the change is that you dont HAVE to band together to make sure that you have someone who will show up to defend your outpost 24 hours a day. Previously, if you knew you had to defend at 3:00am your time, you knew you wouldnt have many on, so you fill the gaps with people that are not of your timezone to cover your ***.
The point of this change is "Hey, screw it, im going to sleep, if i miss a sap it's not as big of a deal, my stuff will still be in the outpost, my crew will all be here in the morning. We'll be right back at it." It takes the DO or DIE nessecity out of defending your outpost at a less then optimal time every 3 days.
As you said, CiR and RG own the two outposts on novastrov. That's exactly how many people should be in the alliance. The rest are renters. How many renters do you need?
Maybe we don't have to band together & have a DO OR DIE mentality, but that still doesn't mean we - or any other alliance in-game for that matter - should be "forced" by the Devs to disband with faulty game mechanics.
Because quite simply, we won't disband.
Maybe we don't have to band together & have a DO OR DIE mentality, but that still doesn't mean we - or any other alliance in-game for that matter - should be "forced" by the Devs to disband with faulty game mechanics.
Because quite simply, we won't disband.
No corporation IS forced to recruit in all time zones just to be beta competitive. Most heavily dominated islands will sit around 90-95% anyhow, because they'll get all the SAPs they're online for, and on the occasions they have no one on, they'll lose maybe 1 in 2. (Less if it's a Specimen, I'd imagine.)
The only thing an alliance feature would do right now is allow oversized entities the ability to dominate larger swaths of landscape, which I get the distinct impression is NOT the intent of this system.
You make a good point here fried.
I really think the devs want corps to spread not form an entity that controls multiple stations without using them.
This is good news for a lot of smaller corps.
Maybe we don't have to band together & have a DO OR DIE mentality, but that still doesn't mean we - or any other alliance in-game for that matter - should be "forced" by the Devs to disband with faulty game mechanics.
Because quite simply, we won't disband.
The system as described actively discourages the formation of benevolent defensive alliances. The only forms of alliance possible after this takes affect is an aggressive alliance (whose only purpose is to deny outposts to others, since they can't/don't have the manpower to hold them) or a mercenary-style defense-for-pay alliance (interesting thought, but not very reliable overall).
The only thing an alliance feature would do right now is allow oversized entities the ability to dominate larger swaths of landscape, which I get the distinct impression is NOT the intent of this system.
In both the old and the new system, if an oversized entity can dominate an area, then they can. The mechanism may be changing, but the reality is still the same. The problem with this new system is that it is bypassing the indepedence that an alliance allows and forcing corporations to actually merge if they want to grow. The old phrase "Join us or die" is suddenly not only viable, but enforced by the nature of the rules. That is not the direction this game should probably go.
I think people are forgetting that Dev's mentioned an upkeep cost to outposts after the first, so the possibility of an alliance even wanting to capture and retain the whole map is pretty much an out-of-date concept.
An alliance mechanic in PO would need to be very carefully considered before throwing something in just to resolve a short term problem. For example I feel an alliance should have some form of upkeep cost.
But in the mean time, for the new SAP mechanic, why not just have it defer to the rights of corp who the squad leader belongs to?
That way you can be sure there is at least one official representation of that corp is present.
Syndic wrote:Maybe we don't have to band together & have a DO OR DIE mentality, but that still doesn't mean we - or any other alliance in-game for that matter - should be "forced" by the Devs to disband with faulty game mechanics.
Because quite simply, we won't disband.
The system as described actively discourages the formation of benevolent defensive alliances. The only forms of alliance possible after this takes affect is an aggressive alliance (whose only purpose is to deny outposts to others, since they can't/don't have the manpower to hold them) or a mercenary-style defense-for-pay alliance (interesting thought, but not very reliable overall).
Friedrich Psitalon wrote:The only thing an alliance feature would do right now is allow oversized entities the ability to dominate larger swaths of landscape, which I get the distinct impression is NOT the intent of this system.
In both the old and the new system, if an oversized entity can dominate an area, then they can. The mechanism may be changing, but the reality is still the same. The problem with this new system is that it is bypassing the indepedence that an alliance allows and forcing corporations to actually merge if they want to grow. The old phrase "Join us or die" is suddenly not only viable, but enforced by the nature of the rules. That is not the direction this game should probably go.
The difference is that in the old system, an oversized entity can dominate MANY areas at the same time - because they only have to "prove" their power once a week at most. Here, they have to prove it daily, and so they can only dominate the space they actually DOMINATE - not the space they show up in from time to time with overwhelming force.
You don't even have to have 24/7 domination of a single location to hold an outpost. You have to have 13/7 - some people are just choosing to ignore that to push their own agendas. Realistically, 8/7 would probably be good enough, since it's very unlikely that every SAP that comes up when you're not around will be captured by someone else, and it's reasonable that some of the SAPS that come up when you're not the dominant entity will still be captured by you, the outpost holder. But, again, that's not what some people are choosing to see and focus on.
It all boils down to the way the SAP will be activated. Are they going to just go active, global message on the island or similar to now - territorial warfare menu that will show you what's active and ready to be capture at the time.
Realistically, 8/7 would probably be good enough, since it's very unlikely that every SAP that comes up when you're not around will be captured by someone else, and it's reasonable that some of the SAPS that come up when you're not the dominant entity will still be captured by you, the outpost holder. But, again, that's not what some people are choosing to see and focus on.
They way I read it was if the SAP was not captured by the owning corp, you lose stability. The difference when someone else takes it is the snowball effect, which allows a single corp to actively capture an outpost quicker.
Over time, they would eventually be reduced to under 50% stability, at which point the benefit of owning an outpost is negligable. If the game is still low population, then this state could continue for a time, but if there are powers actively pursuing a limited number of outposts, any post under 50% is a prime candidate.
Right now, there are MORE outposts then there are corporations able to hold them. There are actually just too many small corporations that have been unwilling to lose thier identities, so they have formed alliances. It isn't a join or die situation, its a join or be indepenant, but you won't hold an outpost. Alliances can still exisit, those small corps can be allowed access to outposts, they can even help defend the territory (meat sheild) they just won't get any direct benefit from owning an outpost.
There are 15 outposts currently. The average online base is around 400 (200-600) meaning if the server divided up evenly, there each outpost would have 27(ish) people online 24/7. Probably 50% of the population are in smaller corps under 10, while there are just a few large circles taking up the rest. Meaning that there are only an average of 200 players online in corps capable of holding an outpost at a reasonable stability level (above 50% assuming 12/7 coverage) is going to take 50 people, that's 4 of 15 outposts that will be fully occupied.
Now, those are just rough numbers, but the picture they paint is generally correct. There's no way that all 15 outposts are going to be over 50%. The ones that aren't will probably have corps wasting resources and complaining about how Beta outposts aren't worth the effort... the pattern continues.
So, the issue isn't the system, its a small community with too many small tribes and not enough civilizations to realize the conquest.
It would be great if maybe the old Beta outposts where somehow 'outpost-light' with maybe a longer SAP timer, and the ability to hit 100% stability, but that 100% only provides the benefits of 50% of the Beta-2 islands.
This reduces the number of outposts that would need 24/7 coverage to 6, which better fits the current population.
We can only hope the prevailing ego gets the better of it's self, and some more people figure out they actually do have a pair once these changes go live.
The ego can't come camp you all into stations at the same time.
The ego can't come and camp anyone in station without leaving it's flank open.
Do you really want to be the egos pawn? It's thru you he does his bidding.
The point I raised wasn't because of how easy/difficult it would be to control something.
The point I raised is that allied corporations are put at a DISADVANTAGE, because they live and operate in the same place as the "owning" corp but they are unable to touch the SAP for 2 hours unless they want to harm their own alliance.
So, if RG's SAP is active, CIR - even with RG being brosefs in the same alliance - cannot do ANYTHING but camp the SAP for 2 hours and hope nobody comes along to ninja-grab it.
The only functional answer to that is that allied corps merge into one mega-corporation, or that the Devs provide an alliance-feature.
It all boils down to the way the SAP will be activated. Are they going to just go active, global message on the island or similar to now - territorial warfare menu that will show you what's active and ready to be capture at the time.
That's a good point. We don't really know yet, but might as well offer some ideas on that too.
We can assume there are 3 ways of informing about a SAP activation: None, Defender-Only, Everyone.
None would truly add spice to the game. Attackers would have to be on the prowl or lucky, diminishing their resources in efforts to catch people. Defenders would have to be on their toes in checking their SAPs consistantly. Overall, people would have to be active constantly, and that's cool.
Defender-Only gives the large advantage to the defender, of course. This would make it viable for a smaller corporation to hold an outpost longer than a few weeks. But it would also make it really easy for a large corp to hold what they have, meaning they could hold it with less and use the extra people to move outward.
Everyone knowing at the same time kind of smacks of the current system. Granted, no one would know until they activate, but the attackers would know exactly where to go, the defenders would know everyones coming, but not when. This gives an obvious advantage to the attacker, and might be too overpowering right now. Maybe later it would be cool.
Personally, I vote for the None option.
Syn - That's not wholly accurate.
If RG isn't going to get there to cap the SAP themselves, they are going to lose the stabilization regardless, so you can cap it for them. They only time that would be bad is if you capped 2 in a row, which would start the snowball. Capping it early helps would stop the snowball if it was capped previously by another corp.
That's assuming that RG doesn't have anyone online at all, or that the SAP is under attack by a force greater then those online can handle, in either case again, if an alliance corp capped the last one, its actually better to let this other corp cap it so you don't snowball them.
I don't feel this system actively hinders alliances, it does however make it mandatory that all outpost owning entities of an alliance be capable of fielding active forces at least 12hrs/7days.
The answer to that, is if RG only misses a few caps, that's not bad. If ANY corp can't support a 50% cap rate themselves, then it may require a merger with another corp and that corp may have to own both outposts and take the NIC penalty (only using you two as an example since you brough it up).
This is anything new, its the same thing people have been complaining about, in that Beta is too hard for the reward, but as I showed with numbers, when your small it's going to be a continual struggle to maintain a presence.
Edit: The merger doesn't have to be a "Mega" corp, but it does need to be larger than 50 people to ensure an active membership.
There are way too many small corps now, and that was supported and encouraged by the previous intrusion system. Beta corps should have to have an 'active' player base. This doesn't mean 'blob' because as I pointed out, sending your whole fleet out to attack a neighbor's SAP leaves you open if your own goes active.
Syn - That's not wholly accurate.
If RG isn't going to get there to cap the SAP themselves, they are going to lose the stabilization regardless, so you can cap it for them. They only time that would be bad is if you capped 2 in a row, which would start the snowball. Capping it early helps would stop the snowball if it was capped previously by another corp.
That's assuming that RG doesn't have anyone online at all, or that the SAP is under attack by a force greater then those online can handle, in either case again, if an alliance corp capped the last one, its actually better to let this other corp cap it so you don't snowball them.
I don't feel this system actively hinders alliances, it does however make it mandatory that all outpost owning entities of an alliance be capable of fielding active forces at least 12hrs/7days.
The answer to that, is if RG only misses a few caps, that's not bad. If ANY corp can't support a 50% cap rate themselves, then it may require a merger with another corp and that corp may have to own both outposts and take the NIC penalty (only using you two as an example since you brough it up).
This is anything new, its the same thing people have been complaining about, in that Beta is too hard for the reward, but as I showed with numbers, when your small it's going to be a continual struggle to maintain a presence.
Edit: The merger doesn't have to be a "Mega" corp, but it does need to be larger than 50 people to ensure an active membership.
There are way too many small corps now, and that was supported and encouraged by the previous intrusion system. Beta corps should have to have an 'active' player base. This doesn't mean 'blob' because as I pointed out, sending your whole fleet out to attack a neighbor's SAP leaves you open if your own goes active.
The way I read it, if nobody is online from the owning corporation to capture the SAP, the SAP de-activates and no stability is lost.
I mean, if nobody is contesting a SAP then it neutralling back to the defender is obvious no?
The idea is that the defender has to have a presence online to complete the SAP's as they come due. If they don't actively recapture the SAP then it's a 'loss'. That was the case in the old system, where if it was uncontested it goes to defender, but if the SAP times out, it wasn't defended - it was ignored, which isn't what they want to promote.
They compensate for each lost SAP by making it take more then 1 to have a significant impact. You would lose 100% bonuses though by even one SAP timing out.
Edit: But you don't lose the outpost by missing a few SAPs, just a few % of stability.
still that number munching stuff - i want to hear more things about changed SAP mechanics.
having to dump random stuff into a trashbin once a day, destroying a bigger version of the punchbag with about 1M rounds of ammo, or trying to activate an expensive headslot module for several times just doesn't sound like "showing presence"
it sounds more like "winner is the one with the best places sequer alt agents", or in case of destruction SAP: the corp with the most T4 fitted tuning-only Mesmer/Seths.
Suggestions on how to change the SAPs into something that shows "presence":
passive Hacking
instead having a single 20m radius area that counts "who can stay longest time there", the whole outpost sector should be checked for activity several times a day - without announcement. activity means having agents there doing something (mining, combat, etc.)
Destruction SAP
Replace oversized practice target with Roaming NPCs that try to recapture the outpost. Defending the outpost against the NIANI forces sounds more logical to proofe "owning rights".
active Hacking
combine this one with previous one: if the NPCs managed to hack it, you have to hack it back. Niani forces will field several light ewars with maxed stealth for this, and they wont attack from only one direction...
Item processing
Place more then one item processing SAP spread among the outpost sector. Outside Service intervall they can be used as "ore pipeline". You dump your ores in, and they will get transfered to the Outpost automatically, Outpost owner gets a share. Only unrefined Ores or Energy Crystalls can be moved this way.
During Service time, the pipeline will ask for a mix of minerals around its location to perform nano maintainence. If your already mining near one of it, and got the right mining ammo with you - your lucky
THIS is what i would understand under "ownership through presence" and inherit advantages of ownership due to the item processing change.
You need some more sleep Anni
SAPs are PVP events.
Maybe an occasional PVE event could happen, but actually that would be a lot funner if it occurred at Tellesis.
therse still enough room for pvp... like you cannot do any of the active saps when someone kills you, right?
and the passive one - well, if your under a long siege, you would lose that one over time too - AND the one attacking cannot be in both places at the same time.
AND ontop of it: ANY1 from your corp can actively help and profit from outpost ownership: Industrial, PvP and PvE members each of them on their own field.
If owning outpost means you have to be active around it, also means there are more pvp roaming targets around an outpost. If those active groups can archieve something for the outpost in smaller numbers, it also means, the roaming gangs can face smaller groups....
i can continue with that
What's the average size roam group now?
There's two sides to this, attack and defense. The SAP goes active for 2 hours, but if an attacker is actively trying to take over an outpost, they really can't just wait until it does. If it's an active/passive SAP, all it takes is 10 min to cap it, and the attacker loses their snowball. I highly doubt that any corp could get a force over to a SAP in 10 min unless they were already formed up and ready to go. If the defenders don't have a presence, then the attacker has 2 hours to get there.
These new changes will improve outposts take over mechanic and defence greatly no need for alarm clock late at night, although whoever did that needs a psychological evaluation of some kind.
Anyways this does not address the issue for incentives to live in beta permanently , specially for smaller corps, is the trouble still worth it? I don't think so at all. Even with docking outpost control.
The idea is that the defender has to have a presence online to complete the SAP's as they come due. If they don't actively recapture the SAP then it's a 'loss'. That was the case in the old system, where if it was uncontested it goes to defender, but if the SAP times out, it wasn't defended - it was ignored, which isn't what they want to promote.
They compensate for each lost SAP by making it take more then 1 to have a significant impact. You would lose 100% bonuses though by even one SAP timing out.
Edit: But you don't lose the outpost by missing a few SAPs, just a few % of stability.
Therefore in order to maximize the ownership of your outpost, a corporation needs to recruit in all timezones to ensure there is a large enough presence/defense force to take care of the potentially spawning SAP.
Sorry but that is ludicrous. Especially since alliances like SovNov, New Hope and the Hokk Wambulance guys are all in MULTIPLE CORPS, therefore every defender outside of the owning corporation is fuc*ed because they're damned if they do, damned if they don't.
Hey C.
Actually, it removes the possiblity for small corps to live in beta as direct outpost owners. And, from the looks, if you don't own it you won't get the outpost auruas and benefits. At most you'll have access to level 3 facilities, but you'll always be just 1 click away from being locked out of your entire operation.
I mentioned already, that maybe there needs to be 2 kinds of outposts. One for large corps on the Beta-II and another for smaller corps on Beta-I.
The theory is that the Beta-I outposts wouldn't be worth the time of large corps to own. It would provide just the basic bonuses, like docking control and auras, but none of the financial or energy credit benefits.
The SAP times would be further apart, to account for less presence and reduced benefits.
Therefore in order to maximize the ownership of your outpost
That's the key here. Maximize.
the 100% stability is something only the strongest corps are going to be able to maintain, because you can't miss any SAPs at all.
A corp doesn't need to have a 24/7 presence though to get the other benefits.
However, if your talking Min/Max, then yes.
But you CAN'T have it both ways. Either an outpost is valuable and as such would require protecting, or it's not worth having at all. Making an outpost valuable, but easy to have and own, isn't balanced. It just means who ever happens to get there first will keep it and be unbeatable.
I think this is a good compromise.
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