*edit: Removed quote. - DEV Zoom
Dear Player Smokeyii,
Hello! I wish to say thank you for taking time to suggest your clearly well thought out and fantastic approach to solving the games problems in a whole. I would like you to know I take great pleasure in knowing that YOU player Smokeyii enjoy this game so much your willing to post such fantastic feedback! I wish to remind you player Smokeyii that I care for you. I care for your health: Mental and Physical. I sincerely hope you understand player Smokeyii that outbreaks of such emotions like RAGE, Bitterness, and overall discontentment with your current situation are often followed by emotions of butt hurt,
. Player Smokeyii, I hope you sincerely seek help for your mental health problems. I hope deareast player Smokeyii, you, are aware that such mental health problems can lead to very TERRIBLE things. And I, player Smokeyii, don't want those terrible things to happen to you! Because you are a fantastic person! You, Player Smokeyii, are Special. Special in a way that all snowflakes are. And you, Player Smokeyii, have great potential! You must harness that Potential Player Smokeyii and overcome from the butthurtness Rage bitter discontent you have made for yourself and rise above that! You must be better Player Smokeyii! You must achieve something, because their is hope and as long as there is a Hershfield Terminal there will be a place for you, Player Smokeyii, in an environment where you can not achieve harm to yourself. No mean pvpers coming by and taking your station. No mean guy named Syndic showing up and ruining YOUR game play experience. Might I interest you player Smokeyii in Artifact scanning? On Ancient Hershfield player Smokeyii, the secret race of nians left remnants of their culture scattered across the plains. You must muster all your fortitude as you chase various hidden treasures across the island of Hershfield!! If that seems too complicated maybe Player Smokeyii, mining is more your forte? Jump into vastly skilled industrial robots designed to make your industrial empire within reach, meet the Argano Player Smokeyii. The Argano is the gateway to your mining empire! For with it you can conquer many a fields of precious raw ore. Maybe your a marketeer! Master the art of selling alpha minerals while purchasing epriton to build your arsenal of 300 MK1 Mechs!!! In Hershfield player Smokeyii, you can achieve ANYTHING! The bar is set at the sky and only you can attain it! Best of luck player smokeyii! Be safe! o/
Steam achievement Unlocked: Being a Badass
http://www.perp-kill.net/kill/239407Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.