Topic: Low player retention: Solutions
This is one the the biggest issues since game's release in 2010. For that reason this has to become a priority after Gamma islands are released again. No point now in dropping the gamma improvements though, its still (I would assume) too far ahead in development to just cancel.
Therefore in order of priorities , what need to be fixed next:
Travel times: This has always been the number one issue with new and old players, the whole map network needs to be reworked. It's all well and good to create distances in game worlds but as pointed out before PVE/Missions needs to be more casual friendly, the idea is in 1 hour of game play , players needs to be satisfied with what they have accomplished.
Assignments: This is a long time coming. More variety is required if it's to remain random, mini terminals, soft instances etc, the priority here is to get the player right on the action as soon as possible hence why I mentioned travel times first, both issues need to be worked together in unison probably. Balanced rewards for each misson as well as more challenging ones for the vets.
Robot changes: Variations of the the same bots might be the quickest solution. We need specialized robot tiers. Specialized mission bots that are more dependent for single account players. Every combat bot (except Ewars) need to have a pvp and pve tier with their own roles and weaknesses. Just slap new stats and paint job, and a new name on same bots.
Corporation management: Leaders/ CEO are the ambassadors of the game, they provide player created content and vastly improve player retention. We need a better system for other players to contribute to the corp without leaving the corp open to theft. More role options, alliance system etc. The easier you make it for leaders the more they will try and keep players happy and get more involved. An improved corp industry UI where we can give members specific roles and take limited amount of resources to build.
Balancing risk vs reward: A holistic approach with how Alpha-beta-gamma works providing a rewarding experience for those who would like to take more risks and be rewarded for it.
I know this must have been all mentioned before and most stuff is planned. Just wanted to get it out there in my own words and see what others have to say to improve player retention all in one thread.
I think this improvements should be more focused to newer and casual players to build more player numbers steadily, then they can focus on improving killing each other even further.