1 (edited by Burial 2013-06-28 23:27:48)

Topic: Melee weaponry?

What people here think about melee weaponry? Energy blades and such. Wrong game? smile

Re: Melee weaponry?

I think it would be interesting, i remember me and InternetRobotsAreSrsBsns were talking about the idea of melee robots and what not earlier. What I'm sure about is how such a thing would be implemented and balanced in current game mechanics though.

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Re: Melee weaponry?

Its a logical extension of area weaponry they are already 90% of the way there to implementation with - artillery. Using the same mechanic for damage distribution as explosion damage they could implement both artillery and melee weapons as well as perhaps suicide bots without too much trouble. It just requires art and graphics and since they have neither .. ah well.

Proverbs 23:20-21 warns us, “Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags."

Re: Melee weaponry?

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Re: Melee weaponry?

I say stick to Armored Core if you want energy blades and such. Much better game imo.

6 (edited by Burial 2013-06-29 15:42:51)

Re: Melee weaponry?

"Armored Core is a mecha-based video game series developed by From Software for the PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Mobile Phone platforms." fuuu fuuu

Re: Melee weaponry?

Melee weapon have a major flaw with explosion damage and the fact that speed maters. That's the reason why you see that less using machine gun in pvp.

So I say wrong game for melee.

Re: Melee weaponry?

we already have some decent extremely short range weapons. if they do not enough dps then boost them ...

Re: Melee weaponry?

the mesh, and probably even the animation for it is in the data base already.
you can see that on the robopedia tyrannos, with its melee claws.

and its really not about "not beeing able to implement" but "not wanting to".

I am currently looking at 1+ year melee discussion in firefall... i doubt perpetuum would come faster to a conlusion if or if not.

+1, since every different weapon system is an additional choice for customisation, or individual progression.

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
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