Topic: more story line pls

i feel like everything in the game is pvp driven atm.

i'd like to see some additions to the story line.

we've invaded another planet and taken territory, where's the counter attack?

i know i'm mostly an alpha carebear as they call it but  the npcs all feel like a surface rash, something uncomfortable and occasionally painful but not really significant.

Could we perhaps add a random reclaimer npc force on beta and/or alpha. something different from the roaming spawns we have, something with an actual purpose or objective.

or some kind of territory missions to invade npc islands that we're locked out of and have to fight from a disadvantage of not being close to replacement bots or ammo. wheres the frontline against the nians?

i think these battlegrounds would need to be the hardest of areas but skill doesnt always triumph over numbers.
i'd like to see something like a deployment boat dispatched from earth's territory to nian territorry which would need to bring everything it needed as the deployment boat would have a limited capacity to avoid the nian firewalls. i'd also think the island we'd be invading have frequent patrols to seekout such invaders and able to summon reinforcements by way of beacons and/or drawing from station spawn points. It could be possible to shut down these spawn points through something similar to active hacking. If the main station is capture the invasion force could get a lucrative reward, the force would then return after being replaced by a government force (quickly defeated after PCs leave).

Re: more story line pls

This, and many other really good suggestions have been made in the forums for PVN (Player vs Nian smile ) encounters.

The bigest hurdle to PVE encounters is the development time. PVP encounters are easier, and with Gamma islands its hopefully just going to be tossing in a procedurely generated island and letting the players have at.

One suggestion was for a citadel like island, where anyone (non-instanced) can jump to the island and work your way to a central outpost, where a prize awaits.

I look forward to these types of encounters being added, but at this point Perp IS primarily PVP driven game. Even the alpha carebearing is about supporting the blowing up and replacement of bots, although indirectly.

While I'd like to see these added in the future, the devs have been balancing their time between PVE and PVP content, and currently its PVP's turn (gamma). I suspect that the next PVE cycle will be more about generating solo content then it would be about group PVE encounters. So it may be a while before something like this is added.

Re: more story line pls


An idea:

Do station, what NPC -s can attack, where syndicate supplies made for, when the NPC -s broke down the supplies there cant be reacable/buyable, and you(community) need  to hauling to materials to build it up again. and other again and again

Do missions like made 1000 UDC (faction ammos) and you need to make that but for Snydicate who is pay for you.

So the community need to defend these stations where syndicate supplies and Arkhes make make some station on every alpha island.

That can be much better and much interesting than the existing ones but still automatic still easy to made.

Energy to Earth!

18.01.2014. [12:57:58] <BeastmodeGuNs> after that i remembered all those warning about 1v1 you lol, and i found out why xD

Re: more story line pls

+1 and articles plox

Have a productive day, runner!
R.I.P. Chenoa, you'll never be forgotten.
DEV Zoom: Line, sorry, I was away for christmas.

Re: more story line pls

-1 keep devs focused on developing stuff and the rest to burning up toasters.

Steam achievement Unlocked:  Being a Badass
Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.

Re: more story line pls

+1 these ideas could certianly help in retention of players and attracting others. AV should concentrate on PVE after gamma is finished.