Topic: Zulu Base for pvp

I think a great idea would be to make a new island with a Zulu base. Zulu base could be captured 24 hours a day. If you control said Zulu base, your corporation would receive nic on a rolling counter until you lose control of said Zulu base. There would be constant pvp on this island as everyone would want to own the Zulu base, but not important enough to stop world pvp. Thoughts?

Re: Zulu Base for pvp

Sounds like the biggest blob wins.

Re: Zulu Base for pvp

I like this idea -- and i don't think the biggest blob would win because the biggest blob couldn't keep the biggest blob numbers on at all times. And if they sustain heavy losses while defending they wont be able to continue holding the structure. It's a good mechanic to bring objective based, reliable pvp, outside of intrusions.

Re: Zulu Base for pvp

GLiMPSE wrote:

I like this idea -- and i don't think the biggest blob would win because the biggest blob couldn't keep the biggest blob numbers on at all times. And if they sustain heavy losses while defending they wont be able to continue holding the structure. It's a good mechanic to bring objective based, reliable pvp, outside of intrusions.

Well of course you'd say that after joining the biggest blob Corp lol.  I agree with Kynes view

Re: Zulu Base for pvp

Taking Damage wrote:
GLiMPSE wrote:

I like this idea -- and i don't think the biggest blob would win because the biggest blob couldn't keep the biggest blob numbers on at all times. And if they sustain heavy losses while defending they wont be able to continue holding the structure. It's a good mechanic to bring objective based, reliable pvp, outside of intrusions.

Well of course you'd say that after joining the biggest blob Corp lol.  I agree with Kynes view

Of course that's the reason... herp derp

Re: Zulu Base for pvp

Its a good start to an idea, maybe it just needs a little tweaking.

The station itself has a high armor, so even if it isn't defended it takes a lot of firepower to aquire it; like the destruction node for intrusions.

The 'owning' corp only gets the NIC or Energy credit for a few hours, but the 'reward' is significantly higher for that period, and can't own the object again for a few days; this is to prevent 'win' sharing and a large corp just 'squating' on the outpost.

7 (edited by GLiMPSE 2011-06-06 21:01:43)

Re: Zulu Base for pvp

I disagree...I think this should be easily captured and provide full benefits for as long as you hold it. The idea is to give people in off peak hours around the timezones something to fight over. The income shouldn't be ridiculous but should be equivalent to a 5-10 man group farming a spawn.

If unprotected it should take no longer then 10 minutes to capture regardless of the capturing groups size.

Re: Zulu Base for pvp

In the latest blog, there's a picture of a nuimqol refinery complex. Maybe it could be captured and provide a steady stream of nic / minerals?

Re: Zulu Base for pvp

I tried thinking about this for a few hours and came up with some nice concepts to balance it but they all kinda had some form of issue, here are some anyways:

* zulu base is quite easy to capture 10-15 mins with a small - med group

* zulu base is only capturable on a corporation basis, similar mechanic to destruction SAPs

* once captured, the corporation gets NIC/EC every 30mins in increasing amounts e.g. n, 2n, 3n, 4n, .... xn

* however, the corporation also receives debuffs each hour, this could be -5% armor then -5% acc, then -10% HP etc etc. This makes it increasingly harder to hold for the corporation as they get gradually more and more debuffed - this is only on zulu base island - These debuffs could also have a multiplier based on # of holding corps members on the island as an anti-blob mechanic, however this has to be balanced by some form of balancing against a non holding corps turning up with 4x as many bots and wiping the holding corps.

* other corporations can attack at any time HOWEVER you can only attack the current base owner corporation members, not other corps on the zulu island. This is to prevent you holding the zulu base with an alt corps then defending with no debuffs using another corps.

* once you lose control of zulu base, you cannot attack it or the current base owners for 3 hours.

Hopefully this adds some balance and being honest i frankly stole the idea from some old FPS mods i used to play. It should add some spice, there's a competitive element in terms of who can hold the zulu base the longest (maybe another list to add to most dangerous agents??) and also the ability for smaller corps to run in and steal some time in off peak or between other groups attacking...

Discuss big_smile

"like Kalsius, a shameless carebear and jitalover" - Syndic

Re: Zulu Base for pvp

Interesting ideas. The problem that repeatedly pops up is "why not juggle it between 2 allied corps?" The solution I see is to make the debuffs build up until the owning corp loses it, and then have them last through x number of ownership changes.

Also, I think the system behind "gain cash over time" is inherently flawed. I'm thinking this "zulu base" needs to be a beacon that grants subtle GLOBAL buffs, and more intense LOCAL buffs and debuffs. IE the local buff would be decreasing health, but increasing firepower and the global buff is only increasing firepower. Maybe have different types of "zulu bases" that grant different types of global buffs. Said buffs could be inversely proportional to the number of online corp mates, so that blobs only get small bonuses, but a small squad would get fairly powerful bonuses.

Re: Zulu Base for pvp

I agree with GnB about the reward, the game doesn't need another form of NIC fountain. The other aspect is that the value of the NIC payed out would difficult to balance.

How long would a corp need to hold the outpost to recover the cost of losing a handful of bots? If it takes 20 players to defend the outpost for a few hours, what is the equivalent amount of NIC they could have gotten farming NPC's or running missions?

If the NIC value is too low, then it just becomes a 'contested for fun' spot, and PVP Griefer Corp X either just takes it or continues to blockade and battle any other corps simply for the PVP enjoyment. This lasts until other corps just stop attacking due to losses, and Corp X just gets a free X nic/hour.

If the NIC value is too High, then it becomes a MUST have item, and the Corp with the largest fighting force will take and hold it repeatedly, limited only by any mechanics put in place as Kalsisus suggested.

If its just about right, its still just NIC and strong PVP corps will contest it just to deny it to the enemy or ignore it other then a sure thing place to roam; and to 'gank' small corp Y that happens to be holding it off hours; probably resulting in more NIC bot loss cost then income generated.

The reward needs to be something like energy credits, and possibly just a one-time reward instead of an ongoing per/time reward that requires boring defense teams.

Re: Zulu Base for pvp

I tried thinking about this for a few hours and came up with some nice concepts to balance it but they all kinda had some form of issue....

Quoting myself lol big_smile

All great points guys.

"like Kalsius, a shameless carebear and jitalover" - Syndic

Re: Zulu Base for pvp

Well my intention with this is to find a way to stimulate pvp, but not make the reward be too important to send corporations out to camp it. Maybe a capture the flag and the flag holder gets nic/energy credits/free painted bot/etc. I like the thoughts going into it and hopefully we can find something developers will like. Trying to say away from the WOW battleground concept, but at the same time I like the idea of being able to find some pvp.