(7 replies, posted in General discussion)


here youll find updates and also update history since the release.


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Sure - pure combat/pvp characters are viable and can make enough money to maintain their income.

The game is fresh 11 weeks - very smooth release and stable game. Itll provide enough conetnt for some month if you hurry the game - and new stuff is coming in.

But again - its a new game - cant compare it to the ones that are out there for years content or playerbase wise.

If you liked eve for a reason this is kinda similar - and not. But its cheap anough to give it a try - no buying costs - ~9 euro a month.

edit: we also have nice forum trolls!

As small as the static speed advantage will be - it will be sucessfully and exclusively used - and will be able to pick fights at will and let the other bots feel obsolete.

So the only way is to temporarily change the speeds as in a speed module for light bots, tha enables them to fulfill their role, attack OR retreat - but not both. Anything else wont work.


did you know that currently, when hitdispersion is lower then the surface size - the dmg even is increased?

The thing is - currently this may seem unreasonable - but when the new targetingsystem with hitboxes is implemented - this extra dmg will prevent making the hitbox targeting OP and rather useful for special tactics.

Thats the problem with partially implemented ideas.

But apart from that - your change would make each class viable the most against its own class or bots similar to them, which could be a nice approach.

Unfortunately dmg isnt the key in pvp - but possible application and negation of dmg. Thats why speed and terrain usage is the thing that makes lighter bots much more versatile against anything and also gives them the ability to choose their fights.

The smallest static speed increase will always make the faster one staticly superior. Thats why a static change isnt the key to any speed related solution. Same goes for nerfs.

Thats why only a temporary speed variation on either the faster or slower side can change a static and unearned bonuses to something that happens on player decision, if rdy and usable.

edit: dang grammar tongue

Well if some pseudo-objectives get added that make mechs viable - lets say - "flag defense scenarios-whatever" - the problem wouldnt just be solved becasue now mechs would serve a purpose.

Its not about finding some reason for mechs to be viable, but of course they should be viable in the normal, naturally derived roaming pvp since this is - the standard pvp - the most natural conflict there is in any game - opponent A and B meet and get to it.

To just up the speed would totally unbalance things and also would destroy their perception as heavy units.

So there are 3 other options:

- you anhance their range
- you decrease the speed of lighter units
- you change the system so that they cannot run away or attack to their liking

Aswell as in the other topic about EWs - i'd go with making their interceptor speed a temporary ability that either allows them to intercept fast or to flee - but not both at any time of their liking.


(3 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Happened to me too twice yet on various TPs.

If your leet enough you dont even need a game. People should stop talking about any skill in games like these - thats hilarious.

Agreed - i think a lot of people been thinking about this but didnt bother to post it.

Yes it would be very handy and just a quick change.