Hello everyone,
I just got used to playing against groups by pulling them and using range/de-lock to my advantage.  Now I am doing level 2 missions and running into mixed groups with combat + EW robots.  The EW's take all my ACC power and cancel my weapons lock, leaving me toothless.  Any strategies for dealing with this?


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thanks for the targeting info!  I ignored this aspect in previous combat, thinking it was a game of camparing armor and weapons exclusively.  Now combat is much more rewarding.  I am able to manulate the range/lock/targeting effectively and am having far more success and fun.  Simply popping outside enemy lock range gets you ten seconds of zero damage.  I am now actively manipulating weapons/scanners/reppers.


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

So here are my problems,

I can't figure out the best way to handle enemy groups.  I have two basic stategies:

1.  Charge in, hopefully kill a few, run away.
2.  Try to kite, pull the whole group anyways, shoot lasers into invisible dirt, run away.

How about a different strategy?

Also, I continue to repeat the newb missions over and over:

At what point do I get new missions?
At what point do I go to new locations?
I am not a big story guy, but is there any depth, or just grinding?

Thanks folks.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

From the help files:

Turrets: Target size / Hit dispersion===
The quotient of the two parameters show the chance of a hit. For example the target size of your enemy is 5, your weapon's dispersion is 7. Due to this formula, the chance of hit in one cycle is (5/7=0,71) 71%. In case the enemy's target size is 4, and your weapon's dispersion is 4, the chance of hit is (4/4=1) 100%.

A prometheus is size 3.

Standard light small weapons hit disp is:

Laser 3 (100% vs prometheus)
EM 4 (75%)
Gun 5 (60%)

Seems like a huge factor.  I never read my combat log so I don't know the actual results.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

Having a second thoughts on this one.  It appears that the price of duplicating certain extentions on both agents + cost of maintining corporate storage may be greater than simply training my fighting agent on the starter industry techs.  Anyone have a breakdown on this to save me the math?


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

I played Asintec and gathered the associated laser tech, but I found putting 4 lasers on starter is a great way to drain battery power.  I wanted to post the basics for comparison and comment:

Standard Light Gun/EM/Laser

CPU 5/25/20
Reactor 15/30/40
Ammo 200/50/120
Mass 400/250/150
Acc use 1/3/5
Time 3.2/5/4
Damage 125%/135%/100%
Falloff 125/50/100
Hit disp 5/4/3
Range 75/120/150

Analysis:  This is a rock/paper/scissor scenario.  Choose the weapon for your style.  I choose to get in close range because I have trouble judging minor bumps that can block my shots, I am also annoyed by power drain, perhaps time to move away from the lasers.

Please post your thoughts and experiences.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

I made my first agent mostly combat.  I want to do some industry stuff and make use of all the goodies I find.  Since buying industry extensions from zero base would be to great, I must make another agent.  If I start my own corporation, and have both agents start in the same mega-corp, I should be able to use shared corp storage to move goods.  This would allow me one main agent to fight and play, while the other alt provides a little industry support.  I just started two days ago, so please let me know if this makes any sense...Thanks.