While swimming around the Beta Islands with the Corporation, we raided a small mining spot, and were left with a locked Field Container. Seeing as we had no chance of actually opening it, we were content with denying the resources to the defeated pilots, and locked on. We readied our weapons, and...


Apparently, weapons can't lock onto That shape of metal. While I can understand the thought behind making them invulnerable, I don't think it's fair to do on a PvP Island. Apart from realism or even fairness, I can think of a situation where a group can quickly deposit all of their valuables into this container, after spotting a raiding party 1000km out. I simply think that this is just a very strange move, and I suggest that they simply be destructible. Nothing more, Nothing less.

TL;DR: Field Containers should be able to be blown up.

Comments and Discussions are encouraged.


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

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At Approximately 630 NLT, a group of pilots attempted to create a tear in the fabric of time and space, and tunnel into another universe. Through focusing multiple high-powered mining lasers onto a single point in space, it is believed that a wormhole can be created. The possibilities were endless, and the beams were pretty too.

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At 637 NLT, the area surrounding the test site began to vibrate, with a steady hum snaking it's way through the ground. The test point itself began to brighten and dim, as the lasers became distorted around it. The frequency of the lasers had been changed, somehow, and it now glowed a vibrant blue as the experiment carried on. No one knew what was going to happen next, but everyone could guess. I was betting on Cthulhu.

"Unfortunately, we hadn't expected anything to actually happen, and so did not have the sufficient power charges required by the inter-dimensional portal. Everyone was severely disappointed, and many bets had to be called off." - Pilot who witnessed the Test.
To celebrate this moment, our newsroom is proud to announce a limited set of Bronze Plates to commemorate this momentous achievement. This is one of the greatest breakthroughs in all of Hist-

Breaking News. Apparently this story was simply a false account of a certain pilot, (Identified as Nero Czan of the Gallowglass Corporation), who while on a very riveting (Rivet-ing) mining operation had become intoxicated on the job, and started shooting a fellow miner with his lasers in a supposed attempt to "take his arms." This pilot is currently under questioning, but no charges are being pressed.

This is Doug Wallace, of the Nia News Network, Signing Off.
