same problem here, started about 1~2 days ago. Its like taking 5 steps forward then 2 steps back, 5 steps forward then 2 steps back, and so lag is usually at about 380~400ms but now it goes from 400~3000ms and at times N/A


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Wardrobe malfunction , surely you felt a breeze?


(42 replies, posted in General discussion)

I have 12 month subs so intend on enjoying this game for a long time


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

Neoxx wrote:

We never claimed to have gotten our bots back.  People just assumed we would get them back so they started that rumor with no input from us.  People are lemmings and will believe whatever they hear if its said with enough capital letters.

Even the F***ING mods are starting to believe the hearsay in these forums.  We're quickly running down the slippery slope of biased and corrupt GM's and mods.  Awesome.

All but calling the GM's and mods corrupt!!.............nice save lemming