(4 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

I've ask Dev Gargaj in game permission to distribute my MySql import of the Perpetuum Planner data:

1. the data is under our copyright so attribution is very much a given
2. the data comes from an unofficial source and should be noted as such
3. the data should be distributed free of charge

On this, very resible, conditions I can show my progress in a couple of days.


(4 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Any luck with importing the Perpetuum (planner) data in MySql ?
I sort of did it but I don't know if I'm allow to distribute it.

And it not 100% yet, I only have 58 attribute imported yet for 674 items, included the component the items are made of (the main reason I need the data).
So before I spend more hours on it I would love to know if somebody is completely successful yet.


(17 replies, posted in Q & A)

Hi my first reply in 3 months !
So no, there is no conformation. All I can say is that it works for me.

Some small tweaking : lvl 1 station=0,316 modifier, lv 2 station=0,187 mod.
And instead of dividing and rounddown the relation is better to do (Relation * 0,002)


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

The new energy part seams exiting but I find it a bit strange that there isn't a part for the industrial player in it. You would think that making, converting, transferring energy is an industrial process.


(41 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

Great corp, love the adult attitude. No swearing or endless negative complaining on Teamspeak.

This is definitely not a corp where the officers decide and the other need to fall in line.
I've as new member they really listen to my input.



(9 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Golden One wrote:

Also don't need to worry about relations at all for the same reason.  You are directly entering your production numbers from your factory so all the math that goes into figuring those out is unnecessary.

Tx for the clarification.
I do the math inside my sheet so I can calculate the impact of skill raises.
So I can decide witch skill I give priority. Figuring out what's behind the numbers I what I like tongue


(9 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

I'm only playing for 3 weeks so I know I have a limited knowledge, but I thing your calc with the refining skill is wrong.
You simple divided it, as far as my limited expericans it's ore*(1+skill level*0,03)
Also you don't calc the reputation, with is rounddown of (rep/10)*0,03 I think.

I'm also in the process of making a spreadsheet with my finding. Let's work together to figure everthing out on the indutrial side of this lovely game.

Industrial sheet  (input only in the blue boxes)


(17 replies, posted in Q & A)

Plz verify my refining formula :

waste factor = (material rate / 100) - (refining ext level * 0,03) - (RoundDown(Relation/10))
needed input = base rate * (1 + waste factor)

Example for refining titan in titanium:
Material rate(aka station rate) = 30,  Refining Ext = 3, Relation = 0
waste = 0,3 - 0,09 - 0 = 0,21

Base rate for titatium is 30 titan
input = 30 * 1,21 = 36