Thanks for the replies everyone, I've find a corporation.

Well, lets see where to start.  Wow, if I knew more about this game before that pile of other crap launched to months ago I would of saved a dime.  I love mech type games and they are in short supply.

So lets see, I currently run my own guild website( we got about 20 members, but none are interested in coming over to this game so time to give it up and join some other peeps that are like minded.

I can provide a ventrillo server if your corporation needs one. (Website as well with forum if needed too)

So who am I?  I'm Rije.  I'm a married 28yr old in Ohio with two kids 3 and 1, that is unfortunately on a layoff until Mid' Jan(Or is fortunate?) so maybe play times are normally thoughout the day at various times, but normally after 9-10pm EST until 1am or so.

What do I offer to help you out?  Not sure, I'm a cool dude that sometimes talks to much but overall is a relaxed player that tries to excel at any game I play.  I'm currently more specced for combat though I haven't spent all my EP because I am trying to get a better feel for the game as to what route I intend to go.  I've normally been a crafter in every game, but wanted to take a break from that.

What am I looking for?  A group of people that aren't to serious about life and the game isn't their reason for existing(Meaning if your  overally hardcore its probably not going to work out)  And I just want some people to play with, this is a multiplayer game after all and it'll make the game fun.  As for ventrillo I normally do not get on until the evening unless the wife is home and has the kids as being strapped down isn't something I like to get into, you never know when a soiled diaper will come.

Zhyntil, that maybe the problem if thats the case, I didn't even think of that.  I was fully unloaded as I was going for fastest movement possible.  I'll look into it sometime to day to confirm if that maybe my issues for some of them.

EDIT: That indeed is the problem that I will be overloaded with more than one.

Devs: Feel free to delete this post then, as it is not a bug.

I took three Transport Missions from ICS Alpha to the same location.  Looks like you can only do one a time, which was fine.

You can't choose, Datafile #1 was the only one that would go in m inventory.  I went to other location, was going to pick up another Transport to take it to ICS Alpha, but I was unable to put the items in my cargo even after exiting and reentering the station.  I aborted my previous to missions, hoping maybe that would clear it up.  It did not.  I was able to transfer one of the "Elephant #3" Datafiles to my inventory after I split the stack, but that was all.  I aborted that mission as well.