(32 replies, posted in General discussion)

Martha Stuart wrote:

personally i would rather have all of the Dev's time dedicated to the mission revamp and steam launch, and not being side tracked into something that will not really help the games current situation at all.

especially since the long awaited mission revamp doesn't actually revamp missions - it just gives it a new UI


(55 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Merkle wrote:

I would also like to point out, no matter how big of wang that can be put in my mouth.  I'll ***, and complain that it is too small, and say I want a bigger one.



(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

Its gonna be possible to kill people no matter what you change, the question is should five guys be able to cover six islands instantly.

For me that's a no brainer.

Static epi spawns would make stations worth something to a corp to take. Passive epi is the opposite and dumb.

DEV Zoom wrote:

This is an early warning that we have made a decision to remove Epriton from gamma islands, and soon it will be only available on beta islands.

The reason for this change is that with the introduction of gamma islands the role and importance of betas has changed. Gammas turned out to be too self-sustaining, while the reasons to have a constant beta presence for corporations became pretty optional. Our hope is that with this change betas can again become an important part of the game's PvP mechanics like they once used to be.

Like in the case of similar changes in the past, Epriton won't suddenly disappear from gammas, only the generation of new fields will be stopped.

The exact date for this change will be announced later.

Great first step. I wont mentiuon that I suggested this in the gamma expansion comments .. but its important that its done.

I also want to thank you for notifying BEFORE it happens. Long may this communication style continue.

Lastly you could do with making beta and gamma resources finite like in the old system. Then finally resource gathering should be a focus for pvp.


(1,455 replies, posted in General discussion)

I don't think you should have more than five sparks and there should be no ability to spark too a beta island


(95 replies, posted in General discussion)

Two points

Whatever the size of your  base island add to that the maximum range of turrets.

Secondly limiting a base without limiting terraforming will just cause people to make walls with difficult terraforming.


(95 replies, posted in General discussion)

You can do whatever you want in 100% safety on gamma. That cant be working as intended.


(95 replies, posted in General discussion)

while siege bots would be nice they require art work and 3d moddling and per doesn't have the devs for that right now. I think Merkle's plan is a good stepping stone - especially as Gamma doesn't need to be end game but just the first step to Epsilon islands perhaps which are closer to our current mechanics.


(95 replies, posted in General discussion)

Agree with Merkle tbh.

Two things I would add:

the 3km limit needs to apply to terraforming also, with the intention of having 3km islands of a base rather than a whole island of terraforming. Open teleports, mining spots that need to be defended etc.

Once a terminal goes down it cannot be picked up again, terminal costs need to increase X 5 and dropping a terminal removes all mining spots within 3km

Intrusion 3.0

The old:

The great thing about the original system was massive fights that required people to attend to win.

The bad thing about it was the all or nothing of it. At this point stations were considered fairly meh to own as you couldn't lock people out and it was just based upon station income.

The new:

The great thing about this is you don't have to show up for every sap. Its a gradual process. You also have the ability to lock people out of stations making intrusions more consequential. As people are now recognizing the income from missions this made stations more valuable.

The bad thing about it is it increases the chances for blue balling to epic proportions. With thatr it also reduces the ability to have epic fights.

What I would suggest is mixing the two systems together. Keep station ownership linked to the saps of the current system. Make locking related to the old system. In order to lock a station you would be required to have that station at 100%. This would allow you to see intrusion times for the next 7 days, You would then set a globally advertised locking intrusion that everyone can see with a minimum of 48 hours notice. Upon successful completion of this intrusion your station would lock.

Once a station is locked then no more mini intrusions can take place. It would need to be unlocked. Intrusion times would be advertised and you would need to pick one in the same way as locking to unlock. A succesful unlock would reduce the station back to zero. A successful defence would allow you to block one timer a week to a maximum of two timers a week.

To make it clear:

>Current system to get your station to 100%

>Once at 100% you can choose to lock your station by advertising an intrusion with 48 hours notice

>Successful lock would stop current system intrusions

>To unlock you need to give 48 hours notice to pick an advertised intrusion

>Unlocking reduces a station to zero

>Limit on one lock / unlock intrusion a week