(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

based on the size of *** bubble, knowing how many subed accounts we have active gives me an idea of just how few people play the game.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

How about keeping heavies as they are but implanting "heavy or large" weapons?  Perhaps a heavy weapon takes two weapon slots, but is still limited by the range of the mech... that leaves new bigger class bots available in the future.


Large weapons could be made into short range carnage and longer range siege.   The short range weapons could have horrible cpu and accumulator usage making them restricted to but the most skilled pilots and the long range version could be maxed out at the same range a t3 boosted turret would be at.

That way a highly skilled warrior could try and take turrets out 1 at a time rather than wading into a huge dps fest without being so over powered they knock down gamas without effort.

Jita is just a kill board monger.. listen to his argument of wanting to kill industrials with no risk.... how's that a challenging pvp ?> that's a crap pvp player looking for easy defenseless targets to pad his kill board.  absolutely drop a terminal on a mining spot and make the crap pvp guys shoot a few turrets to get to the easy defenseless targets.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

I tried to start this post before where everyone brain storms about things that they would love to see ingame.  It didn't get any responces.  I'll try again~

I would like to see tanks.  Tanks are the king of human battlefield tech.  It would only make sence that we tried to bring it to nia.

Light bot tracked or wheeled tanks, mech class tanks, and heavy tanks... heavy armor, mediocre firepower, low command/(head slots)..   Cheep ep to get into.   So cheep that new players would see it as a way to get into end game quickly with some usefulness.

Gliders.   Fast and extremely lightly armored.  Best climb rate in the game.  There usefulness is in negotiating terrain.  Glider vs glider fights would be fun.  Great scouts    Little firepower but lots of head slots.  Not very good at ewar as that would make light ewar bots useless.  I see light and assault gliders useful, but mech and heavy gliders as more transport like the scarab.   Very little defense but with great usefulness.

deployable structures...   Indy would deploy temporary turrets to defend their mining operations.   They simply target an enemy and the turrets fire at it.

Non-eppi/noralgis resources for t4 equipment.   Facie it the need for eppi and noralgis is a pain in the ***, I'd like to see the race specific tech use something other that just these two resources.   And don't make them so hard to get at.

Incubators not so hard to use.  I've tried to plant helio on gama and I've never found a spot where it would work.  I want fields of incubators and I have none.


(56 replies, posted in General discussion)

I see merit in the last two posts, but as I stated earlier its exactly the ep gap that drove me away from eve.  That's not an issue with me personally because I've been playing along time, however, as the game progresses it will become more of an issue here as it was with eve.

Since the announcement of gama reset I've found I have almost nothing to work towards.  IE  endgame is important.  As in in eve when I couldn't join all my friends in the intrusions events because I choose to specialize in a direction that didn't make it possible for me.  So here in perp it will also become an issue when new players want to venture past alphas and find there not qualified to run with the big dogs.


(5 replies, posted in Bugs)

yeah i get the old hydra corp buildings back


(5 replies, posted in Bugs)

When ever our corp donations folder gets full the entire corp folder/ personal folder lag starts.  When I take all the beacon loot out of the folder and repair/stack it.  The lag seems to disapear.  Several of my members have noticed this.  Didn't we have some sort of plan on stacking broken items in folders?   reds, yellow, and white stacks?  Seems that would fix alot of this lag.


(2 replies, posted in Bugs)

Its related to corp finances.   This reset happens whenever anything generates a report in the finance page.  To verify have your corp finances open and teraforming open on another account.  Do a payout of 1 nic to any member of the corp.  As soon as you hit ok your teraforming will reset.    If you produce on the company account, it registers a ticker too.  With the heavy production of our corp your lucky to get 20 seconds of teraforming done.

I have no faith in rift.. others have tried and failed horrible.... I had a friend who paid hundreds for a similar product... he used it for 1 weekend and never used it again.


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

I agree with merkle.... if the influx of players effects server lag, this game will suffer immense player losses.. I certainly hope for a gazillion new players, but now I'm starting to worry merkle is right... too much will be a disaster.


(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

yah and the blog never got posted


(95 replies, posted in General discussion)

if pc's can put a plasma bomb in a sequer then so shouldn't the npc's.. prevents wall construction as walls will randomly be targeted by sappers.  that problem solved.. walls will need to be up kept also.


(95 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'm on to something here..  1700% increased red spawn activity on gama.   Give them the ability to target player made structures,  Give red indy the ability to undo terraforming...

gama becomes the front lines the benefit is the npc drops on the battlefield...

weekly ebbs in npc presence with rare random spawns of advanced mech that are stronger than the normal red npc.

gama becomes the front lines in the nian war where gama's have to be upkeep and repaired against an onslaught of npc's

programing wise it is 1 change to industrial ai, and one change to turrits/npc interactions


(95 replies, posted in General discussion)

lets take the game lore into consideration.. is gama the front lines of the nian war?  no! you can't call 5 roaming red spawns per gama as being the nian front line force... there has to be a buffer zone between alpha and the organized mega structures of the nian forces.  Delta islands need to be supper heavy npc roams and maybe even boss spawns with respawn timers.  lets see what these wimpy nian's can field!  I want to see nian capitols with forces that can challenge 50+member corps.


(30 replies, posted in General discussion)

I don't see a problem.... stc can't defend 13 beta sites against  dozens of hungry new corps... they will only defend the ones most beneficial to them, and the new guys can brag in general chat all day.

Dev zoom posted in another post that this reset isn't gona happen gunner


(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

Dev zoom said in general chat that steam release will be a month late.  and it was stated prior that it would be by the end of summer... your looking at 2monts minimum... he also said this week a blog would be posted outlining mission/tutorial rework and steam release

Seems simple work around... dedicated reactor and batteries to ewar..   Even if the batteries are depleted, a well fed reactor should be able to feed a bunch of them.  With proper balanced you can always have active ewar even if its just fewer.      If this is done right, then they have to deal with physically damaging the ewar while the turrets shoot at them inside the base. 

The days of 500 ewar turrets lagging the gama could be over?


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

how about npc mercs to protect your gama... since the change to the terraforming around structures thing on gamma it would be good to have something to shoot at the tera formers ... even if its just chump npc crew.  they wouldn't be tough, but would require nic to keep them in employment.  Make a gama structure called a deployment terminal and the npc's spawn there and randomly walk around within a radius.  Higher tier structures employ stronger npc's


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

1st off... its a robot world with no flyers....   How about npc quad copter scouts that hover nearby and direct red mobs in your direction if you don't shoot them...

2nd player version quad scout flyer .. deploy a quad scout it just flies in a circle and enemies show up on your radar if near by to the scout.  counts as a squad member and is targetable by npc reds...  higher tier have larger radar and larger flying radius or  higher speeds.

3rd Deployable point defense systems.. a consumable light auto cannon turret that shoots your target,  need Indy skills to deploy them... you target they shoot your target.  last about an hour and self destruct or repackage themselves so they can be recovered, Ie, recharge batteries and reload ammo, so they need to be repaired before redeployment.  Higher tier for longer range and better rates of fire. targetable by npc's

4)aoe mortars ... inaccurate adjust power level for distance and take bot direction for fire direction.  would make interesting turrets for terminals too.

5)large weapons, takes 2 weapon slots, think mortars on heavies, siege weapons  etc..

what would you guys like to see?