Topic: Perp expansion

I tried to start this post before where everyone brain storms about things that they would love to see ingame.  It didn't get any responces.  I'll try again~

I would like to see tanks.  Tanks are the king of human battlefield tech.  It would only make sence that we tried to bring it to nia.

Light bot tracked or wheeled tanks, mech class tanks, and heavy tanks... heavy armor, mediocre firepower, low command/(head slots)..   Cheep ep to get into.   So cheep that new players would see it as a way to get into end game quickly with some usefulness.

Gliders.   Fast and extremely lightly armored.  Best climb rate in the game.  There usefulness is in negotiating terrain.  Glider vs glider fights would be fun.  Great scouts    Little firepower but lots of head slots.  Not very good at ewar as that would make light ewar bots useless.  I see light and assault gliders useful, but mech and heavy gliders as more transport like the scarab.   Very little defense but with great usefulness.

deployable structures...   Indy would deploy temporary turrets to defend their mining operations.   They simply target an enemy and the turrets fire at it.

Non-eppi/noralgis resources for t4 equipment.   Facie it the need for eppi and noralgis is a pain in the ***, I'd like to see the race specific tech use something other that just these two resources.   And don't make them so hard to get at.

Incubators not so hard to use.  I've tried to plant helio on gama and I've never found a spot where it would work.  I want fields of incubators and I have none.

2 (edited by Celebro 2014-02-21 00:04:07)

Re: Perp expansion

More bigger badder bots, I know we all want them, there would be, if Perpetuum would have kept growing I am sure the Devs would like to make them too, but it has shrank and with Steam there is some hope but this thing is gonna take quite a while.

Epri could be split to 3 different resources one for every faction, the factional ores don't work as it was intended becuase you can just mine it in alpha and there is no conflict.


Re: Perp expansion

More bots with wheels. smile

4 (edited by Blackice001 2014-02-21 01:48:47)

Re: Perp expansion

How about keeping heavies as they are but implanting "heavy or large" weapons?  Perhaps a heavy weapon takes two weapon slots, but is still limited by the range of the mech... that leaves new bigger class bots available in the future.


Large weapons could be made into short range carnage and longer range siege.   The short range weapons could have horrible cpu and accumulator usage making them restricted to but the most skilled pilots and the long range version could be maxed out at the same range a t3 boosted turret would be at.

That way a highly skilled warrior could try and take turrets out 1 at a time rather than wading into a huge dps fest without being so over powered they knock down gamas without effort.