Rex Amelius wrote:

I really think that the nerf to spawns on all the islands that happened ages ago was the point where what the OP is talking about occured.

I remember when I first started you had to learn quick that the NPCs didnt mess around.  I lost quite a few castels in the early days but it was exciting, heart in your throat stuff.  Running out in your new bot to kill or be killed and getting away with 3hp got the heart going and hooked me.

Looking at the alpha 1 islands now its Arkhes every where (NPCs).  You need to go a long way to find a spawn that will give you a run for your money.  Bring back the alpha spawns close to the terminals and the roaming mobs/observers.  First time I meet an observer it supprised the ^$#* outa me, was only a Baph but trying to work out a way to kill them in a light bot gave me hours of fun.

Not sure this has made sence but I have had dealings with a few new players over the last couple of weeks trying to get some of them to stay, but trying to find a spawn close to terminal enough as they need to use plates due to only starting out which means they are going slow so a 10min walk or longer looking for a spawn for just the 3U cargo of a light bot minus the ammo they are carrying I will admit is very dull.

Hope they bring back the good old days...

That's damn right! I remember thinking how cool it was that the NPCs could eat me alive if I went the wrong way. NPCs in EVE bored the *** out of me from day one, so I was always impressed with Perp's more dangerous NPCs.

Wow. It is amazing in how many ways Perp mirrors EvE tongue. Because during my EvE time, many Lvl 4 missions were significantly nerfed. From dangerous and exciting to boring, just as KUSTOMROD said island spawns were nerfed.

Celebro wrote:

Well perpetuum is just different, there is a much easier way: click the tile with ore and press f or r to lock then activate miners. I don't see how that's less intuitive than eve, we just get used to what is familiar. Tbh Perp has far less mouse usage than eve,  for more keyboard use.

Thanks for the hint smile.

Still, I think locking for terrain could be dropped competely. It's not like terrain will fight back and needs to be balanced for combat. For combat, I'll withhold judgment until I know the game a bit better wink.


(10 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ran into this too.

The tutorial actually says to use the directional scanner, as Gemrod suggested. I did so and it led me to an area on a hill south/southeast of the ICS terminal. I guess it is the same area as mentioned by Goffer, as it is usually guarded by two Yagels and one Cameleon. And yes, a Arhke with only one autocannon will be unable to handle those.

There is at least one more thing wrong with that tutorial assignment:
It does not say how much titan is needed to complete the mission, although it suggets taking a significant amount of drill charges.

There is indeed another deposit near the coast. I got my titanium there and I'm on my way back now.

DeoJT wrote:

Eve had, and still has, MAJOR issues with communication from the mission directions to the players reading them. The mission description or directions consist of, "go here, do this.". As vague and quite literally, as clear as mud. I never really considered myself a serious gamer, still don't, but I can at least understand, follow instruction, and learn a game. It is REALLY frustrating to enter a game, have all these windows pop up (or just on) with different things to read and see in them. Deo

Funny that you mention this, because I have similar difficulaties with Perpetuum. Having played EvE for over two years, I'm used to steep learning curves wink

But even so, Perpetuum manages to be even less intuitive sometimes. In really boneheaded ways. Two things that really irritated me in the one day I'm playing now, just as examples:

1) Mining. Before you can start that miner module, you have to lock the tile with the ore, AND you have to go through the landmark info from the menu. That can be done waay easier, here is how I would design it:

  • -Select the tile with a single click. 
    -Start mining module. At this point, the miner will give you an error message if the tile does not have the right mineral for the miner or is out of range. Otherwise,  minig starts.

2) Collection missions with "get this part from point B". Nowhere does the mission description say that you have to interact with the inconspicious little white icon nearby. That almost made me crazy until I finally got the idea roll. Better:
Make the little "crate" at the collection point itself interactable.

But aside from those little usability problems, Perpetuum is a lot like "EvE on the ground". At this point, I consider it possible that I might stay around after the trial period.  smile