Password protected corporate hangar folders!!


(102 replies, posted in Recruitment forum)

STC gave me the boot for returning to Perpetuum on April 2nd, when the game became free to play. No reason given and no one wants to explain. New player be warned, not as player friendly as STC says.

Somethings with EVE vs Perp... In 2003 when EVE was new. The market was very similar to how it is in Perp. What made EVE's market what it is today was thousands of players selling the junk they got as loot. The beginner school stations had basic T1 stuff... talking civilian shield boosters, shuttles, but what you could get were the blueprints to make your own modules. From the BPOs players got smart and first sold there T1 stuff at there home base which was a starter school. To speed up the process of populating the market, mission offers of 1000s of ammunition or  100s of modules would be rewarded to players. Naturally a player would not need 100 inertia stabilizers so they were sold on the market by the player.
Perp players need to take an active interest in populating the market. Why has it not been done so already... I think the costs involved are a major factor. Its very costly to research a prototype module. Or that a CT gradually decays and gets worse the more used it is, and as a double hit, new players lack the skills to get a good CT from the start. So the CT made requires extra waste materials that a new player has to spend more time harvesting/mining. Furthermore the refining waste increases the cost for a new player to build... This is where veterian players have to step up and build up the market. Meanwhile new players think the game is broken and quit. Thanks for allowing the disguntled veterian players a means to sabotage the game.
But the markets are seeded to an extent... some items show infinate supply, mostly the items needed to aquire construction materials; mining charges, geoscan charges, T1 modules for harvesting/mining, and even basic weaponry for hunting killing basic spawns for the salvage materials needed. So newbies, we have the tools just not the extentions to make those tools useful for us. This is where assignments could pick up the slack and carry the new player. How so? Well, why not reward the player with crafting materials for doing industrial missions. Mine 2500 units of titan ore, why not get rewarded with the perfect refine quantity of titanium from that titan ore? Mine HDT, harvest Helio, gather a few other items and then get the reward for some more crafting materials. Ok we're sent to recover some artifact, and get a decoder rewarded in the process. Now the new player can do a combat mission to get a module to reverse engineer and by doing "gathering assignmets" get the crafting materials to build that module, waste % included. What's to stop a player from doing the same assignment over and over like we can do currently... make the assignment random like the missions are in EVE. EVE mission are not predictable, there is a % of types based upon agent but even for a 100% combat agent, players can't predict if its "worlds collide" next or "downing the slavers" or maybe "angel extravaganza". What will force a player to move is increasing difficulty of assignments. Want a player to progress then force them to build that kinetic armor hardner so they can complete the assignment but providing a challenge. And maybe give us the "*HINT* you may need a kinetic armor hardner" in the assignment details. More to come later about this...


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

corporate colors for mechs: allow corporations to set a color theme (maybe strip bars, stars, etc) on the chasis of a mech to further show that the player is a member of such corporation.


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

I've heard and read alot about current issues with gamma islands, teraforming, and outposts. I don't think the devs ment for teraforming to be manipulated in such a way that it has to limit players from accessing game content. So I thought of a few ideas...
Jetpacks, a module that would allow a mech to jump a set hieight (based upon weight) and come down with a controlled landing.
It would:

  • use a great deal of accumulator to activate

  • be limited to a few forms of mech(s)

  • be directional based upon momentum/direction traveled when the module was activated...
    (ie no movement is straight up & down again. forward at 50KPS would result in a forward direction of similar speed.

  • cause damage if landing on an impassible tile and the mech would tumble down till it reached a passible tile or in case of water, die. if falling down a slope caused enough damage the mech would explode. landing to far into water and well looting the wreck would be difficult to impossible.

  • make the mech easy to hit due to line of sight

  • during the landing have trusters slow the mech down so while landing a mech would be vulnerable and after landing be a bit slow to accelerate moving. (landing would cause the mech to hover a few meters above the ground for a few seconds [1-3 ish])

  • maybe disable the targeting system of the mech while it's using the jetpack module to jump.

  • require a few seconds of charging before launching the mech into the air, based upon mass of the mech
    (accumulator consumption, landing, and charging time should slow the process enough that it can't be abused for a fast way to travel)

  • have a nice animation for the charging, launch, glide to ground, and landing sequences

Yes those walls would be a burden no more... and for city structures well make jumping over them impossible by hitting an invisible/visible side wall of the building. landing on a another mech would be funny but not safe for the mech landing as it will tumble and take damage.