(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

OK, lots of good advise here so here's what I did: First off I'm apologizing to Perpetuum, I understand its not their fault,but when things go bad it bugs me trying to find out why, also, been going over all the advise here. Restarted Aero, then tried again, Peretuum went right in, go figure, then sat back to see what else I did, got a new download of drivers for my card, they were outdated.

The new drivers made my card run different, my screen res for my widescreen tv I'm using is 1900x1080 and at first it didn't fit the screen so i had to adjust it to fit in the settings, and was running some odd 1800xsomething, but with the new drivers, the screen runs great at the regular settings. Then went to compatibility just to see, there were two new things there that never were before, one said soothing about not running at maximum settings for high dp, my screen is 1080p so I checked that giving it the option, and that fixed it. Now I get updates and it goes right in and runs and I'll see about my other problems later. I have a antivirus and it works, Avast..and it catches stuff online almost every day. I also do the windows security scan to make sure, and have found no problems.


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

After all this messing around, the answer to my original problem as: I was running win 7 Areo..or however you spell it, and Perpetuum wasn't compatible with it, so I had to change my setup to win 7 Basic, for a different color scheme or something having to do with DX, but now it works ok, but the change messed 7 up a lot of my other stuff, like all my auto passwords and sign ins from several sites are now gone, and I cant even use auto sign in even for MSN because it now makes me sign in manually every time. To be honest, the game is ok, but if I'd known all this when it started giving me troubles, and getting error messages saying it wasn't compatible, I would have played something else instead of losing all the stuff I lost when it converted back to basic...


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

Interface Type     PCI Express 2.0
Connector(s)     DVI
Multiple Monitors Support     Yes
Max. Monitors Supported     2
Chipset     NVIDIA GeForce
GPU Series     NVIDIA GeForce 400 Series
Lifestyle     Performance
GPU/VPU     GeForce GT 440
Maximum Resolution     2560 x 1600
Additional Features     NVIDIA CUDA
      PhysX by NVIDIA
      NVIDIA 3D Vision Surround Ready
Maximum Analog Resolution     2048 x 1536
Maximum Digital Resolution     2560 x 1600
Video Card Profile     Standard
Memory Type     GDDR5
Memory Interface     128-bit
Video Memory     1024MB
Stream Processors     96
Core Clock     822 MHz
Memory Clock     3200 MHz
Shader Clock     1644 MHz
Overclocked     Yes
APIs     DirectX 11
1080p Support     Yes
Video Output     DVI
Low Profile     No
Cooling Type     Fan
Specification Notes
Specification Notes     [6] To provide the most accurate specifications, the specifications listed are base upon information provided by the vendor.

thats my card, I think its ok for here...


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

Got a driver update for my video card today, and the second I tried getting on Perpetuum, I got a message saying that it was an incompatible program. I ran the trouble shooter and it went on about could not start the direct x, or some nonsense, so I restarted the game by going back to the previous setup, and then reloading the last update, I found 2 new comments under 'compatibility' that were never there before, something about ignoring the desktop settings, and another about not using something if trying to run at high (1080p) levels. So now I'm running at the generic settings just like originally, and after an hour and a half, no crashes or disconnects. Did notice some small rubber-banding in fights with drones, but not bad. I got a message when I got it started saying that window had to drop to win 7 basic for the colors needed to run it...but it working at least.


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

Vehacan..ty for the advice, did that right after I got my machine. It never shuts down anyways when I'm using the internet, but it did when I'm offline playing other single player games, so learned about that quick.If I played a single player game for an hour, then when I quit, I had to reset my card before going online, but it isn't made to shut down if your using it, only when it isn't needed.


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

So, as a near novice here and looking at the new map. I must think that the Gamma islands are harder and more dangerous than the Betas, since you have to travel through a beta to get to any gamma island. From what I've seen they were added to the outer edge of the old system and theres no way to get to them until you've been able to live in Beta first. Oh well, that's one way to limit the number of miners there,lol.


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

Either way, it doesn't look like the problem is going to go away anytime soon. TY for the answers, I'll have to weigh wither the fun I get from shooting things as worth the mess of getting thrown out too frequently.


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

Pa, east coast of the USA. I have  a 3 meg per sec internet DSL, and it hasn't given me any troubles, even watching movies or playing other games..The original setup was something like...1200xsomething for the resolution and my screen standard is 1900x1000..I think, I changed that, but that shouldn't be the problem. If it keeps going like this....I'll play until my month runs out, a little at a time, then delete it from my machine.


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

yes, a disconnect, it throws me back to the login, goes through the whole...searching for server, server not found, sometimes it does, then I log in again, it says, I'm already logged in on another machine, which is false, I live alone...but it counts it that way. I log in again, get my character turn and run from bad guys, and before I get back to camp, I'm back on the login again. If I mine, sometimes it just shuts me off, my ticket got answered saying that mining is not an activity, therefore, it doesn't count towards keeping you on the game and it thinks I'm AFK.

I play Eve online, Steam including XTC/XAP/ and a few others, I use this machine for news, tv streaming videos, and no problem, but here...I cant play for an hour without getting tossed out. I even heard some odd 'burrrr' noise while running away from bad guys once before a shut down, and never did before..I like the game even did some fan fiction for it before, but its driving me nuts trying to figure out why it doing this.


(31 replies, posted in General discussion)

OK, here's the question: I have been here before and now I came back to play for a while. I started a new guy and every time I get into a fight/mine for more than 15 minutes/ or start harvesting anything I get a server crash. I sent in two tickets one replied that mining isn't a real movement of any kind, therefore standing mining allows you to be thought of as AFK and they shut you down. Thats what they said anyways, so I tried everything, mining and moving from time to time and then hunting instead, and even with bots chasing me and me shooting back, server crashes, and back to my login. A lot of times it didn't even restart for me, and I had to go all the way back to the desktop and come back because the search said it couldn't find the server.

I'm trying to be fair here, not trying to blame the game or my setup, which works great for everything online except here. I have a quad core with 3.0 and a Geforce gt 440 card, and 6 gig in ram, I really don't think that's the problem. Anyone else having server crashes fairly often? I paid for the month but its really starting to get to me, cant mine more than an Arke full without a shut down and just got another while fighting with 4 drones while running away, so that's not lack of movement..lol.