(92 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Most of the large corps will mine only for internal purposes, - Why i will mine for market when my corp can build anything for me from my resources ?
So market wouldn't suffer so much,

On other side new players will be sad sad looking at 4-6 Rivellers mk2 that will deplete any resource field on alpha2 within few hours.

RLWarrior wrote:

So instead of giving maybe a gift to everyone here thats already playing the game,you put a bunch of codes on steam so a few kids can sit there all day until you post one or at the end all of them and redeem them all.You need to give everyone a improbability case or something for greenlight because we were actually playing the game instead of sitting on steam. There is no question about this,it is a fact.Hell if i were you i would try and keep everyone that is playing currently, im sure im not the only one that sees the number besides general chat then divides by 3 to get the real number of people playing because of alts.

Oh lol you cant spent 10-20 dollars per month to Perpetuum - so you better to find a job.


(2 replies, posted in Bugs)

will see maybe some one has same problem,  if not ill reinstall windows next weekend


(2 replies, posted in Bugs)

After installing new version of nvidia drivers - 306.97 i have 2-5 second freez when character undock from terminal
DxDiag here http://pastebin.com/8aDvL6qG


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

Celebro wrote:

Also, don't see enough players living there.

If you don't see something behind the wall it's not means that there nothing to see tongue

Why you think multi-boxing is issue ? or there is issue because someone can manage/run at once/pay/etc.. more/better then you ? i have four accounts - why i must suffer because someone have only one account ?

I leave EVE because of tons RTM bots in 0.0 space, i was a member of DRF, about 80% of renters is RMT BOTS, and i see same situation in other huge alliances like Stain Empire, ROL, etc... there is booring roaming when you cant catch none of these bots on cloacked ravens or even just warp out to POS. I dont want to Perpetuum this fate, introducing plex will invite a huge amount of bots, RMT traders etc.... Do we need this ? I think - NO.