Removing attributes and getting rid of specialisation is comming at a cost. The base EP cost for skills should be put at the average EP cost with the attrabutes. If that is the 75 points the devs are putting it at then it is that way.

However I don't mind having attributes, as said they make specialisation available. However I don't like the being stuck in that specialisation for ever. So instead of removing them make them some kind of changeable. But to change them it should take some considerable amount of time and come perhaps at a cost.


(69 replies, posted in Balancing)

Moderation is always handy, but could we get back to the topic?

I agree with the risk you take to deploy each time. And that risk is getting blownup (yes evenf or miners).
But as I see it the biggest problem are the SO that are hard to near impossible to avoid or run away from. Or you have to drop everything on a miner for speed. This I don't think is a healthy balance. You should be able to still reap decent rewards if you fit for survival of the SO. How this is done depends on how the devs want to balance them out.

However the devs should still avoid it to make them the most profitable farming for combat orientated players. It will be hard balance to find, but I'm sure with the feedback in this topic and perhaps a discussion where the devs would join in would bring in a desirable result for all.

As the others said: not needed, but that doesn't take away that it is a nice to have.
However I can't complain about the posting efficiency from my iPhone, it sometimes even goes faster then with the browser on a PC.

My guess is that characters are whiped after the end of the beta, as in most p2p games. Which is if you ask me a good thing in this subscription model.

However when a list of characters for paid account would be nice with the accumulated EP and an overview of the spend EP in extensions.

Well as a new player, I won't mind the recruitement channel on default. But I wouldn't mind it missing like it is now either. I've picked up the trial to try out the game not to look for a corp at start, I always try to get tot know the basic game mechanics and decide if the game as lasting power for me before I start looking for a corp. This process takes roughly two weeks for me.

However what certainly has to be stated more clearly is where to look for recruitement, by for instance putting the link to the channel as a message somewhere as long as a player hasn't joined a corporation. Or a separate button at the top and include this in the tutorial to be mentioned.

Dan wrote:
0110011100001111001010001 wrote:

Whats Steam?

Yeah, advertising Perpetuum via Steam would be great. But then we would have a problem with running multiple clients, would we?

As far as I know not all games sold on Steam got their DRM system or works on Steamworks. Especially mmo's I would think are in that, as you buy the game from Steam, gets a code that you then use to activate an account on the developers website. At least that is how it worked with one of the earlier mmorpgs I bought on steam.


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

Kroth wrote:

The restrictions have worked though. The buddies I've shown the game to have all thrown a months sub at it just to get full access as it was annoying being locked out of the market and its not like the sub is expensive.

I did the same, but if you ask me that shouldn't be the main reason for the lock. A trial is to test out the game and being locked out of a mechanic that is a major part isn't showing people really what the game is like.

But somehow I agree with the lock as I can imagine that the market is pretty fragile with the current number of players and making it available to trials would possible ruin it.

Now for if there are other and better systems? Probably some can be found, but the suggested in the OP is indeed not going to help much. A limit will only slow down the process a little as you will need only to make more trials to get the amount you want.

What however could work is setting up a sub-market for trials, what do I mean with this. It is the market but only accessible for trial accounts. Of course you won't find big stuff in there as a trial account is pretty limited in what he can make and produce. To solve this let non-trials also be able to make sell orders but not buying anything of it. There should be also a restriction of a maximum of NIC a non-trial account can put on there each month. Like a sell orders that max out to a maximum of 500k NIC each month, and the total NIC of sell orders on that market may not exceed that. So if a non-trial puts up sell orders for 500k NIC and those aren't sold in the month they won't be able to add more the next month, or until some of the older orders are sold.

Another limit to this sub-market would be the type of items that can be sold on there. Like for robots only the small ones. And for weapons only the light and perhaps some medium. And resources perhaps as well for the limit.

This way the trial members will have a market (though limited) to enjoy, and the amount of NIC to get out of the market is limited to 500k NIC/month for a paid account. This limit could be researched more to not screw the full market. But the limit shouldn't be put on a per trial account (as the OP suggestion) only as that will just favour the creation of more trials to exploit the market.

Well I also joined yesterday and subbed a few hours later. I didn't find it hard to get the controls right of the game as some are very similar to my other game I play, but still plays out pretty different. Which makes a nice change of scenery.

Egil wrote:

Hope you'll enjoy your stay Maikey! Don't forget to spread the word about this great game. wink

But before I go spread the word I first have to see more of the game then what I could in these few hours yesterday. The first impression is good, but does it have the lasting power like the other game I played? That is something I first have to find out, which should take about a week or two smile